The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1458: Strong pursuit

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A clear and sweet cry rang through the ground floor of the black market, above the free market.

A group of more than twenty eagle succubuses, like a group of methodical crows, kept hovering over Domba and Kas and others.

These banshees understand the difference in strength between themselves and the demon guard, so these banshees are not eager to attack, but always follow the top of Dunbar and Kas, from time to time use cyclone or lightning strike to give Dunbar , Cass and their men caused trouble and delayed their speed of action, so that the two demon kings guarded with a group of people, groaning.

But they did not dare to stop and fight back. If there was a delay, they brought Lord Mo Yan, then there is still their way of life?

So Dunba and Kas and others could only bluntly scalp, or even next to a wind blade and lightning strike, and continued to rush towards the exit.

At the same time on the other side.

Wang Yan took his men and just left the door of the blacksmith's shop, and the two eagle-lady rushed over in a hurry, asking for help and reporting.

"You are doing very well, and the lord is very grateful for your enthusiasm and help."

Wang Yanhong nodded appreciatively to the two eagle succubuses. No matter what, this attitude of willingness to pay for his companions has already made Wang Yan very valued.

"Mr. Demon Flame, it's not too late, just over there, we will take you to chase it." The two Hawk Enchantresses were comforted by Zoe, and took off again, flying above the sky to guide Wang Yan and others.

"The two demon kings are guards, and they dare to collude with the black market to move the lord. What should I do next, without saying more about the lord?" Wang Yan was majestic and his eyes swept sharply behind the younger brothers.

"Roar!" There was a roar, and it broke out. These slaves and brothers gathered by Wang Yan had long wanted to serve Wang Yan. At this time, the morale was like a rainbow, and the other party dare to lower their eyelids and take their companions away, which made them more angry and warlike. high.

"Very good!" Wang Yan glanced, and immediately ordered: "Camus, Elsa, Enzo, don't let anyone hurt Zoe, go!"

"My subordinates understand!" Camus, Elsa, and Enzo triumphed slightly, and the next moment disappeared like a cloud of smoke.

Wang Yan immediately looked at the warrior group composed of the ogres Abulon Giantmaul and the Lord of Confusion, and waved his hand with a big wave: "Catch up to the Lord and destroy all the obstacles!"


The strong and terrifying ogres Abulon immediately burst into roar. Although he didn't find any weapon at his disposal, he rammed into a wall head-on.

This violent man-eating monster is like a rushing rhinoceros, ramming all the way, straight out of the building complex, bluntly hit a road, and straight ahead to Dunbar and Kas and others.

That powerful and violent amount of violent violence is like opening a mountain and reclaiming the sea. The whole ground is trembling and trembling. Everything passing by is destroyed. There are crowds of scattered escapes everywhere, crying and howling.

"Hiss." Seeing this, the confusing Lord not only sucked in cold air, but also exclaimed in the corner of his mouth. "This buddy is really obedient. He chases after chasing without turning."

"Don't be stunned, chase me!" The sorrowful lord was quite rough and rueful, and when he waved his big hand, holding the battle axe, he brought several barbarian elite gladiators and followed the open food Behind the demon, straight ahead.

Wang Yan is very satisfied with this ogren who dares to fight and is very obedient. Although this ogren may not be very good at turning, he has such a fierce strength. On the battlefield, it is a capable command. The enemy's frightened fighting machine, who faced a legendary ogre rushing on the face, wasn't cold in his heart?

After the first team had set off, Wang Yan, a pair of overbearing magic wings, displayed a mighty show and jumped into the air, saying: "Other people follow me."

The words did not fall, and the rest waited to follow Wang Yan to the exit. But what surprised Wang Yan the most was that Master Hill, who was beside him, actually twisted the handle hammer and wore goggles. He didn't know when he had put on a kind of semi-metallic equipment like a wing, At this time, flying beside Wang Yan, it was actually very dexterous, and the speed was not slow.

"Master Hill, this is ... did you do it?" Wang Yan couldn't help but inquisitively asked.

According to common sense, the race of Master Hill is not good at flying. Even if it reaches the legendary level, it can escape from gravity for a short time and leap into the air. That is also the result of using its own power to fight gravity and hit the air continuously. Regardless of flight speed, or dexterity, it is far inferior to the natural winged race.

At present, Master Hill suddenly came with a strange set of winged equipment, which really surprised Wang Yan.

"Huh, what a fuss, Master Ben will do more." Master Hill hummed disapprovingly, "Now I have no time to tell you this, the guys dare to take Zoe away, Master Ben is absolutely forgiving Can't get them! "

Master Hill is full of momentum, and the rest are equally morale.

Wang Yan was quite satisfied with this, not much talk at the moment, but accelerated to chase forward.

The situation is still under his control. He could have disregarded the intense monitoring of these people before, but once he dared to pay attention to Wang Yan, they must pay for it.


"Damn! Where is the Hawk Harpy? If these Hawks are so troubled, if it attracts the Lord of the Flame Flame, then it's over!"

Dunbar sandwiched the controlled Zoe, and ran wildly in the vast underground floor like a town, but he could chase the eagle body demon around him, harassing him constantly, and he couldn't help but yell at him.

The same is true of Cass next to him. At this time, they were scolded, and they really had no solution at all.

They listened to the accusation, determined to lower the eyelids of Lord Lord Mo Yan, and took away the appraiser Zoe they had to get, and the real eye in her hand.

But this is a very dangerous action. Once the Lord of the Flames is disturbed, their ending will be absolutely terrible.

Therefore, in the face of the constantly harassing Harpy, how dare they stay back? I had to bite the bullet and rushed forward, holding my breath.

But at this moment.

A wailing wailing suddenly came suddenly above his head.

All the eagles flying in the sky, all at this moment, seemed to be electrocuted, falling from the sky.

All these eagle-body banshees clutched the collar on their necks in pain, and lay down on the floor trembling, as if they were experiencing painful torture.

Dunbar and Kas looked forward, it turned out to be the black market president Ned who was here.

He had already taken two followers and a dozen men at the exit of the first floor of the underground black market, waiting for a long time. With him in place, as long as the slave collar on the neck of the Hawkgirl is activated, and all the organs set on the collar are activated, all the Hawkgirls who dare to resist must be tortured and lose their ability to act.

"Well, a bunch of cheap goods that don't know life or death, dare to block the road of the two generals, it's almost dead!"

At this time, President Ned looked at the spoiled Hawk, sneered, and then greeted the two demon guards, hey smiled and complimented, "Hey, the two generals worked hard, it seems that things have become After that, the next two arrived at the Demon Palace, even if the Lord Lord of Flames had great skills, there would be no way to do it. When I went out to hide, no one could be found in either place. For a long time, that Lord Lord of Flames They can only stop here. "

Such a plan is indeed very thoughtful, but when President Ned just finished speaking, his eyes turned to him in the distance, and a fat face instantly became dark.


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