The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1614: Greeting Your Highness the Son of God

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"Why do you want to leave such an empty space? Isn't God's land worth anything?"

Among Wang Yan's group, Shen Tutianlu scratched his scratchy head and asked with a curious voice. He couldn't figure out what it was for to build such a large square.

"As far as I know, the house prices in Shendu are too expensive. Shouldn't the land be too worthless?" When the word "Qian" was mentioned, the high priest Berika came together again, and she looked around the square. After a while, he overwhelmed Zhang Weidao and said, "Little Taoist, don't you often brag, saying that you will see Feng Shui? Come and see what's going on in this square?"

"Uh, hiss, this, this ..." Zhang Weidao smiled bitterly and waved his hands again and again, "This, this is not right, how can there be such a feng shui bureau? No, it's not right, you can't tell.

Zhang Weidao's embarrassment caused several earth partners around him to laugh, and Wang Yan couldn't help but joke, "Why, **** feng shui is not the same as earth feng shui?"

"Yes, no, no," Zhang Weidao said with a shameful excuse. "The feng shui of **** is different from the feng shui of the earth. Anyway, this square must have its use."

"Yes, this square does have its uses. Usually this area and the uterus of the gods are forbidden places. Why are they all forbidden places? You will know tomorrow morning."

Chilian Demon King, who was leading the way in front of him, also turned around after seeing the lively chatting, and deliberately sold a pass.

"His Majesty, please here."

Then Chilian Demon simply didn't say anything, and continued to lead his way.

Wang Yan and others simply pressed the suspense, followed the Red Demon King through the square, and then walked forward, the **** womb.

The uterus of gods is a large palace community specially set up for the sons of demon gods. Compared to the demon king of the Red Refining Demon King in the Great Fire City, he is more magnificent. Moreover, even if the palace community is empty every day, there are nearly 1,000 standing servants and servants.

In order to welcome the arrival of his son, Satan, the devil, gave orders early. Therefore, the number of servants and maidens has increased more than three times than in the past. The whole palace is decorated with lights and dazzling decorations.

Flowers and red carpets are laid in front of the door. All the slaves and servants are led by the stewards, respectfully lining up on both sides. If it was n’t for Wang Yan to come too suddenly, the devil Satan had already sent someone to welcome the gate of the Great Fire City. go with.

"Boss! Boss! Here, these court ladies are so watery! You look at that, wow ..." The first time I came to such a place, the confusing lord's music couldn't keep his mouth closed, and the saliva almost ran down.

It is nothing more than a confusing lord like a pig brother. Here, each of the slaves and servants who served the demon **** son is carefully selected, regardless of their qualifications and appearance, or ceremonial cultivation, which is the most top-notch existence in the entire purgatory. And the worst background is a big noble with a head and face, most of them are princes and princesses of the surrounding kingdoms.

Many races of **** creatures have a much more difficult chance of succeeding than heirs of the earth. Therefore, it is almost the custom of the **** world to reproduce as many generations as possible, and the instincts carved into the bones of every **** creature. Coupled with the boldness of the folk customs of Hell World, love for men and women has become a very common thing here.

Therefore, in order to be worthy of the honorable son of the Devil God, and the slaves and maidens here must ensure that after being favored by the Son of the Devil God, the bloodlines of the heirs born are pure, it is necessary to select the most outstanding nobles.

Based on this alone, I do n’t know how many sons and daughters of the royal princes and nobles squeezed their scalp to drill into the womb of God. Even if the uterus of God is empty most of the time, even if there is only a little chance, it will make the outside world rush.

To know the opportunity to serve the devil's son, many people can't expect it once in a lifetime. If you are appreciated by the demon god's son while waiting for the devil's son, it is a great opportunity to stand out. If you are lucky, you can be spoiled by the son of the Demon God, and then you will be born a heir, it is really a blessing. Even with the entire family, the entire kingdom will immediately fly to the sky.

"Congratulations to His Royal Highness!"

"May Your Royal Highness be divine and eternally shine the Demon Realm!"

Seeing the extraordinary appearance and extraordinary temperament, Wang Yan was riding a tall and powerful lava **** dog, with a mighty army, headed towards them, these servants and servants greeted by the queue, all their hearts were boiling.

These men and women flashed their eyes one by one, excited according to patience, and the excitement in their hearts was more than words. In their view, Wang Yan's incarnate Demon God's son Mo Yan, handsome and handsome, magnificent, and many dazzling records, is simply a heroic character in their purgatory.

Being able to do things with this almost perfect son of Demon God, they feel glorious when they think about it. If they are appreciated by the Son of Demon God, especially some maidens, if they can be favored by the Son of Demon God, just think about it. They are excited to go to heaven.

"These young people are good, Xiao Chi, you and Camus and others, go back and teach them the rules, and they will be very useful in the future." Wang Yan looked at the excited young people lined up on both sides of the road, and casually approached the lords and Camu Waiting for an order.

If these young men who serve as slave servants are replaced by the age of human beings on the earth, they are no more than seventeen or eighteen years old, and only as little as fifteen or sixteen years old. Coupled with their status and talents, once they are trained, it is equivalent to controlling a large number of prominent princes and nobles, and even large and small kingdoms.

The forces of the devil's children are mostly cultivated from these young people. However, Wang Yan's more intention is to control these princes and nobles. In the future, he will have great protection for the Yanhu City he built and the plane base hidden in the hinterland of Yanhu City.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Camus took Elsa and Enzo together and immediately lowered the leader's life. They are now Wang Yan's instructors and their professional qualities are outstanding.

On the other side, when the Lord of Confusion heard this command, he was almost overjoyed: "Thank you, boss, you are so good to me! I, I must teach these beautiful cuties!"

When the confusing lord thought of such a wicked Devil's cuties, he had to be tuned by him, and Le's mouth could not close. Secretly sighing the days of following Pharaoh, it is really too happy.

However, at this time, Wang Yan gave him a timely blow: "Xiao Chi, the rules are the rules, if you dare to use force, I will break your leg."

The deluded lord suddenly petrified, and his heart turned from joy to sorrow, and secretly he was not as handsome and handsome as the boss. If he didn't need to be strong, how would he go to be a girl?

Sad reminder, want to cry.

Lord Chew and several other men are now considered to be several close friends in the world of **** to Wang Yan, and their loyalty to Wang Yan is beyond doubt. Even in the face of the Devil God, these men will stand on Wang Yan's side without hesitation.

With these hands down, Wang Yan was relieved of training and development.

In this way, Wang Yan brought people into the uterus of the gods, and the defense and security maintenance of this palace community was immediately replaced by the cronies brought by Wang Yan. Many intimate maidens, and several succubus trained by Meier, are under unified training and management. For the security management of the periphery, the guards brought by the father and son of the Red Demon King patrol and alert.

Soon, this large palace community built specifically for the son of Demon God was completely taken over by Wang Yan and his highly trained men.

It was already late at night, and Wang Yan feasted many men and gave corresponding tasks in the future.

After the banquet, the Chilian Demon King did not rest, and took his son to thank Wang Yan again, and then happily left to take office.

Now, under Wang Yan's arrangement, he holds the power of God's City Defense. At this moment, he can't wait to climb up the wall of God's City, and has gone through the addiction of holding power.

Wang Yan didn't stop it, and mastering the city defense of Shendu as soon as possible was also beneficial to his safety.

After the Chilian Demon King left, Wang Yan also signaled many hands to go to rest and relax, and he would formally enter the Demon God's Palace tomorrow morning.

Those Wang Yan's men had been fighting one after another. At this time, they were all a little tired. Under the leadership of the ladies, they went to their rooms to settle down. Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, and Shiva Goddess and others, settled in two adjacent dormitory palaces under the arrangement of Wang Yan, and Lydia lived in another place.

After being busy with this, Wang Yan stretched out, led by the maid, and walked into the bathroom of the palace, soaking in the hot spring comfortably.

This excellent hot rock hot spring is rich in minerals and various elements, has good nourishing the body, eliminate fatigue, promote cell activation, and accelerate wound healing and other magical effects. In the world of hell, where water resources are relatively scarce, this good volcanic hot spring on the pool is worth thousands of gold, which is more expensive than the gold coins used by ordinary civilians.


Under the soaking of the warm and nourishing spring water, Wang Yan comfortably exhaled a turbid breath, and the whole body was soft and relaxed. All the previous tiredness of exhaustion was swept away at this moment.

The steam was steaming and the mist was lingering. Wang Yan was approaching him gradually with a light footstep in the comfort zone.

Opening his eyes, Wang Yan saw a beautiful and beautiful Qianying, standing in front of him in a moving manner.

The comer is the glamorous brutal master.

The Brutal Master has taken off his leather armor and replaced it with a soft tulle. In the mist of the mist, the long beautiful legs and the lines of the buttocks of the Abuse County are looming and moving under this tulle. Her chest is half open, and a pair of plumps are about to come out, and the sturdy waist, almost shows her feminine feminine ~ enchanting characteristics, showing perfection without reservation.

"Devil, Lord Moyan, slave, slave-servant waits for you, bathes ..."

Perhaps it was Wang Yan ’s gaze, and the ruthless county master ’s small heart, which was already full of spring, could n’t help but beating quickly, even speaking because of the nervousness in the heart, it became a little unheard of.

In fact, since she volunteered to stay with Wang Yan, except for Wang Yan's closed-door practice, she spent most of the time personally. Even Wang Yan's personal succubus was because of her struggle to serve, she simply retreated to second-line training. The maid went.

It stands to reason that the brutal prince has waited for Wang Yan to bathe for many times. He should have been accustomed to it for a long time, but the cruel prince always feels something strange.

I do n’t know whether it ’s because of Wang Yan ’s increased strength and strength, or because of Wang Yan ’s gaze. In short, her heartbeat is very fast tonight, as if something is about to happen.

"come on."

Wang Yan nodded, then closed his eyes slightly, leaning on the edge of the hot spring bath.

"Oh, oh ..."

The brutal master was nervous and stunned, and the response came after a half-sound. She didn't know the reason. In short, as long as she was close to the handsome and powerful Lord of the Flames, and smelled the warm breath on him, her usual waywardness and arrogance would disappear, and her heartbeat and luan moved in return. Always lingering, lingering.

At this time, Wang Yan's body was half immersed in water, and the muscle lines exposed on the water outlined an almost perfect arc, full of rich male heroic resources.

This time, the brutal master of the county felt that Wang Yan's breath, which accelerated his heartbeat, was more intense than ever. With patience and little excitement, she puts her delicate fingers on Wang Yan's shoulders as before, and relaxes massage for Wang Yan.

"Magic, Lord Moyan, Shu, are you comfortable?"

The cruel county master asked carefully, whispering, looking at Wang Yan's heroic body in front of her, and touching Wang Yan's sturdy shoulders, she felt that she was almost happy.

However, her inquiry was not answered by Wang Yan. Instead, she unconsciously reached into the palm of Wang Yan's chest, but was grabbed by the other party.

Wang Yan's wrist was slightly mentioned, and the next moment, the cruel county master lost his weight and fell into Wang Yan's arms.

"Oh, oops!"

The warm spring water and Wang Yan's sturdy chest made the abusive county master's pretty face blush.

The hot shame, the tense emotions, the brutal master was completely ignorant.

Lord Mo Yan today is really, really different!

Hey? Wait, what is this for?

Although she looks forward to it, but ...

Hey, oops!


At the same time, another plane.


The rugged mountain range stretches for thousands of miles, and a round of **** red sun hangs high in the sky, separated by a thick black mist, which looks extraordinarily strange and evil.

Under the steep cliff walls, the black waves rolled, like an endless sea, occasionally a huge beast with pierced armor, showing a hill-like back in the black waves.

In fact, the black sea is not a real sea, it is just the dense water mist formed after the dark energy of the endless abyss reacts with the air of this world.

That kind of water mist contains strong negative energy and has terrible erosion. Even a native abyss demon does not dare to go too deep.

What's more, there are many fierce and terrible native species in the endless abyss, and there are many legendary species, even semi-divine strength native species.

In a sense, the abyss world is more cold and terrible than the **** world, and the environment is harsh. Since ancient times, human footprints have been extremely rare.

Below a knife-like cliff wall, a few humanoid monsters with dark horned beetle heads, clasped in the hard rock with their claws, their legs against the cliff wall, the whole body half-hanged to the abyss dark sea.

In his right paw, he held a rough but sturdy barbed spear with a rope tied at the end. Their huge "bull eyes" stared at the abyss without blinking.

They were motionless and blended into the steep cliffs as if they had existed since ancient times.

I do not know how long it has been.

Suddenly, a body seven to eight meters long, with ribbed wings, fish-like, non-fish-like scale armor, swallowed slowly through the black mist, and the large mouth that kept opening and closing swallowed the tiny creatures filtering in the black mist.

Iron scales, that is a species that lives in the endless abyss, is in the middle and lower layers of the food chain, and has a large body and a weak attack. It is the favorite prey of the abyssal race.

"Oh, uh!"

The few horned monsters shot instantly, their spears screamed sharply toward the iron scales, puffed and pierced into its key points, the painful iron scales went down frantically, but several ropes were tightly tightened It was tied to the cliff wall.

For a moment, the iron scales ran out of energy, and let those horned beast heads hang it. The faces of the horned monsters showed a happy look. This time the harvest was good. In addition to half the tax paid to the lord, it was enough for the whole village to eat for ten days and eight days.

In addition, the scales, skin, teeth and bones can be sold as materials.

Good harvest.

But in the abyss world, not every time you go out to hunt, you can get some results. Moreover, the abyss is extremely dangerous, and if you don't pay attention to it, you will lose your bones.

Just when the horned beast dragged its prey, it was difficult to go to the top of the mountain.

Suddenly, the violent energy in the dim sky surged like a tide, and a giant vortex gradually formed, like the eyes of a demon god, exuding endless horror and majesty.

The few horned beasts trembling on the cliff wall, terrified, no matter what that kind of power is, they crushed them like powder.

Uh, uh, uh!

Several figures passed through the vortex and drove into this sky one after another.

Headed by a man wearing a gorgeous black armor, even if he breathes, he can feel his immense strength.

It is as simple as a stop in the void, as high as a mountain.

On his left, is a gorgeous woman wearing crimson armor, tall and bumpy, with a slight lazy breath between her eyebrows, as long as she wants, anyone can crawl under her pomegranate skirt .

The man standing on the right, with long blond hair and wearing high-tech alloy armor, is burly and charming.

The last man wore a gorgeous and complicated robe, a complicated crown, and a scepter in his hand.

These four are exactly the top masters on earth today, Yan Zun Cao Jinglue, Princess Jiuwei Tianhu Linghu Yaofei, Randy the male superhero, and Pope Guangming.

Such a lineup, even if it is placed in the abyss world of the strong like clouds, as long as it does not encounter the abyss demon, almost all can walk sideways.

"Cao Jinglue." The bright Pope said solemnly. "The aura of the abyss world has suppressed me a lot. We must speed up the pace and destroy the four large formations."

Old God Cao Jingluo said: "Please rest assured, I have already had the whole plan in mind. The space node we sent over is only thousands of kilometers away from the nearest formation."

"Hope this time, we can destroy each other's two driving formations." Randy, the male superhero, nodded and said, "So that we can fight for the earth for another five or six years."

"Those abyssal ants saw our whereabouts." Linghu Yaofei glanced coldly at the cliff, "Who will solve it to avoid exposure?"

"I'll take care of every little thing." The Pope of Light waved the scepter with his hand, and a bright white light blasted like a laser cannon, piercing the dark haze sky, and bringing the few horns and prey iron scales together The cliff crashed into pieces.

In the contest involving the survival of the two civilizations, any individual is a humble existence, and is easily crushed into a powder.

The four figures swept away into the distance at an incredible speed. The vortex behind them gradually returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.


The plane of hell, in the womb of God.

The night is quiet, and Wan Lai is silent.

The Sovereign Lord was already asleep, the dark elf led by Camus was hiding on the roof of the palace, and the Sovereign Lord arranged an orderly patrol of the barbarians. The ogres are screaming, and the eagle succubus and the succubus are also quietly resting in their respective palaces.

The divine womb at this time is in the peace and tranquility of the night.

At this moment, Wang Yan came to the dormitories of many partners of the earth with a succubus and a cloak.

Pushing the door to enter, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, Shen Tu Tian Lu and the desert emperor, Shiva goddess and high priest Berika have all been waiting for a long time.

"Son of flames, we waited so long for you to come. We shouldn't have done anything unspeakable before?" The high priest Belika smiled and looked at Wang Yan cunningly. The look was meaningful.

"Well, evil pharaoh, what can't you do?" Shiva Goddess scorned her lips contemptuously. "There are so many demon girls around him, it would be strange if nothing happened!"

With regard to this question, the succubus and charmer around Wang Yan, with a wink and a smile on his face, was completely indecisive. This undoubtedly greatly deepened the suspicion of Wang Yan.

In particular, Zhang Weidao and others looked at Wang Yan with a deep and envious look.

"Cough!" Wang Yan coughed slightly ashamed, and explained, "You think too much, but I am innocent, and there is no harm to the sky."

After all, Wang Yan clothed soundproof barriers around him and frankly announced: "I have something to do next and I need to talk to you."


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