The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1616: The way of evolution

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"Pharaoh, we all understand what you said, and now, we can only let go of it."

After thinking about it for a moment, the desert emperor looked at Wang Yan and said, "From the current point of view, it is undoubtedly the most important thing to enhance the overall strength of the earth superpower community, and then we need to explore a way to become a god."

"Now the earth world has Yan Zun's couple, pope, male superhero, and if you count Pharaoh, there are five semi-god-level strongmen. If you can find a way to become a god, you may not have the opportunity to break through again."

Zhang Weidao and others made a plan, and then looked at Wang Yan with hope, "And we think that among the five semi-god-level strong men on the earth, Lao Wang is younger and better. If there are any of the five, Opportunities go further, and we believe that the chance of success of the Pharaoh is undoubtedly greater. "

The hope of the companions made Wang Yan a bit difficult.

He knows very well that the blood line advantages he inherited, as well as the skills left by Uncle Pao, have been exerted to the extreme by him now. How to break through to become a god, or what method should be used to promote into a god, he is not clear at the moment.

Perhaps seeing the melancholy in Wang Yan's eyes, the goddess Shiva seemed to think of something, and suggested: "I remember that there is a record in the ancient book that is the great **** Shiva, who once used the divine personality to come to the believer, and thus get a rebirth story. If there is a chance, I mean, if possible, can we capture the deity of a deity, thereby erasing the will of the deity in the deity, inheriting divine power and breaking through to become a god? "

But as soon as the voice of Goddess Shiva fell, she was opposed by Zhang Weidao: "God, the deity comes to the believers and is reborn? Isn't that the seizure? What kind of religion do you have in India? I'm afraid it was a cult in the past? That ’s it, let ’s say your method will work. Where ’s the Godhead to capture and kill Satan the Devil? ”

"What is a cult? That's what we believers, willing to make sacrifices to save Lord Shiva!"

Shiva Goddess frowned, immediately pinched her waist and retorted, "Anyway, the son of flame is so great, how can I not kill a demon god?"

As soon as these words came out, even the charming children who served beside Jing Li were stunned. Is that a devil? How could it be said to kill? Her master, the Son of Flame, is powerful, but hasn't it been so powerful?

"Stop, stop, I really don't know **** a god. And even if there is a ready-made deity waiting for me to inherit, I'm not sure of the consciousness of defeating a god. Maybe my consciousness will come by then, Instead, it will be swallowed up by the consciousness of the god. "

Wang Yan wiped a sweat from his forehead. A **** is a life-changing life that can change nature, even let the laws of nature and even the laws of the universe work for it.

Take Satan, the demon **** that Wang Yan is more familiar with. Where is the other party's limit? Wang Yan can't even detect it, let alone try to kill a demon god. Furthermore, the devil's consciousness is as vast as the sea of ​​stars, nor is he able to try to devour it casually. In addition, even after successfully going through the first two steps, the divine power left by a **** cannot be digested immediately.

To know that the power of a **** contains some of his unique qualities. An outsider who wants to devour the power of a **** often needs a lot of time to understand and digest.

There are too many uncertain factors, and Wang Yan is currently unable to control. Rather than taking this risk, it is better to find a way for yourself.

"We still know too little about the gods, there are too many unknown factors in it, and it is difficult to give an exact answer and method now."

Wang Yan reorganized his thoughts and returned to the topic, "Okay, let's not mention how to create a **** for the time being. Let's start with how to become stronger. The immediate task now is how to make us, and the strength of the earth's superpower, quickly increase! "

This is indeed a matter of urgency. In the world in the middle of the night, Wang Yan and several partners of the earth started a heated discussion from their respective exercises and the exploration and perception of heaven.

Human beings are different from other races that inherit blood power from birth. It is like a blank piece of paper. Many human beings rely on their continuous efforts and practice to gradually temper themselves and enhance their strength. Therefore, compared with other races that inherit blood power, humans are definitely experts in how to increase their strength.

At the moment, several of Wang Yan ’s companions on the earth, whether it ’s Zhang Weidao, Wu Wu Jie, Shiva, or High Priest Berika, etc., all of the exercises they are able to practice are among the superpowers. , And finally reached the top level of the demigod.

Now that mankind is in a critical moment, it is meaningless to keep the secrets of their respective exercises. In addition, everyone is a very trusted partner, so Wang Yan proposed that several people present each have their own cultivation methods to discuss with each other, in order to find out a certain law.

Sure enough, Kung Fu is not dissatisfied. With the current strength and realm of Wang Yan and several partners, after frank and open discussions with each other, they finally cracked and analyzed the commonalities among many exercises.

Different paths lead to the same thing. The many exercises that humans practice are actually a special way to continuously enhance their own genetic blood and promote self-evolution. There are many methods in this, and the process is also ever-changing, but the only constant is that these exercises are constantly adding color to humans like white paper, which is the so-called power of different characteristics, and finally enables the practitioner to obtain an essential leap.

From a certain point of view, many of the human exercises have similarities with the bloodline evolution handed down from the starry sky **** Marcus Harvey.

However, unlike the ordinary exercises, the starry sky god's bloodline evolution seems to go to an extreme.

This evolutionary technique is not used to promote the practitioner's own strength a little bit, but to change the target's own bloodline genes in a way of artificial interference.

In other words, through bloodline evolution, not only can you change your own gene sequence, if you change the angle, this evolution can actually tweak the genetic bloodline to optimize its own gene strength, even qualification strength!

At the beginning, Wang Yan used the bloodline evolution technique to absorb the powerful genes of the Demon God's avatar, and obtained the Demon God's body in the same vein as the Satan. In a way, this is a genetic optimization of the bloodline.

Later, in order to save the ogres Abulon Giantmaul and Shadow Stabbing Camus, Wang Yan used the purgatory red lotus fruit containing huge life energy, plus blood vein evolution, to reorganize their flesh and blood and repair Abu Long Maul and Camus were seriously injured.

It is also in this process that the bloodline genes of Ablon Giantmaul and Camus have been increased and optimized to a certain extent, which also allowed two people who did not have the affinity of flame to obtain a certain affinity of the flame element.

This is already an evolution. Of course, Wang Yan at that time did not realize that this was the result of the optimization of blood vein evolution, and he always thought it was the characteristic of purgatory red lotus fruit.

Up to now, after a detailed analysis with several earth companions, it is suddenly bright. The bloodline evolution that was originally researched by Marcus Harvey, the star **** of the sky, will undoubtedly become a breakthrough for Wang Yan and others to save the plane of the earth!

"Yes! This is this! The role of this bloodline evolution is too great, it can solve the problems we are facing now!"

After Wang Yan outlined the principle of blood vein evolution, several partners from the earth immediately exclaimed from his heart.

"Amitabha, I can't think of the legendary starry sky **** who had such a great achievement."

Wu Wu was full of awe and said with emotion, "It's no wonder that the magician was originally a polymath. He studied the true meaning of life for a lifetime, and he really broke out the secrets of life evolution."

Not only Wu Wu Jie, Zhang Weidao, Shen Tu Tian Lu, the desert emperor, Shiva goddess and high priest Berika, also felt emotional and admired.

Indeed, the magicians are all well-known polygraphers. At that time, the starry sky **** Marcus Harvey was also a famous demigod-level **** in history. During his poor life, he was pursuing the true meaning of life, trying to Before the arrival of his life, he broke through the limits of evolution and condensed his own personality.

The bloodline evolution that Wang Yan now possesses is the basic method of the starry sky **** born in the pursuit of the limit of life.

It's a pity that fate makes people wrong, the starry sky **** is just about to lose success when he is about to succeed. Fortunately, the fire of life discovered by the starry sky god, as well as the evolution of blood veins fell into the hands of Wang Yan. This made Wang Yan also master a set of his own ways to become stronger.

"Blood Evolution is a very complicated technique, and the process of blood optimization is also very dangerous. With its specificity and many limitations, it is not suitable for everyone at the moment, but it gives us a direction of self-improvement!" Wang Yan thought about it, and finally gave a positive answer with great joy, "Give me some more time, I know who can add my questions."

Several partners from the earth gave Wang Yan a detailed analysis of their law of operation of the exercises, as well as their understanding and application of Heavenly Dao, which gave him great inspiration.

Be aware that bloodline evolution is not a technique that everyone can use. This mystery technique involves the field of blood vein genes and has a great disruption to the individual's life factors. If placed on the earth, this technique will be destined to be a banned surgery, and the indiscriminate use of it will cause immeasurable consequences.

However, Wang Yan has mastered certain practical skills, and the valuable opinions of many partners have also given him a certain initial idea of ​​the next research direction, at least a preliminary prototype has already been made.

Having talked here, Wang Yan raised his eyes to the sky that was about to turn white out of the window, and then said: "Today I chatted here, I already have a rough idea. You will rest and rest next, and there are other things to do after dawn. . "

Everyone nodded, and Wang Yan also left.

The other things in Wang Yan's mouth naturally refer to the demon **** Satan, the official ceremony to seal Wang Yan as the son of the demon god.

After Wang Yan returned to the palace and took a short break, the sky was already bright. Under the costumes of many court ladies, Wang Yan bathed and changed clothes. After enjoying breakfast, he walked to the door of the god's womb under the support of everyone.

At this time, the priests of the entire gods were noble, almost all gathered in front of Wang Yan's palace, and waited respectfully for a long time.

These dignitaries were noble, all wearing the most luxurious dresses, and their expressions were full of solemnity and solemnity.

Among these people, the few standing in the front row are the thirteen elders of the Satan Parliament, as well as the newly-raised upstart Chilian Demon King.

When they saw Wang Yan walk out, they all bowed their heads in obedience, and then, like the stars holding the moon, they surrounded Wang Yan to the edge of the previous giant square, waiting for the official arrival of the devil Satan.

The sobbing horn sounded.

The magnificent and dull sound seems to pass through the ancient and modern times, in the quiet **** capital, constantly lingering and rising until the endless high altitude of the mist and mist.

I don't know when, the huge square on the ground, which can't be seen at first glance, actually began to shine brightly.

Everyone at the scene looked solemn, looking up at the sky, Wang Yan's eyes swept around, and then turned to look at the sky.

I saw a huge shadow, slowly descending in the solemn horn, with magnificent momentum.

"This, this is ..."

"Amitabha, city, city ... in heaven?"

Beside Wang Yan, Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie and others, all eyes wide open, mouth wide open, shocked. Not only them, but Wang Yan himself was also surprised at the moment at the moment.

As Wu Wujie said, the huge shadow slowly descending from the sky at this time is a majestic and huge city!

After the thin clouds were gradually washed away by the air current, the giant building above the sky finally showed its true outline.

It is like a small town. On that land, there are towering towers, castle palaces and towering towers. However, such a large-scale building community completely ignores the action of gravity, so it is so floating and high in the sky. It is like a giant aircraft driven by mysterious forces, all the way through the layers of high-altitude clouds, slowly descending.

Seeing such a magnificent and magnificent scene, Wang Yan's several companions on the earth, as well as the Lord of Red Confusion and the Master of Red Abuse County, were all dumbstruck, shocked, and even sublimated.

Up to this moment, whether it was Wang Yan's several companions on the earth, or the first time he arrived at God, many of the men who saw this scene began to realize how narrow their vision was. The magnificent spectacle in front of us is the magical power of earth and earth.

Except for a demon god, they really can't imagine, who else can lift such a town to a height of 10,000 meters?

As the distance approached, this huge city flying and sky brought great pressure to the crowd below. Everyone was standing silently, and only the sobbing horn sounded reverberating in the crowd's ears.


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