The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1640: Blackstone

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"Master Demon Flame, although the hot sand desert is vast and endless, but it is now in a sensitive period. It is difficult to ensure that there will be no scouts of dark demon territory in the desert hinterland."

The dark elf Camus stretched out his long fingers and lightly tapped at several locations on the map. "Once encountering the scout of the Dark Demon Realm, with the influence of Lord Mo Yan, it will definitely attract the army of Dark Demon Realm, Nestle encirclement and suppression. By that time we are in the depths of the desert, I am afraid we will fall into a situation of isolation and helplessness. "

Before Camu surrendered to Wang Yan, it was the special forces directly under the fallen demon Samel, the young general of the Dark Blade Legion, known as the Shadow Stinger, who was very good at special operations such as raids and beheadings.

Therefore, they are very familiar with the forces of the three parties and the deployment of the three forces. In addition, he has accumulated rich experience in battles throughout the year, which also makes him have a very good predictability of the enemy's layout.

These are also the places where Wang Yan values ​​him very much, and therefore makes him, along with the female elf Elsa and the elven swordsman Enzo, become generals and instructors in his team.

At the moment, Camus pointed out the problem very clearly, and the several he marked are likely to appear in the dark demon scout, not too far from the hot sand nest.

Therefore, once the attention of these scouts is attracted, the army of the Dark Demon will soon be sieged. If in the desert hinterland, surrounded by the army of the dark demon domain, then Wang Yan, the son of the demon god, I am afraid that he will not escape.

"This ... is really a problem. I heard that the demons of the Dark Demon are all bloodthirsty and brutal lunatics, and they are all afraid of death."

The brutal master who had been following Wang Yan obediently, looking at some suspicious locations on the map, his face could not help showing a worried look.

"There is indeed this rumor." Zoe, who also gathered beside the map, frowned and said, "Although I haven't seen the demons of the Dark Demon, I have often heard in the black market that people in the Dark Demon Usually unreasonable, very barbaric, people who stray into the borders of the Dark Demon Realm are usually killed on the spot. "

The forces of Dark Demon Realm are based on fierce and militant, based on the world of hell. At this point, even the Purgatory Demon Race, a brave combat race that admires bravery, feels ashamed.

Wang Yan has been in the world of **** for more than a year, and he has a certain understanding of the characteristics of various races.

But now even the brutal master of the county, this kind of miserable girl, is beginning to call the demon of the Dark Demon Domain a lunatic. Zoe, who was born in the black market, also confirmed this with certainty. It can be seen that the forces of the Dark Demon have long been known, far exceeding his Wang Yan's estimates.

"The scout of the Dark Demon Realm is indeed a trouble." The sullen sorrowful lord squeezed his fat chin, and some unswerving murmurs said, "I think we will rush this hot sand overlord again Hurry away, it should not attract the attention of the enemy. "

"This is not easy to say."

The dark elf Camus still shook his head and speculated rigorously, "It is impossible to fight a large-scale overlord-level monster without triggering large-scale movements. And our time is limited, impossible. Lead the brigade to march urgently, so once we fall into the encirclement of the enemy, we will be very troublesome when we are at a disadvantage of the number of people. "

Indeed, in the battle between Wang Yan and Yanhu, the entire Chilian Lake was shocked. If you want to hunt the ancient monsters from the wild times, such as the hot sand overlord, the noise will definitely be no small matter.

But not yet, Camus still gave a risk-worthy affirmation: "Although there is a little danger, as long as we move fast enough to come and go clean and neat, we may not encounter the scolding of the Dark Demon Domain."

Because the area of ​​the hot sand desert is really too large, it is not necessarily comparable to the addition of a piece of devil king ruled by several devil kings. Therefore, in the center of such a vast desert, it may not be possible to meet the scouts of the enemy.

Besides, there are scouts in the Dark Demon Realm, and they naturally have them. As long as they can find out in advance, they will still have time to evacuate.

"Then it is so decided, we must get this hot sand overlord. Even if there is a potential threat, our luck is not so bad."

After listening to the suggestions of several men, Wang Yan immediately ordered, "Everyone is ready, we will start tomorrow morning!"


Several of the surrounding men and companions immediately replied loudly, and then left one after another, preparing for the next day's adventure.


One day passed quickly, and the morning of the next day, Wang Yan, a pedestrian, assembled.

Because the road was very far away, Wang Yan did not lead the army and took the warship. Therefore, it takes a long time not to mention that the large-scale battleship's expedition is too eye-catching.

At that time, let alone the attention of the enemy, seeing this large warship coming, the Hot Sands Overlord had no idea where to escape.

Because of Wang Yan ’s confusion, cruelty, Zoe and Ablon Giant Mallet, and Zhang Weidao, Wu Wujie, Shen Tutian Road and seven earth companions including the Desert Emperor and Lydia Take the fixed-point teleport previously used by the Lord of Confusion and teleport all the way to the destination.

This fixed-point teleport has similarities with Lydia's teleport magic. It's just that the spatial nodes between these cities are all controlled by the official, and the teleportation spells are also performed by the official warlocks. Usually those warlocks will call this teleportation the gate of hell.

It is very convenient to use the Hell's Gate to order teleportation. It allows users to teleport directly from one large city to another. Almost every Demon Collar has one or several.

However, the disadvantage is that the cost is high, the opening time is limited, and it is difficult to send teams or materials. And this fixed transmission method is all point-to-point, and the transmission distance is also limited.

A team of more than a dozen people like Wang Yan needs dozens of magic crystal coins to send once, and the specific payment depends on the distance between the major cities and the opening time of the **** gate.

In addition, portals that are expensive and controlled by the government are not available to anyone. Under normal circumstances, it is not enough to have money, but you have to look at your identity. It is not that the dignitaries are expensive, and they are simply not qualified to use it. Otherwise, whoever dares to offend the authority of a demigod demon king is to find death.

However, Wang Yan and others naturally did not have this kind of trouble. He is now well-known in the entire world of hell. In the domain of purgatory, no one knows or knows.

Although Wang Yan did not plan to announce his whereabouts to the outside world this time, as long as he reached the teleportation point, he could use it by brushing his face, and none of the warlock officials present dared to collect money.

Afterwards, there were also local demon kings who came out personally to greet the see-offs, some even set up banquets, invited Wang Yan to spend the night, and so on. One by one, they fell on their knees.

In the meantime, Wang Yan also led people through the capital city of the Giant Rock Demon King. The flattering Giant Rock Demon King has long loved the teleportation circle, and he waited for the court to wait. After seeing Wang Yan ’s arrival, he once had to wind and dust Wang Yan and send his daughter, Send granddaughter to serve or something.

As everyone knows, this team of special envoys of the giant rock demon king was also robbed by Wang Yan, and even the **** hands of his chief lord were taken by Wang Yan.

Of course, this kind of thing will not be mentioned by Wang Yan, and now he has no time to play in these demon king cities, and immediately refused the goodwill of these devil kings, and told everyone present to not reveal his whereabouts, otherwise immediately Put to death.

Everyone at the scene, including the Giant Rock Demon King, suddenly took a breath.

Wang Yan did his own thing, killing the iron-handed style of decisive decision, but when he punished the Satanic Parliament, it has spread to all corners of the world of **** and penetrated into the hearts of the people. Therefore, none of these demon kings and their servants and servants really dared to discuss and reveal.

In this way, Wang Yan bid farewell to the Giant Rock Demon King and teleported to the destination of their trip again.

After so many transmissions, Wang Yan and others finally arrived at the destination of their trip in the afternoon of this day, the hot sand desert border city, Black Rock.

Just listen, there is a "buzz" sound in the ear, the vibration of the space fluctuation.

The light curtain in front of him gradually faded away, and when his sight was restored, Wang Yan and others felt the scorching dry airflow and were rushing towards the face. Looking up, everyone had come to a hall full of desert style.

This hall has thick columns and tall yellow walls. The dome is a hollow shape, embossed with various exotic beasts, and the blazing sunlight is slanting down from the hollow gap, making the atmosphere of the whole hall look ancient and solemn.

"Welcome, welcome, under the Black Stone Demon King, and welcome Your Highness Mo Yan!"

At this time, a full and diligent voice was introduced into Wang Yan's ear. Wang Yan turned his eyes, just below the teleportation altar, a thin-skinned, middle-aged demon with a fierce look, who was leading people to greet him for a long time.

There is no doubt that this thin and powerful middle-aged demon in black armor and gray robe is precisely this piece of the devil's collar, and the ruler of this city, the black stone devil.

The Blackstone Demon King is restrained in temperament, filled with a sturdy heroic spirit. At this time, more than a dozen legendary purgatory demons and other races kneeling behind him should be his courtiers. However, due to the large class gap between them, Wang Yan just glanced at them and found that there was nothing special about it, and he was no longer interested.

"Your Highness Demon Flame can visit our black stone city, it really makes this small place under your brilliance, and your subordinates are really honored!"

The Blackrock Demon King looked full of spring breeze, nodded and bowed his waist, and also made an invitation gesture on his hand, "Please, His Royal Highness here, take your stroll around."

"Come on, lead the way, this God Son will have some things to ask you later." Wang Yan set out a shelf of the Son of Demon God and walked towards the altar. The men who came with him followed with the companions of the earth.

"Please, please, Master Moyan, please, later, Master Moyan has something to ask your subordinates, they must know everything."

The black market demon rushed to serve beside him. Although he didn't know what the high-end demon son Mo Yan had suddenly visited him in this desolate place, he knew very well that no matter what the demon deity wanted to do, he just waited. Just fine.

"Hey, Brother Blackstone, I haven't seen you in two days. Why don't you recognize me confused?"

The confidant Lord who followed Wang Yan walked down the altar and greeted the Blackrock Demon King.

Two days ago he came here to inquire about the news. It was with the help of this black stone demon that he successfully reached the border of the hot sand overlord's nest. For this reason, he was on the side of Wang Yan and mentioned the black stone devil several times.

"Haha, brother Chi, what are you talking about? You can't recognize anyone, you can't recognize you, brother Chi!"

The Black Stone Demon King quickly hugged the shoulders of the confusing lord, and looked at the two men as brothers and brothers, as if they hadn't seen good friends for a long time.

There is no way, who made him confuse the lord that he was Wang Yan's first loyal dog. Because of Wang Yan's relationship, and indeed he himself worked very hard, now the water is rising, and the confusing lord who accompanied Wang Yan's many battles has long been famous. Wherever he goes, he is a guest of honor.

Just like his lord, he can now be called a brother to a demigod demon king. It is estimated that he is the only one in the entire purgatory field.

Of course, it was not only the deceived lord, who followed Wang Yan all the way to the hands of the gods, and now in the purgatory demon clan, all are worthy characters. No one dared to underestimate the identity of some of his slaves.

"Haha, my brother, I know that you will be visiting these days, so I have prepared something you like to ensure tenderness! Otherwise, after the dinner, I will give you and Your Honored Lord Mo Yan, Arrange to the palace? "

Wang Yan shouted and walked in front. The black stone demon king followed behind, and he did not forget to draw close to the Lord of Red Confusion. The enthusiasm was even closer than seeing a relative.

"Hey, hey brother Blackheart has a heart." Lord Chew smirked with a smirk on his face, thinking about the exotic beauty, he couldn't help laughing.

But the smile turned back, and the confusing lord turned around, and refused, "Brother Heishi, although the younger brother likes it, this time we have something to do. Those little beauties will wait until later. In addition, my boss Lord Mo Yan, I heard a lot of information about you here last time, and Brother Blackstone, you are righteous. So, after the end of the **** meeting, His Majesty Mo Yan intends to open up a business road from the hot lake city he established, and the end point is directly reached. Your Black Rock City, I do n’t know brother, what do you mean ...? "

"Good! Good! Good thing! This is a great thing!"

The Blackrock Demon King was shocked for a moment, thinking he heard a lie, and after he reacted, he was immediately ecstatic and shouted a few times, "Thank you His Royal Highness for seeing us in Blackrock City! Thank you for your recommendation and support! I Blackstone The Demon King will do his best to serve His Highness, please rest assured!

Knowing that the newly built Yanhu City, which can become the son of the demon god, the end of the future business road, the black stone demon king was so excited to fly, and he was overjoyed with a grateful oath, fearing that he would not serve well, and the son of the devil **** who was above him would abandon him. .

To know that he is a desolate place where birds do n’t shit, except for the enemy and Warcraft, he ca n’t even see a ghost, let alone the traveling caravan.

Even some small businessmen are not afraid of the difficult road and dare to take risks, but they are too far away from the large cities of purgatory demons. Those small businessmen might be killed by robbers somewhere and eaten by Warcraft.

Therefore, this also led to his city, lack of materials, economic backwardness, and the production of agriculture and animal husbandry is very low, and the civilians living here often do not eat enough. On the other hand, besides guarding the frontier, he is not as good as the lord of an inland rich land.

As usual, he called it a suffocation in his heart, but once His Royal Highness Mo Yan is willing to open the way to his city, it will be different.

As long as he is able to trade, he is an economically backward but resource-rich border city, which will quickly take off immediately. Perhaps it will attract more people and powerful people because of the light of His Royal Highness. By that time, the entire city is becoming more and more developed, and it is very likely that in the future, it will become a border town with equal emphasis on military and economy!

By that time, he Black Stone Demon King is still worried about not having a good life? Maybe it's a good performance, but it can also promote promotion.

To this end, he Blackrock Demon King, willing to make a cow and a horse to the honorable Lord of the Flame Flame.


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