When Lawyer Chen came in, he obviously felt an unspeakable smell in the air of the ward. He soon knew that he had broken other people's good deeds, but there was no way. The boss had an order and had to do it well today.

Shi Yaqing looked at a strange man and frowned slightly: "who are you?"

Lawyer Chen stood and glanced at the women around him. Shi Yaqing didn't mean to drive away the women, and he didn't mind the presence of this third person.

So he said, "I'm Miss Xia zaozao's entrusted lawyer."

"Hmm?" Shi Yaqing snorted suspiciously from his throat, lawyer? That bitch is really preemptive.

"What does she mean? To mediate in private?" Shi Yaqing laughed contemptuously: "you go back and tell her, don't think about it."

"Miss Xia doesn't want to mediate privately."

"What does she mean?"

"She wants to sue you for attempted rape by improper means."

"OK." Shi Yaqing looked at Lawyer Chen with a relaxed face: "welcome at any time."

Lawyer Chen put down the legal summons and turned to leave. According to the boss, don't kill people at once, but play slowly.

Shi Yaqing kicked Zhai on the tea table, and the summons was pressed on the ground by the glass fragments of the tea table.

His anger was not that he was worried that he had no chance of winning, but that she should have sued her first, but now he was sued by her. This feeling was like eating flat.

"Xia zaozao won't really sue you?" Ye Huanhuan sneered and flashed a trace of cunning in his eyes: "I don't measure my strength, but I have a way."

"I know you have the most ideas. It doesn't matter. Tell me. It's best for her to have the courage."

Shi Yaqing thought of that night. The woman was really brave, but she underestimated him. How can the Shi family say that they are also dignified figures in the business world. They have a big family, a big business and a relationship in business and politics. It's not easy to cripple her?

What's more, a student without background dares to sue him in turn?

Don't strip naked and climb into his bed to beg him.

He will use the camera to shoot her begging for mercy under him and send it to the Internet.

It's enough shame before blood washing.


Chongde College

There were only two classes in the afternoon. Xia heard about Zhai Ming's Hospital from Chu Yang early.

Li Xiao and Xia walked out of the school gate together early.

"Early morning, is your face all right?" Li Xiao saw that Xia zaozao's face was beaten by Meng Lihua, and the five finger prints on his face were still looming.


"If your father really has coronary heart disease, do you still decide to let Qin call animals to buy Zhai's family?"

"I don't know. I'll solve the problem. Don't worry. Go part-time." she really doesn't know. She's angry. She doesn't care about their mother and daughter for so many years. She's also angry that he has never loved her, but when she really comes to this step, she doesn't seem to hate him as much as she imagined.

On the contrary, he felt that if he was really ill with Qi, he would feel too cruel.

Hospital inpatient ward

While feeding Zhai Ming porridge, Meng Lihua complained that when she went to find Xia zaozao today, Xia zaozao was treacherous to her and added fuel and vinegar by the way.

"You didn't see that the little bitch asked me when I would die and said that her mother and her grandfather would not let me go at the bottom. It's a white eyed wolf."

"Alas, she has been so stubborn since she was a child."

"Then you said, would she give up the acquisition because of this?"

Zhai Ming bowed his head and took a mouthful of porridge. He didn't speak, because he wasn't sure whether she had any affection for herself.

"Ask you something." Meng Lihua pushed Zhai Ming's arm when she saw that he didn't speak.

"I don't know."

"I heard Chu Yang say that she asked your ward number."

Zhai Ming leaned back and pulled the quilt: "it doesn't hurt. Anyway, I have other ways to force her. This move can only be used at the critical time."

"What method?" Meng Lihua asked curiously, her eyes full of hope.

"Then you'll know."

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