She buried her head and stepped up to the hospital gate, trying to leave the place quickly.

Running to the door, suddenly something hit her. Looking down, yellow and white viscous liquid flowed down from her, with egg shells stuck on it.

She looked at the man who threw eggs at her, a woman in her forties and fifties, with a basket of eggs in her hand.

Xia zaozao didn't know her. Judging from her clothes, she should sell eggs at the gate of the hospital, but why throw her?

Looking at her white dress stained with egg liquid, just looked up, an egg hit her head, and the egg liquid flowed down her hair.

"Do we know each other? Why did you hit me?" Xia zaozao looked at the egg seller unhappily.

Instead, the woman glared at Xia zaozao with a trace of schadenfreude on her face.

"It's you who smashed." he stretched out his hand and took out eggs from the basket and threw them at Xia zaozao one by one.

"Do you recognize the wrong person? I don't know you." Xia zaozao asked while flashing. He tried to avoid it, but he was still smashed in a mess.

Such a big noise has begun to be surrounded by people. More and more people are surrounding the gate.

Xia zaozao stood in the middle, embarrassed and embarrassed. The women selling rotten eggs did not dispel their hatred. With the encouragement of the onlookers, they rushed directly and grabbed Xia zaozao's hair.

Xia zaozao was not a vegetarian, and grabbed the woman's hair: "who are you? What do you want to do?"

"I'm in charge of this business today! Let's comment. I've seen the video screen. This woman asked her father to kneel down. As a result, her father had coronary heart disease. Now she's rescuing her life and death. This woman even wants to rob her father's shares! How can she have such a vicious daughter!"

Xia was stunned early.

Video? And can you hear the video of my father kneeling last night?

At this time, not knowing who it was, he took out his mobile phone, turned on the video, held the screen high in front of the people, and the scene of Zhai Ming kneeling down to Xia early was staged again.

"Dad kneel down for you, please, stop buying Zhai... Please let us go..."

"You like to kneel. Just kneel like this. It's agreed that you won't get up if you die..."

Father's voice was miserable and pitiful. On the contrary, Xia zaozao's expression was so tough and not cut.

After watching the video, the people began to whisper

——Is that man the chairman of Zhai group?

——This woman is his daughter. Her father made thousands of mistakes and should not be so cruel! It's shameless to rob shares.

——No, my father has heart disease and is so cruel.

——What do you say? You like to kneel. Just kneel like this. If you say yes, you can't get up after death. This kind of daughter shouldn't be born at all.

Some people become more and more excited, especially as parents. No matter what happened before, they think it is unfilial first for a father to be treated so ruthlessly by his children.

Some people began to kick her legs. They didn't know who pulled her backpack and pulled it down. They didn't know where it was thrown.

Others pinched her. She stood in the middle of the crowd and was surrounded. She couldn't rush out at all. She had to squat down and hold her head to protect herself.

To see her squat down without resistance, someone began to smash things on her.

Eggs, as well as flowers and fruits sent by visiting patients, hit Xia zaozao's body and head one by one.

And juice and milk poured from her head to the soles of her feet.

Even spit on her.

It's a mess.

"Listen to me..."

Xia zaozao's voice was drowned in the condemnation. She could only squat on the ground, her body trembled badly, a lot of things were poured on her head, and a strange smell came from the tip of her nose.

I can't do anything. I'm attacked by dense circles and have no ability to counterattack.

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