A colleague quietly walked up to Zhong Jiaxin and said in a low voice, "there are a lot of policemen. I feel that things are not so simple."

Zhong Jiaxin raised her eyebrows and eyes in surprise and didn't speak.

At this time, dozens of policemen surrounded the door of the hospital, and the leading policeman shouted, "don't move, gather people to fight, and come back to the police station with us."

The people who had just been besieged and beaten turned pale at the sight of such a battle. They never thought that things would make so much trouble.

In the BMW, Zhai WANYING saw the police out and said to Meng Lihua, the co pilot, "Mom, you get off and guard your father. Don't forget to cry when you wait for the media interview."

How to maintain the image of a loving couple.

"And you?"

"Me? Of course I'm going to find Uncle Ye, otherwise how can so many police come? I really think it's fun to catch so many people? It's a trick to play enough. I have to act like it. Don't worry. I'll release it soon, but it won't be over. If I don't put the little bitch in there and have some trouble, she'll never think of it."

"Sakura, you are getting smarter and smarter. I will stabilize your father. When Zhai's shares are obtained, I will ask your father to give you all the shares."

Meng Lihua looked at her daughter more and more pleasing to her eyes. She leaned close to her face and kissed her: "take all the wine for Uncle Ye. I remember your Uncle Ye likes drinking."

"I see."

After Meng Lihua left, Zhai WANYING drove away BMW.

On the way, he called Ye Huanhuan: "honey, I'm going to your house right away. Are you at home?"

Thinking of Ye Huanhuan, I secretly admire her. This woman is really not simple. Give her advice and can poke the key at every point.

For example, ye Huanhuan came up with a way to arouse public opinion and denounce by sending videos and photos of his father kneeling early in summer to the Internet.

For another example, let her find a water army and put the post at the top. At the same time, she hired dozens of temporary performers to fight in the hospital, which attracted the media and fermented it again.

The last step is to send out the police and put Xia into the police station early. As long as you go in, you can't help Xia early. You know, the director is Ye Huanhuan's father.

Ye Huanhuan lay down to give a massage. His voice whispered comfortably with the massage. He said, "my mother and I are going to a dinner party in the evening. Now we are doing spa. My father is here. You go directly. He knows."

Zhai WANYING hung up the phone, turned the car stereo to the maximum, twisted his body with the rock music in the car, and the two huge hemispheres swung with the twisting of his body.

Soon came to a low-key villa.

When the doorbell rang, a man in dark Plaid silk pajamas came out to open the door.

"Uncle Ye." Zhai WANYING's voice was so sweet that she was tired of it: "my mother knows you like drinking. She specially asked me to bring you two bottles of good wine for you to taste."

Ye Hui sideways lets Zhai WANYING in. Zhai WANYING is tall and wears high heels, half a head taller than him.

Zhai WANYING enters the door and sees that the slippers to be changed have been placed at the door. She bends down and unties her shoelaces. Her shoes are high-heeled Roman mats, and the intricate shoelaces need to be untied.

At the waist, the tight dress that originally reached the thigh was placed upward, and the black lace underwear loomed.

Ye Hui stood behind her. Her provocative posture seemed to be inviting him.

He was a man in his forties. It was at the time when Yu Wang was strong, but when he thought she was his daughter's classmate, he quietly pressed down. It was just that the hardness of the lower body was like steel. If there was no friction, it was sexy to women's hips.

This seemingly backward ambiguous posture is extremely ambiguous.

Zhai WANYING finally took off one of her shoes. Suddenly, she felt something hard staring behind her. She was not angry, but smiled quietly, charming and moving.

Her ankle sprained falsely, one of them could not stand steadily and fell to the side.

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