Xia zaozao smiled indifferently: "of course I want to see it. I'm afraid I'll forget your appearance. Otherwise, how can I remember you when I'm a ghost?"

"You're still a ghost. You're so cruel to your father that you don't deserve to be a ghost. The Lord of Hell won't accept it."

"If you don't take it well, I'll be a lonely ghost. I won't follow anyone. Just follow you. Be careful when you sleep in the future. Maybe when you open the window, when you sleep and look at the ceiling, or when you look down at the bottom of the bed with your shoes on. Oh, by the way, don't go to the toilet. The Yin in the toilet is the heaviest."

"Well, you clever girl, do you think you can scare me?"

"This kind of thing is hard to say. Besides, why else can the saying that evil is rewarded? It's aimed at people like you."

"Bah, you say it. Anyway, you don't have much time to say. You can see whether I can go out or you can go out in the end."

Xia zaozao looked at the egg throwing woman with clear eyes: "it's not good to go out. Villains usually don't come to a good end when they go out. They're either killed by a car or hurt their family. I advise you to do more good, or... Tut tut tut."

Xia zaozao deliberately said to leave half, just to force her to reveal clues, just like she was very confident that she could go out just now.

Is it normal that she was maliciously attacked, but she could be released instead?

Unexpectedly, this angered the egg throwing woman. She rushed over and slapped Xia zaozao. Xia zaozao subconsciously blocked it with her hand, so she only hit her hand.

At the same time, she raised her foot, kicked the woman in the stomach and kicked her out.

Strangely enough, there was so much noise in the interrogation room that the guards just looked inside, but they didn't mean to separate them.

Looking back, the egg throwing woman glared fiercely: "just a foot is light. If I move again, I'll really do it. Don't blame me for being impolite."

This sentence works. The egg throwing woman is in her thirties. She is thin and small. If she really fights, she must suffer a loss. Therefore, she doesn't move anymore. She is a lot more honest. She just pulls the people next to her from time to time to scold Xia zaozao.

Xia zaozao listened in her ears. Swearing was the most unpromising. Because she didn't dare to do it, she chose to turn a deaf ear.

Standing in the corner waiting for the trial, I don't know how long she stood. Her legs were a little sour. She adjusted her posture. At this time, the door of the interrogation room opened.

I thought I was asking the next person to take a statement. After all, there are still a few people left to review. It's her turn to have at least a few hours.

Don't want to, the policeman who came in shouted: "come out early in summer."

When called, Xia zaozao straightened up and looked at the egg throwing woman faintly. What caught her eyes was the woman's proud smile.

As if laughing, she would never get out again.

She withdrew her eyes and followed quickly.

Soon came to the interrogation room.

The policeman who took her in said respectfully to the man sitting at the interrogation table, "Ye Bureau, here you are."

Then he took the door and went out.

"Sit down." Ye Hui pointed to the chair opposite him.

Xia zaozao sat down with his intention, but the man frowned, almost pinched his nose and said, "sit back a little."

Xia backed the chair back a meter early.

The man said, "you are Xia zaozao?"

Then she looked at her up and down. A girl film that looked smaller than Zhai WANYING. Zhai WANYING told him so much to go out in person. It was too much of a fuss.

He has also seen the video. Article 260 of the criminal law maltreats family members. If the circumstances are flagrant, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years, criminal detention or public surveillance.

So now all we have to do is get her to plead guilty.

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