Qin Yi didn't speak. Major general Chu Jin said, "I heard that ye Ju took over a mob beating incident?"

Ye Ju was secretly surprised. No matter how big this matter was, it would not send an army.

"It's true. Major general is also interested in it?"

"What about people?" Qin Yi opened his mouth. At this time, Qin Yi had changed his profound alienation just now, but as soon as he opened his mouth, his whole body was murderous and cold.

"People? Are... Are those people who gathered to fight? Please come with me." Ye Hui was frightened by Qin Yi's aura and even spoke incoherently, but he didn't find out Qin Yi's intention and didn't dare to express his position easily.

When he took this position, he relied on observing his speech and appearance and thick skin. Before he knew his intention, he pretended to be a grandson in front of the strong and an uncle in front of the weak. This is his way of doing things.

Soon, a group of people came to the waiting room.

"Mr. Qin, this is the waiting room. Some people let them go after completing their written confession. The remaining people are still waiting for trial. I don't know who you're looking for?"

Qin Yi ignored him and looked inside. The waiting room was dark and humid. It was now may, and it was still a little cold inside.

The little girl is afraid of being cold. Her hands and feet are cold in the scorching summer.

I glanced and saw no one.


"No more." Ye Hui nodded and bowed. "There is another Aunt Li in the interrogation room. I asked them to release them immediately."

Ye Hui asked, but he didn't act. After all, Li Lianfang is an egg seller. Can he have a relationship with Qin Yi? This puzzled him.

If it's not Li Lianfang, what is it?

In his mind, Xia zaozao's bright eyes and bright teeth flashed, the stubbornness with a shallow smile and the weak boneless hand. When he was trampled under his feet, he was calm and unyielding. Ye Hui suddenly jumped in his heart, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously.

"Aunt?" Qin Yi's eyes coagulated, but he grabbed Ye Hui's collar and pressed his neck with one hand: "don't talk nonsense! Where is Xia zaozao?"

Ye Hui's neck was pinched by Qin Yi. He breathed vigorously with his mouth open. He couldn't say a word. He could only point out the direction of Xia zaozao.

Qin Yi threw his big hand and threw Ye Hui to the ground: "lead the way."

Ye Hui got up in embarrassment, didn't dare to fart, and obediently took Qin Yi to the innermost.

At this time, Xia zaozao sat on the cold and hard floor and heard the sound of footsteps coming from the dark and cold corridor,

She raised her eyelids, but she was so tired that she couldn't lift her eyes, and she was so tired that she didn't have any strength to think about who would come.

She just wants to have a good sleep with her eyes closed.

Before long, the footsteps stopped.

"Who did it?" Qin Yi's voice did not fluctuate from beginning to end, but the aura between the lines was incomparable.

Ye Hui stepped back a few steps and looked at the scarlet man in horror. In addition to anger, there was heartache in his eyes, which was so painful that he wanted to tear people alive.

Qin Yi stepped forward quickly and kicked Ye Hui hard.

With a bang, Ye Hui hit his back against the wall and fell down. It hurt so much that he just wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Xia heard the sound of someone being beaten early.

Is it the usual method used by the police to force a confession? Otherwise, why are you so cruel?

She raised her eyes and looked. Qin Yi had knocked Ye Ju to the ground, punching Ye Ju's abdomen one after another. Each punch was very heavy, and soon the corners of Ye Hui's mouth exuded blood.

Ye Hui held his head and begged for mercy: "Mr. Qin, I was wrong. I didn't know Miss Xia was your man."

"You're not afraid of being accused of attacking the police?" Xia said early and stood up slowly. The whole face was pale, and a faint smile crossed the corner of her mouth. She didn't even notice it.

It happened that Qin Yi saw the smile on the corner of her mouth, as if there were nothing, as if it were unpredictable, but it was engraved in his heart like a brand.

Moreover, in this case, he can tease him without fear of honor or disgrace. There is no one except Xia zaozao.

Qin Yi's last punch waved to Ye Hui's head. Ye Hui's eyes flashed with Venus, shook a few times, and finally fell down.

"If they dare to do anything to you, I'll let them die."

Xia zaozao curled his lips and smiled. He had never seen Qin Yi's sinister appearance, but he was really handsome just now.

"If you don't stare at you for a moment, you'll have an accident. Stand still and I'll go." Qin Yi saw that Xia had to get up early and come over, stopped it immediately, walked quickly and picked her up.

There was a stench, but he didn't notice it at all, just like there was no smell.

"You put me down. I stink."

"Stay here."

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