"I just want my cell phone and the recording in it. Can I clear my charges?" Xia zaozaozao didn't plan to argue with him. Seeing that he was beaten like that by Qin Yi, he was even.

"Yes, I'll do it now."

"And..." Xia zaozao shouted to him: "help me transfer the recording to the media. The media will be happy."

"Sure." Ye Hui knew it was an opportunity to make up for his mistakes, so he didn't dare to neglect it and did it immediately.

The bodyguards are outside the door. In the interrogation room, except Li Lianfang hiding under the table, there are only Xia zaozao and Qin Yi.

"Ah Yi." Xia zaozao suddenly called Qin Yi's name, soft. Although the mess on her body made her look a little embarrassed, Qin Yi's eyes were full of appreciation from her humble attitude towards Ye Hui just now.

"Do you think I'm dirty?" Xia looked at him with his head tilted early.

Qin Yi's lips were hooked and his stomach was Fei. The woman knew that if she was dirty, he wouldn't hold her just now.

Instead of answering directly, he took practical action to lift the woman's chin, lower his head and print his own lips on her pale lips.

Xia zaozao responded gently, suddenly stood on tiptoe, hugged his neck, and said low in his ear, "thank you. Go back and repay you."

With that, his face flushed in circles.

Qin Yi looked at her and said, "I'm looking forward to it."

Xia zaozao was too embarrassed to look at Qin Yi. His eyes inadvertently swept to a foot exposed under the table.

"Can someone buy me a thousand eggs?"

"A thousand eggs?" Qin Yi didn't know what Xia would do early, and looked at the bottom of the table with her eyes.

"The man threw eggs at me."

Qin Yi was silent and ordered the bodyguard behind him to buy eggs.

Now he just wants to follow her. Even if she says he wants a 1000 ton nuclear bomb, he has to get it for her, as long as she forgets her unhappiness just now.

Li Lianfang knew that Xia zaozao was talking about her. She also guessed that she would hit herself with eggs. Although this is a police station, even the director can't control them. No one will save her. She thought she would shrink under the table again.

The bodyguard quickly came in with some eggs in shopping bags.

"Put it on the table." Xia zaozao asked the bodyguard to put the eggs on the table. He followed him and kicked the table: "come out."

The table legs were kicked by Xia zaozao, and Li Lianfang just couldn't come out.

Qin Yi winked at the bodyguard, who immediately pulled Li Lianfang out of the bottom of the table.

"Girl, I'm wrong." Li Lianfang saw that the legs of the big bodyguards were soft. What if the bodyguards killed her here?

"What's wrong?"

"I shouldn't throw you eggs."


"The mistake is to scold you and call you unfilial."

"That's not right!"

"You shouldn't incite others to beat you and scold you."

"Not yet!"

"..." Li Lianfang's eyes turned and turned, but she couldn't think of anything wrong.

"Girl, I haven't read a book and don't understand so much. You'd better say it directly."

"Your mistake is not to waste eggs. Haven't your parents taught you the virtue of diligence and thrift since childhood? How good is it to eat so many eggs? You have to smash people."

"This..." Li Lianfang couldn't understand Xia zaozao's meaning.

"Director Ye's was beaten like that, see?" Xia zaozao's shallow bad smile.

"What do you want? I can't die. I'm old and young. They all expect me to sell eggs for dinner. Please let me go and don't let them beat me."

"Well, I won't let them hit you."

"Thank you, girl. I knew you were a good man."

"You're wrong again! I've never been a good person." Xia zaozao suddenly sneered, and Li Lianfang was shocked.

Qin Yi gave a low smile from his chest. The naughty guy's deep and domineering eyes were nailed to Xia zaozao.

Xia zaozao saw that Li Lianfang was frightened by herself. Then he said, "eat a thousand eggs, or say who told you to do so, choose one."

She doesn't believe that an egg seller, old and young, depends on her to sell eggs. Will she meddle because of the so-called justice?

Meddling has always been the patent of the rich and those who have time. They are too poor to open the pot. They only look down to work.

"I really don't know who let me do it. I only know that a man called me and said he would give me money..."

Li Lianfang shook her head. She really only knew so much. She didn't know anything else.

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