His thoughts were eagerly pulled back by Ji Bai. He snorted, "HMM."

No longer speak, but wait for Ji Bai to speak first, because he was not listening just now, so he couldn't respond to more of his content.

"Have you considered increasing the dosage?" although this is the worst policy, relying on drug suppression is only temporary, and the human body has drug resistance. Once it is too frequent, the efficacy will be greatly reduced.

"No, where are you now? When will you be back?"

"In the golden triangle, beautiful women are in mind. They don't think of Shu for the time being."

"I don't care how to play. Give me the medicine as soon as possible."

Because he can't control another him more and more, once he is replaced by another him, he doesn't know what will happen.


Xia had breakfast downstairs early in the morning. The servant and the wet nurse seemed to be whispering. In fact, the voice was so loud that she deliberately heard it.

She turned a deaf ear and didn't have to listen. She could guess what they were talking about with her hair. It was nothing more than snake and scorpion women who miscarried their young lady.

Or just want to sit in Mrs. Qin's position without folding the means.

Like that, she'd better not listen.

After breakfast, she went upstairs and told Qin Yi that she wanted to go to the hospital to see her father.

At this time, Qin Yi just finished the phone call and leaned on the sofa with a tired face. She walked over and gently massaged his temples.

Qin Yi's heart softened and pulled her hand down: "Why are you so good today?"

"I want to see my father in the hospital."

Unexpectedly, he agreed with her without thinking


Xia zaozao was waiting for the elevator, followed by two bodyguards.

Today, there are many personalities in the hospital. There is an endless stream of people waiting in front of the elevator to go upstairs. The elevator door opens. When she is full, she has to wait for the next trip.

Looking up at the video in the middle of the elevator, the TV is playing entertainment news. The popular star Xie Yan is being interviewed. Standing next to her daughter, Xie Qingqian.

Reporters crowded with microphones to interview Xie Yan, who just won a grand slam.

"What do you think of Miss Xie's winning 13 nominations at one stroke?"

"Are you going to let your daughter enter the entertainment industry?"

Xia congealed on the screen early, thinking that the woman named Xie Yan looked familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere

She tilted her head and thought seriously for a while. By the way, when she bought clothes in the mall, she misunderstood that she was the woman who kept Qin's beast.

Xie Yan's exquisite makeup and almost unreal age. She is still in her forties and looks only in her early thirties.

Standing next to her daughter Xie Qingqian has an oval face and sweet facial features. Although she is not a person in the entertainment circle, she looks like a popular actress for several blocks.

Women have a sweet smile and are clever enough to answer questions to reporters.

When the elevator arrives, Xia takes back his sight from the TV early and raises his feet into the elevator.

The two bodyguards still followed, expressionless and as cold as robots.

In the ward, since I entered the door, two pairs of eyes have been staring at me. One pair is weak and full of complexity, and the other pair is malicious to tear her up.

"Early, you came..." Zhai Ming is still weak. The doctor suggested that he be hospitalized for observation for two months.

Xia zaozao nodded. Since she knew Zhai Ming was not her own father, she was more grateful to him. She should be grateful for someone who married her mother in order to keep her mother's reputation.

"Are you better? You look good." she deliberately avoided Zhai WANYING's vicious eyes and turned to ask the bodyguard to bring in the fruits and flowers.

"Much better. Thank you for coming to see me."

Xia zaozao doesn't know why. His eyes are suddenly sour, especially when he sees that he has become thin and small, and the wrinkles on his face are drooping because he is so thin

She couldn't say a word, just shook her head.

It seems that all the tit for tat in the past is just a passing cloud.

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