"Oh -" Qin Yi smiled low, turned back and let the muzzle of the gun follow his forehead: "you can shoot, as soon as you shoot, your so-called Qin Yi will never come back."


"Are you happy?"

"..." happy ghost! This pervert.

The man suddenly held Xia zaozao's hand, and the wrench suddenly banged in panic——


Summer early released the gun in his hand, covered his ears and screamed, but he saw the man laughing more evil.

She opened her eyes and looked where the muzzle was aimed. She was not hurt.

"There is no bullet in the pistol!?" Xia zaozao sighed. If there were bullets in the gun, the man in front of her would have been killed by her.

A little lucky.

The man opened the gun, took out the bullet inside, and stretched out his hand to take out another bullet from the Gale's pocket

"..." this man is really not afraid of death. He knows there is a bullet and he will die at any time. He is so... Calm.

The man reloaded the gun with a slap, and then pulled the necklace on Xia zaozaozao's neck. With a bang, the necklace broke

"!" is this man crazy?

Yan Sheng gave her the necklace. She didn't remove it in many ways. The man shot the necklace and broke it.

"Why did you take mine..."

Before he finished, the man took a rope from nowhere, tied the bullet, made a new necklace and hung it around Xia zaozao's neck.

"If you want to kill me one day, use this bullet."

"It's too dirty to kill you!" before she killed him, it was estimated that she had been solved by him: "give me back the necklace!"

The man put the necklace in his hand. He half narrowed his dangerous eyes and stared at the flying eagle on the necklace and the red gem in its mouth.

Xia zaozao reaches out to grab the necklace in the man's hand. The man puts the necklace into his pants pocket with his backhand.

"Return me!" spread his palm. How could this man shoot casually, interrupt casually and take away other people's necklaces!

"One thing for another."

"You broken bullet, who wants who wants to go, I just want you to give me back the necklace."

"Qin Yi..." the man suddenly shouted Qin Yi, and then looked at her: "are you Qin Yi's plaything or mine?"

"Playthings? Only perverts will treat women as playthings!" Xia zaozao saw that the man didn't intend to give the necklace to himself, so he reached out to take off the necklace and give it back to him:

"I warn you, I have nothing to do with you. You are imprisoned. I can call the police. In addition, no matter who you are, even Qin Yi, I won't accompany you!"

She was really angry. She provoked anyone. Since she got to the manor, fell into the dark road and was trampled by a horse, she woke up and was strangled by this man.

She was going to throw the necklace out and was stopped by a man.

"How dare you throw my necklace?"

"I dare not only throw your necklace, but also your people! Shoot me if you can!"

Xia looked angrily early. Anyway, he was dead.

"Wear it back!" the man pulled her body back to her position: "believe it or not, I'll hit the bullet here, so that you can never take it off, you can't die, and you can't run." he pointed to her thigh. The snow-white thigh was pulled up by him, and the posture was very ambiguous.


Reaching out to slap him, he stopped him: "if you still want to see the people you want to see, be honest and make me happy. Naturally, I can consider letting you see."

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