Fan Fei shook her head: "I believe, maybe you can try."

"You're still young. It's not too late to try now." Xia zaozaozao bent his lips: "I really want to know. That slag will regret seeing you after you have changed greatly."

Fan Fei's eyes lit up and soon darkened. She said with low self-esteem, "he doesn't want me because he hasn't seen any beautiful women!"

"Don't exalt others and destroy your prestige."

"What I said is true. With his background, what kind of woman do you want?"

"What's his background?"

"I can't tell. There are many bodyguards around him every day."

"I'm sure he won't like your dress, otherwise he won't."

"How do you do that?"

Xia thought early and said, "do something simple first. Where is the bathroom?"

The luxurious crystal bathtub is made of transparent glass with ceramics inside. The bathtub is inlaid with countless white crystals. The crystals create a shining luxury effect under the refraction of light.

The Swarovski chandelier is hung on the top of the bathtub. Behind it are the French windows with white gauze curtains. The curtains of the complex French court are pulled up on both sides to set off the bustling scenery outside the window.

Fan Fei lies in the bathtub, the bright red rose petals floating, the posture is enchanting, pointing to the high foot red wine cup, her eyes blurred in the fog

"Click click" Xia pressed the shutter early in the morning to capture the most beautiful picture.

"Isn't it good to make it like this? Will it be too exposed? He doesn't like it."

"It's beautiful."

"Don't be like this. Youze will be furious when he sees it. Early, or don't." he got up to rob, and Xia dodged early.

"That's good. Believe me, if you want to recapture Xiaoxing, you must take the initiative to make some efforts and wait for death. It won't solve any problems."

Looking at fan Fei's hesitation, Xia zaozao took a powerful medicine: "think about the three-year-old star, he needs you."

"But what does taking these photos have to do with Xiaoxing?"

Xia zaozao smiled. Although fan Fei was older than her, she was more like a greenhouse flower than her. Before marriage, her family protected her. After marriage, Ji youze regarded her as a family favorite and locked her in an incubator. She was so simple.

"Isn't it difficult for you to meet him now? Let him see your differences first, and then he will pay attention to you."

Speaking of this, Xia zaozao also had some selfishness in his heart. Only when the relationship between fan Fei and Ji youze eased and the cufflink thing was convenient to start.

Of course, she would rather see fan Fei cheer up.

Dozens of photos were taken in a row. All kinds of angles and postures ensured that fan Fei's most beautiful and attractive appearance could be discharged.

Jingjia chose several angles and already beautiful ones and put them in fan Fei's WhatsApp, which is similar to domestic wechat.

"He often uses this software." she ensures that Ji youze notices fan Fei's change first.

"Well, his work is mainly based on this software. Once you send it, he will see it."

"That's good." Xia zaozao's satisfied lip hook: "use this simplest way first."

"Simple..." fan Fei didn't think it was simple. She thought she would be scolded to death by him.

She could almost think of him as angry as a lion.

"Also, I think we can agree to the invitation of our neighbors. They have a party in the evening."

When they came in, the new young neighbor invited them. It was a good opportunity.


At the other end of the city of country a, there is also a bathroom.

The water waves in the wide bath are turbulent, the bodies of men and women are tightly intertwined, and the ambiguous atmosphere is dispersed.

There are several scars on the masculine back, which crawl sexy on the solid muscles of the back.

Men have a perfect golden ratio. With the ups and downs of movements, their backs stretch with strong masculine lines.

The woman under him tightly coiled his waist and gasped to the bone.

The woman could not bear to sing, "well... I can't stand it. I want to..."

"Can't stand it?"

"Give me..."

The man smiled coldly. His sexy and indifferent thin lips were shining scarlet, cold and cruel.

"So you like this way. Next time we can try not to do foreplay and be rough. Anyway, you are born with more water..."

A low voice, like an invitation from hell.

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