Fan Fei pressed her chest to jump out and shouted up, "Xiao Xing, Ma Ma is coming. Don't move."

Xiao Xing looked down with tears. At the moment he saw fan Fei, his whole eyes lit up. It turned out that Ma Ma could really feel it. Standing high, Ma Ma Ma could really see it.

"Why, why did you force the child to climb the tree?" fan Fei ran to Ji youze excitedly and punched him in the chest.

Ji youze mercilessly grabbed her wrist: "woman, don't be too presumptuous!"

Fan Fei's hand was hurt and stared at the amorous man in front of her.

"The young master climbed up the tree by himself. You misunderstood the young master."

Fan Fei shook her head and almost collapsed: "if it weren't for you, a three-year-old child would be forced like this? He's only three years old! What are other children doing when they're three?"

He can bully her, but he can't bully children!

Ji youze looked at her sarcastically: "are you out of your mind and dare to talk to me in this tone?"

"I..." fan Fei stared at him fiercely: "I just dare! If something happens to Xiaoxing, I'll work hard with you!"

Her eyes were stubborn and her whole body exuded a strong desire for protection.

Ji youze saw such fan Fei for the first time.

It feels good!

Xia followed fan Fei early in the morning. When she saw Xiaoxing being held down, she stretched out two small arms and asked fan Fei to hold her.

Seeing such a picture, Xia zaozao felt a little warm silently. He thought that when he was four or five years old, he also climbed a tree. When he looked down, he knew that he had climbed very high and cried red.

In the sun, my mother opened her arms, full of sunshine and love.

However, someone in whale city is obviously not in such a good mood at the moment.

Qin Yi was found by the cleaning servant the next day. Seeing that he couldn't get up, he was so frightened that the servant's basin fell to the ground.

Gale was also attacked by Yan Sheng's bodyguard. He was anesthetized. When he woke up, he arrived at the first time and helped Qin Yi to bed.

What Xia zaozao gave was a heavy dose of anesthetic, which should be anesthetized for at least ten hours. It is generally used in large-scale surgery.

Because the persistence is too strong, Xia didn't dare to paralyze his whole body early.

However, what she doesn't know is that her mercy is the most ruthless to strangle Qin Yi.

It might be better for Qin Yi if he left without his knowledge.

He probably only understood the feeling of watching her go and trying to drag her back, but he was powerless.

On the ground was the blood mark he pulled out. He moved so hard last night and tried every means to stop her. His nails were almost pulled over because of his strength.

Finally, he crawled to the door, but he couldn't make a sound.

Can only wait for the passage of time, and she is farther and farther away from him.

This kind of purgatory torture is probably the most painful experience of Qin Yi's life.

"Young master, Yan Sishao's plane landed at the airport halfway and drove back to Yan Fu. According to the insider, Miss Xia didn't go back to Yan Fu with Yan Sishao, and..."

The strong wind subconsciously looked at Qin Yi: "moreover, it is said that Yan Sishao is also looking for someone."


"The airport also sent a thorough investigation. There was no news of Miss Xia leaving the country."

Qin Yi is half leaning on the bed, and his limbs are still in the soothing period. The anesthetic can only be cured slowly after the time passes. There is no medicine to solve it.

Now he has only a clear mind.

Qin Yi raised his hand and wanted to lift the quilt. As soon as he raised it, he fell powerlessly.

He rolled up his lips and smiled coldly.

What if Mr. Qin is not making waves?

When she left, his whole world was dark.

Qin Yi's Scarlet eyes seemed to burst.

Early in summer, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I will find you.

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