Ji youze came back from answering the phone. Seeing this scene, he also saw that a woman began to commit flower mania. He was moved to smoke his whole shoulder. He sat next to her, grabbed the coke in her hand and took a sip.


Ji youze opened fan Fei's face and let her continue to watch the dolphin show: "it's just a proposal. What's the fuss?"

Yan Sheng would propose to that woman. I remember he announced his singleness before and laughed at him for putting himself to death too early. Now, he wants to get married and he has divorced

Dolphins began a new round of performance

Xia zaozao took the opportunity to draw close to fan Fei: "Yan Sheng promised to help us and endure for a few more days."

"Early, really can't, don't worry about me, I feel he's not so easy to fool." fan Fei is afraid to implicate Xia zaozao,

Xia zaozao secretly glanced at Yan Sheng and said in a low voice, "he promised. There should be no problem."

"Early -" fan Fei was so moved that she didn't know what to say. If she hadn't been early, she probably didn't even have the courage to win back Xiaoxing: "he's good. I think you'll be happy to marry him."

Xia zaozao flashed Qin Yi's face and shook his head. Fortunately, she didn't know whether she was happy. She was really happy before. Maybe she didn't deserve it. The happier she was, the more painful it was.

After that, she really didn't dare to think.

After the dolphin performance, Xiaoxing wants to go down and interact with the dolphins. Fan Fei follows and says something to the trainer, which makes her laugh and dance happily.

Ji youze had a black face and kicked the trainer down in the past.

"Are you tired of living and showing off to who?"

"Anyway, it's not for you." fan Fei thought Ji youze was unreasonable.


"We're divorced. I'm not your wife. You have no right to take care of me..."

"Show off with other men in front of your son. Aren't you afraid to teach your son badly?"

"You are really unreasonable. Now I really thank Michelle for taking you away from me!" although Mi Xiaosan is not good to Xiao Xing, she can't stand his temper.

"Humiliate yourself. Do you compare with her?"

"Yes, how nice she is. Take care of her and leave me alone. Who do I have to do with you? If I can do it again, I'd rather marry this trainer than you."

The two men were in a confrontation. They didn't find Xiaoxing squatting by the wet swimming pool and feeding the dolphins. The dolphins were eager to eat the food in his little hands. You argued with me, but somehow, they brought Xiaoxing into the water.

"Xiao Xing!" fan Fei exclaimed in a panic. She didn't know what to do. She quickly took off her coat to jump, but she couldn't swim.

The surrounding audience has not dispersed yet. When they see the children falling into the water, they are shouting, and others have to come to save Xiaoxing.

The trainer was supposed to swim ashore in the water. Xiaoxing fell into the water. He swam inside and hugged Xiaoxing.

The trainer is a young man. He has been in the aquarium for a long time. He is very good at water and soon rescued Xiaoxing ashore.

"Fan Fei, is Xiaoxing okay?" Xia rushed down from the audience early, followed by Yan Sheng.

"It's all right. Fortunately, the trainer saved him." fan Fei looked at the trainer gratefully: "thank you. What should I call you?"

"Lin Weber, you can call me Weber. The child's clothes are wet. Do you mind if I take a bath towel to wipe him?" the staff of marine management generally have black skin, but Lin Weber's skin is relatively white.

It belongs to the type of sunshine big boy.

"Don't mind, thank you." fan Fei was sorry that Ji youze kicked him into the water just now. Unexpectedly, he didn't mind at all and saved Xiaoxing.

Lin Weber came out of the dressing room with a bath towel in his hand and handed it to fan Fei. Ji youze robbed him first.

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