Qin Yi tried to get close to her again. In exchange, the scissors in her hand fell into her neck again, and the scissors were stained with red blood.

He stretched out his hand to stop: "don't hurt yourself. No one is worth hurting yourself."

"Let me go, don't come to me again!"

Qin Yi saw the determination from her eyes and could only step back: "I'll let you go! As long as you don't hurt yourself."

It's impossible for him to stop looking for her. She won't want to get rid of him all her life.

Xia zaozao saw Qin Yi step back. He jumped down from the table and simply cleaned himself up. Ignoring his embarrassment, he withdrew step by step.

He stepped on the backpack, picked it up, paused, took out his wallet, took out two hundred from it and threw it on the ground: "service charge, we'll pay both."

Qin Yi smiled bitterly. His service was only worth two hundred?

Do you have to figure it out with him?

"I didn't mean to hurt you... And I won't let you marry him." Qin Yi coagulated two hundred on the ground, then looked up at her, looking at her for a moment.

Seeing her hair, she shook her head: "so what? I'd rather marry him. I'd rather marry him... I hope you wish us happiness."

"Do you think he will want you?" he must have heard clearly on the phone just now that his fiancee was cheating openly before marriage.

How big would he be if he still wanted to marry her? Are you willing to wear a green hat?

"At least he won't hurt me."

After that, he didn't wait for Qin Yi to speak. Besides, it's too late for him to say anything now.

She has been bruised by him and will never come back.

Turning to open the door, fan Fei almost fell in. Xia stabilized her early. Her anxious look and face were a little pale.

She looked in and saw a gorgeous man. She was not in the mood to appreciate it. She dragged Xia out early.

"What's going on?"

"Yan Sheng took Xiaoxing away and said that if he didn't take you back, he couldn't guarantee Xiaoxing's safety." fan Fei just heard Xiaoxing's distress on the phone, and her whole heart was breaking.

"Did he know anything? Who was the man in the consultation room just now?" fan Fei's steps were messy and panting.

"Qin Yi... Should be my ex husband..."? She didn't know whether it was true or not. Mr. Qin declared that his marriage was invalid, so what were they?

"Is he Qin Yi?" fan Fei was so frightened that she almost choked. She quickly stabilized her steps, opened the door and sat in: "he is really the best looking man I've ever seen."

Just look at it and remember it at a glance, because it's so excellent that it's hard for anyone to forget it at a glance, right?

"He's going to take you away?"

Xia zaozao also sat in the co pilot. When she heard fan Fei ask her this sentence, she subconsciously shook her head.

Maybe Yan Sheng is so excited because he knows that Qin Yi has found here. He knows that Xiaoxing is fan Fei's weakness now, and as fan Fei's friend and Li Xiao's cousin, she won't ignore her.

That's why I took Xiaoxing.

"Do you love him?" fan Fei asked.

Xia zaozao was stunned and shook his head again: "I don't have the strength to love again. Now I just want to have a peaceful day, ordinary and simple."

Fan Fei understood her: "me too."

"Yan Sheng won't do anything to Xiao Xing. He doesn't dare!" Xia zaozaozao just comforted fan Fei. She wasn't sure if Yan Sheng dared to do something she regretted. She said this entirely because she wanted fan Fei to be relieved.

Fan Fei drove very fast because she was in a hurry. When the roadside traffic police saw it, they whistled and ordered her to reduce her speed. She turned a blind eye. She just wanted to bring Xiaoxing back quickly.

Xiaoxing will be afraid. If he can't see Ma Ma, he will cry.

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