Xia zaozao suddenly felt a little trance. She didn't know how Yan Sheng knew what was in her heart through one look.

She doesn't understand at all. When a person loves you, her every move will be deep into the bone marrow, and even she doesn't need anything. As long as one look and one action, it's convenient to know what she wants.

But how long can this love last?

Just like the pair in front of us, Ji youze carried Michelle upstairs. At this time, Lin Weibo happened to hold fan Fei downstairs.

Once in a lifetime, two men cross. The picture is really ironic.

What's more ironic is that Ji youze put his eyes on Michelle. He didn't give fan Fei a look, or he didn't notice at all. His mind was completely absent

Instead, he spread his heart and soul on the woman, and the woman was still a third child

Xia bit her teeth early. Don't say fan Fei doesn't care about him. Anyway, she must not see it.

Even with Ji youze as a backer, the woman bullied fan Fei and secretly abused Xiao Xing. She must find a way to help fan Fei get back this account.

Thinking, she walked to fan Fei: "what's the matter? What's wrong?"

Although she asked, she knew clearly where fan Fei was uncomfortable. Her ex husband was like this. Who could be comfortable in her heart?

Fan Fei's pale face shook her head: "nothing, just a little dizzy."

Xia zaozao looked at Lin Weibo gratefully: "put her on the sofa first."

Lin Weibo carefully put fan Fei on the sofa and took a deep look at fan Fei. It was just acting, but with more and more in-depth contact, there was a trace of sympathy.

Fan Fei looked around and didn't see Xiaoxing. She looked up and asked Xia zaozao, "where's Xiaoxing?"

"I didn't see him, could it be in my own room?" Xia zaozao looked around and saw Xiaoxing. Fan Fei called the servant and asked her.

The servant hesitated and said, "he was looking for his mother this morning. The young master said he was not obedient, so he put him in a small black house."

Little black house

Fan Fei took a breath of air conditioning. There was a sundry room, dark and cold

Xia heard the word "sundry room" early in the morning and couldn't help trembling all over. That day, she was taken to the sundry room by the bodyguard and beaten black and blue with a whip.

"Why not shut up in the room, in the small black room? Xiao Xing is so small that he is afraid of the dark." fan Fei suddenly stood up, but her legs softened again.

Why is he so cruel to the children as long as the woman comes?

"The young master said that the little boy was crying all day and asked him to go to the small black room to exercise..."


Fan Fei shook her head in despair. Lin Weibo happened to reach out and hold her.

Several people went to the small black house to find Xiaoxing. When they opened the door, they saw that Xiaoxing's small one was shrinking in the corner. There were still wet tears on his cheeks and empty eyes.

Fan Fei's legs were soft and couldn't move. She was supported by Lin Weibo. Xia zaozao rushed forward and picked up Xiaoxing.

He was so small that his body was still trembling.

She patted Xiaoxing on the back: "Xiaoxing is good, don't be afraid, there is an aunt and Ma Ma..."

Fan Fei almost burst into tears. Why is Xiaoxing so small that she has to suffer from these things!?

Why did the man let her pass on the family line and treat the child like this after she was born?

She cried silently, blaming herself, blaming herself for being too useless

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