Fan Fei puffed a smile and kissed Xiaoxing's face: "when Xiaoxing grows up and Ma Ma is too old to walk, will Xiaoxing hold Ma Ma again?"

She really hopes Xiaoxing can grow up quickly and become a man, so that no one can bully him!

Lin Weibo took fan Fei downstairs and left. Fan Fei didn't stand to invite him to dinner. After all, this is Ji youze's home. Moreover, Michelle came back today and swore the position of hostess.

At best, she was just her predecessor. Lin Weibo was afraid that she had a burden in her heart, so he whispered to fan Fei that he just had an appointment.

Michelle will naturally attend the dinner. At this time, she has changed her clothes, but that dress is a silk nightgown.

That dress was cut by fan Fei and Xia early that day. It was just under their armpits. If they didn't wear anything inside, the scene inside would be seen clearly.

I thought she couldn't wear it, but I didn't expect that she was very comfortable, and naturally ignored such a big hole.

She held the handrail of the stairs, a queen's posture and posture, looked up 45 degrees, and her pride was uncontrollable.

However, she has removed her makeup. Compared with the previous smoked makeup, she has revealed her beautiful facial features. She is quite different from her makeup. She is also a delicate beauty.

Yan Sheng sat at the other end of the long table and looked at it silently. He felt that the smell of * * was flowing in the air. It was very strong. It seemed that there would be a good play today.

It's good for a man to watch a woman's war. When the play ends, he can applaud and help Xia clean up the mess early. His girl is not a worry-free owner.

But some were worried about Michelle. Xia played hard early. Even he was afraid, so he whispered to her: "almost. After all, she's still at home. At least save face."

"Who do you want to save face for?"

"Who do you think it is?" Yan Sheng saw that Xia zaozao was suspected of playing silly. His eyes were full of cunning. He almost couldn't help rubbing her into his arms.

This girl is wilting.

But he just likes it.

"Do you know what I want to do?" Xia zaozao looked at Yan Sheng carefully and found that he knew himself more and more. Needless to say, he seemed to have guessed her intention.

"I'm around you every day. Do you know?" she looked at her and moved. He analyzed and guessed carefully. He was afraid that he didn't know her enough. What did she want to do? How could he not guess?

But he didn't intend to stop her. It was fun to see her presumptuous.

But Xia zaozao had a touch in her heart. Letting her go so freely made her have an unspeakable taste in her heart.

She could only move her eyes and look at Michelle. Her arrogant eyes happened to be on her side when she was patrolling around. She looked at her like that.

Women are naturally competitive with women who are more beautiful than themselves.

She saw that summer morning was the same.

Fortunately, the woman in front of her has a fiance, otherwise she should worry that Ji youze will bow down under Xia zaozao's pomegranate skirt.

Xia zaozao was no longer afraid, but also looked at Michelle up and down, with more contempt.

Michelle's right corner of her mouth is very arrogant. Then she avoids Xia zaozao and sweeps her eyes to fan Fei sitting opposite Xia zaozao.

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