Ji youze's hoarse voice sounded: "you don't even have the courage to face me? It can be seen to what extent you are a woman? Are you guilty?"

"I didn't say anything, but I didn't want to see you!"

Outside the door, Ji youze looked violent.

Well, the woman last pushed Michelle, which led to miscarriage. Today, she worked with Xia to burn Michelle's hair like that!

How dare you do these things under his nose!

Now I don't want to see him!?

"You don't want to see me. Do you think I want to see you stupid woman?"

"In that case, we'll never see each other again. When I get married, we won't meet again!" fan Feiyue said louder and louder: "Michelle is very suitable for you. She's pregnant with other men's children. You take all the orders, but your wife and children are made difficult by you..."

"Fan Fei!" Ji youze's voice was terrible: "I warn you for the last time, open the door!"

It was kicked this time.

His strength is so strong that the thin door can't support him at all, and he is shaky.

Xiaoxing was frightened by the huge sound of kicking the door, and the whole person shrank in fan Fei's arms. Fan Fei shook her head and smiled bitterly and looked at Xia zaozao: "you see, I said, he won't believe me. He'd rather believe that woman."

Summer morning is also an eye opener. Such indiscriminate men are really unparalleled.

Then there was another sound of force. The door was finally overwhelmed and kicked open. The whole sofa against the door was pushed down.

Ji youze angrily walks in. Xia zaozao immediately reaches out his hand and wants to protect fan Fei and Xiaoxing in the posture of hen protecting chicks. Ji youze lifts his big hand and throws Xia zaozao out for a long time.


Fan Fei put down Xiaoxing and ran to see if Xia zaozao was hurt. The whole person was pulled up with her hair.

Her whole scalp was numb with pain. Ji youze grabbed her hair: "how can I punish you for being so brave?"

"Not me!"

"Dare you talk back?"

Xia zaozao touched a vase. Before he hit Ji youze this time, he was hit by his agile backhand and fainted.

Ji youze coldly picked up fan Fei and carried it on his shoulder.

Fan Fei struggled desperately, punching and kicking, and even her teeth were on the butterfly bone on his back.

"Let go of me, you bastard. I didn't do anything. Let go of me!"

"Ma Ma... Dad, put Ma Ma down... Wu Wu..."

Xiaoxing climbed over and hugged Ji youze's leg to keep Ma Ma.

Ji youze threw his leg hard. Xiaoxing was really thrown out, fell and sat on the ground, watching his father carry his hemp out.

Before closing the door, Ji youze said to the servant by the door, "look at them. Don't let the women and children inside run around."

The servant bowed his head and closed the door.

All fan Fei's struggles were useless. Finally, Ji youze carried her to the bedroom.

At this time, Michelle was lying naked on the bed in the bedroom, and the servant was giving him medicine and massage.

The burned hair has obviously been trimmed, and the long hair at the hip has been reduced by more than half.

The tender and white skin was scalded by candle oil in several places, and the hot skin turned red, but it didn't seem to be too serious.

Ji youze threw fan Fei coldly on the carpet beside the bed.

Although there was a thick carpet on the ground, fan Fei still fell very painful when she threw it at such a high altitude.

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