Presumably these days, she is very moist.

In contrast, Qin Yi's lips are pale, his beard is broken, and his hair is long enough to cover his eyes.

The glazed pupils lost their old look in the disorderly waxed bangs

Early in the morning, someone sent an invitation.

The white invitation fell into Qin Yi's hands and was crushed by him.

"Young master, many reporters." Gale said anxiously, "if you want to rob marriage..."

Qin Yi raised his hand and interrupted what gale wanted to say.

The auditorium of the church was filled with journalists from all over the world.

Everyone's every move is magnified, captured and transmitted to an audience all over the world.

"Ye Huanhuan, did you see that bitch early in summer?"

Zhai WANYING inadvertently turned on the TV and saw that all the stations were the same as the news. They were all scheduled for the wedding.

"See, Yan Sheng wants to marry her?" Yan Sheng was the man she liked!

Yan Sheng's Fox eyes are flirtatious and flirtatious, and the smile at the corners of his mouth is evil and handsome and cold.

And the aura from all over his body shows that he is by no means mortal

What's more, his ability to give Xia such a grand wedding early also clearly shows his prominent identity.

Zhai WANYING gritted her teeth and called Ye Huanhuan. At that time, if it hadn't been for the early summer, they wouldn't have made such a big joke in their circle of friends. The unbearable video of them and men was posted on the Internet.

However, they became so early in summer that they got the wedding before all the daughters in the world dreamed of.

Zhai WANYING stares at the TV and wants to find out Yan Sheng's defects to sneer at, but the more she looks, the more fascinated she becomes. She wants to be Xia zaozao.

Fan Fei makes the final makeup in front of the makeup mirror. She's very nervous today. Didn't she say there won't be many people? Why are there so many journalists?

At this time, you are very busy in all the heat, including early summer, and have to face the questions of reporters from time to time

Fan Fei was alone, so she was dropped.

At this time, Lin Weibo disappeared. She was a little flustered.

"No amount of makeup can hide your natural ugliness!" a sarcastic voice suddenly appeared.

Fan Fei doesn't have to look back to know who's coming.

In the mirror, he in a light blue suit appeared behind her, with arrogance and ridicule oozing from the corners of his mouth.

Fan Fei doesn't want to see him, especially at this time

She suddenly got up and was about to leave. With a gentle press of her big palm, she fell back to her seat.

Ji youze raised his voice. The bodyguards around him, including the makeup artist who served fan Fei's makeup, all withdrew and closed the door——

The wedding venue was arranged by him and Yan Sheng. They were all arranged by him. After all, this is his territory, so these people listen to him.

"Look at you." he leaned over from behind her shoulder and pinched her jaw fiercely: "with a spring heart rippling and dissatisfied look on his face, hasn't Lin Weber satisfied you enough?"


"That's what I think of men?"

"What are you doing here?"

Fan Fei stubbornly opened her chin: "you go! Get out of here right away! Get away, don't let me see you again!"

As long as she sees Ji youze, the scene that night is like a movie replay. When it is displayed in front of her, she will feel that he is so dirty. Even where he is, the air is dirty.

Her disgusting eyes seemed as if he was covered with disgusting dust.

Immediately attracted Ji youze's displeasure.

"Of course I came to bless you when you got married."

"Thank you, no! I don't need your blessing. You go."

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