Fan Fei hit him. This cognition made his whole body angry and blood boil. He waved and lifted, and fan Fei fell to the ground with the chair.

He picked up her hair and turned her face to himself: "woman, you see who I am!"

"I know who you are!" fan Fei wiped her mouth hard and shouted in disgust: "don't touch me, let alone kiss me with your dirty mouth!"


"You don't know how dirty you are?"

Fan Fei slowly climbed up, grabbed a bottle of perfume on the table, unscrewed the lid, and poured a big mouth into his mouth, then spit it out.

What a dirty smell!

The smell forced the food in her stomach to rush out, and she remembered that dirty night. Not only the mouth he kissed was dirty, but also the air was dirty, and everything was dirty.

Cough, cough

The smell of perfume choked her throat.

But it's better than the taste of his saliva.

"You say I'm dirty? Fan Fei, where can you clean yourself?" Ji youze was completely angered.

"Go away! I don't want you here!" fan Fei waved his empty perfume bottle against him.

Ji youze easily avoided, and the corners of his mouth coldly recalled: "since you say I'm dirty, let me check to see if it's you or me.

Then he unzipped his pants

Fan Fei's ears moved and her eyes widened.

The underwear inside also has a zipper. He pulls the zipper open to release what he already feels.

Fan Fei hesitated and stepped back two steps: "don't come here, come again, come again, I'll..."

"What about you?"

"No, Ji youze, I beg you!" she began to beg him.

The shadow in her heart has been engraved in her mind all her life.

Why did he let this shadow expand infinitely?

She was afraid that her spirit was unacceptable and that she would go crazy.

"What are you doing with this frightened look? It's not the first time you've seen... It's not the first time you've done it with me." Ji youze laughed at her panic, which seemed so artificial to him.


"Isn't that what you expected most?"


"Don't you forget that you secretly drugged my soup in order to make me lucky to you."

"No, it's not!" fan Fei shook her head. "The doctor said it's good for your health..."

"I've seen your mind since then."

"It's really not what you don't say..." fan Fei, you are really speechless: "at that time, you often drank and your health was bad. The doctor told you to take kidney tonic drugs. Those drugs were good for your health..."

Fan Fei was so naive that she didn't understand the meaning of the doctor's words. It can't blame the doctor. Who would make such a thing so clear?

So she was confused and thought it was good for Ji youze. She worked hard to cook soup for him every day and boiled it for several hours.

As a result, he drank out the strange smell in the soup and became angry.

Fan Fei thought of humiliating her with heavy words at that time. He said all the words that were hard to say anyway. He also said that she had a deep mind and was unwilling to be lonely with children.

Then she punished her for drinking all the soup and asked the servant to throw a stick and let her decide.

In order to save herself, fan Fei put ice water in cold weather and soaked it all night. Later, she had a fever, hung water in bed and fainted for three days.

Now that I think about it, she's so stupid.

He drank soup and would rather go out and touch other women than touch her.

And forced her to drink, and finally let her solve it by herself.

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