Michelle lifted her skirt and lay obliquely on the bed, seducing Ji youze with her eyes like silk: "what are you waiting for, come on..."

She has a way of seducing men. Most men can't resist her charm, especially in bed.

Fan Fei is too conservative and boring. She is like a plate of light green vegetables, which is necessary for meals. When she is bored with eating meat, she needs to use it to dilute her taste.

So it usually does not attract attention, and once it is lost, it will remind people of its freshness.

Ji youze's eyes obviously become low, like a primitive beast, who wants to lose his mind.

Michelle threw her skirt on his head: "fool, I'm waiting for you..."

Ji youze pounced on her and pressed her hard.

The cell phone rang unwittingly at this time——

Ji youze's body was stunned, as if the cell phone ring was an unsealed spell.

Most of his passion receded. He grabbed his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. fan Fei's.

The amorous corners of his mouth were stirred up, and confidence and confidence returned to his face - no matter how capable the woman was, she could not escape the snare he arranged.

Maybe people have such a cheap nature and have been waiting for it, but when they get there, they think it's not important.

Ji youze casually pressed the hang up button and knew she would call again.

Sure enough, in a moment, the mobile phone rang again.

Ji youze picked it up slowly——

"I'm busy."

"You asked people to do those reports?" fan Fei's angry voice came, "Ji youze, you bastard!"

Ji youze snorted coldly, "is that why you called?"

"I just want to ask you if you did the report. Just answer me, yes or no?"

"So what? So what if not?"

"If it were - I would hate you," she said in a resentful voice.

She guessed that Ji youze did the report, but she was not a person who casually framed others. This call is a confirmation.

"Tell me, how do you hate me?" Ji youze asked interestingly.

"I won't forgive you any more. If you deprive me of my most important thing like this, you are forcing me - I will also take away your most important thing." fan Fei's whole body lit up a small universe of revenge, "I will let you know that I'm not easy to bully!"

"Oh." Ji youze smiled happily.

He would rather she take revenge on him than like her to do as he said before——

Ignore him and ignore him.

The best punishment is to treat him coldly.

He would like to see her rise so that the game can be played.

"What is my most important thing?" he asked.

Fan Fei said coldly, "I'll know. Don't worry about it. Be careful!"

Michelle of course heard fan Fei's voice from her mobile phone and was immediately unhappy. At this time, Ji youze was in the mood to answer other people's calls.

Especially, it's fan Fei's.

She arched and rubbed Ji youze discontentedly, and shouted to him in a soft voice, "I'm so hot..."

"Wait, little monkey, hurry."

"No, people want it now..."

Fan Fei heard the sound and immediately shook her whole body like a thunderbolt and hung up her mobile phone.

She's so stupid. It's a certainty. She has to call Ji youze to verify it.

Obviously, he did it. He deliberately hurt his parents in order to revenge her

Fan Fei bit her lip and said, "if anything happens to my father, I won't spare him."

Xia zaozao patted her on the shoulder: "what do you want to do?"

"What he cares about most is Michelle," fan Fei clenched her heart. "It's a big deal. I'll destroy his Michelle, and then destroy myself, so that he can taste the loss of his favorite person."

Xia zaozao was slightly surprised and said, "fan Fei, are you talking angrily? Your personality can't do it."

Fan Fei closed her eyes painfully: "I couldn't do it before. Later, it's hard to say..."


"He has to force me, why should I be kind again?" she shook her head in a trance. For her, kindness is the voice of being bullied.

In other words, people may be able to do anything when they are cornered.

The cell phone suddenly rang in her hand.

Fan Fei picked it up. It was Ji youze's voice: "you called that phone just to demonstrate to me?"

"Otherwise, what do you want to hear? Do I cry and kneel down and beg you?"

He was really surprised that she didn't come to beg him.

Fan Fei replied fiercely, "I've begged you. I've done everything. What else do you want me to do?"


"I beg you, will you let me go? You won't, so why should I do meaningless things?"

Ji youze was robbed for a while and said coldly, "fan Fei, you owe more and more to clean up."

"Ji youze, my father should have three advantages and two disadvantages. Be careful when you sleep at night. I may light a fire for your villa!"

"Your father?"

"Don't pretend to me, I know you did it!"

"Tell me, what did I do?"

"You deliberately reported my mother's private affairs and let my father have a car accident in city B... How dare you say it has nothing to do with you?"

Ji youze lit a cigar, opened it on the bed and smiled coldly: "if your mother lives a decent life and sees the light, she is afraid of reporting? You are like your mother. You are a bus that wants to open your legs when you see a man."

"You can scold me. Don't insult my mother!"

"Don't you want anyone to mention that you've done something immoral?" Ji youze said mercilessly. "As for your father's car accident, he deserved it. Who told him to look for a wave goods and give birth to a small wave goods? Who can blame him for eating the consequences now?"

"Ji youze you -" fan Fei was so angry that she couldn't lift it up and almost went into shock.

"How am I?"

Suddenly Ji youze frowned, and Michelle held him there

His whole body was agitated. Where was he stimulated by this kind of stimulation, he issued a low groan ~ and grabbed her hair: "Michelle, don't make trouble..."

Fan Fei can't believe it. When he called her, did he still hang out with that woman?

Are they talking to her while doing it?

Fan Fei said coldly, "I'm a pig. I'm calling people like you."

"Did you know you were a pig? It's not too late to recognize it."

With a wave of fan Fei's hand, the mobile phone flew far and hit the wall.

At 7:30 pm, Xia accompanied fan Fei to the airport early. In the name of "it's not safe for women to go out at night", Yan Sheng had to let his bodyguards follow.

In fact, Xia zaozao knew that he was afraid that she would secretly contact gale.

Xia zaozao is really trying to contact the gale

"Sorry, all the tickets to city B have been sold out."

"It's sold out. How can it be? We just booked a ticket on the phone."

Fan Fei took out her identity.

The ticket lady took a look and said sorry, "just half an hour ago, the plane to city B was chartered."

"What about those who fly to other cities, as long as they are from whale country?" they can only go to whale country and change planes again.

"I'm sorry, they've been chartered, so they don't sell tickets."

Fan Fei is not stupid enough. How can there be such a coincidence in the world?!

Did Ji youze do this again?

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