"I especially asked Yan Sheng to choose a lecherous male dog." Xia zaozao smiled, "don't you know that dogs also have aesthetics. Do you like beautiful women?"

Fan Fei seemed to hear the Arabian Nights: "do dogs have eyes?"

"There is a saying that dogs look down on people." Xia zaozao hummed, "dogs bully and bark at beggars when they see them passing by. Don't you know?"

"Er... I've seen this before." fan Fei smiled and tentatively reached out to touch its head.

It immediately shook its big tail happily, and its expression was very excited. If it wasn't led by the bodyguard, it seemed that it would have rushed towards fan Fei.

"It's so warm... What's its name?"

"Little wolf." Xia zaozao narrowed his eyes and smiled, "and do you know what Ji youze's weakness is?"

"He also has weaknesses?" fan Fei asked in surprise. "You won't tell me that he is afraid of dogs?"

"He's allergic to dog hair."

"No wonder..." fan Fei is very loving and likes small animals very much. She was afraid of loneliness and asked for a dog, which was rejected by Ji youze. Xiaoxing also proposed to have a dog and was severely beaten by him.

"But how do you know?"

"Yan Sheng told me."

"Fan Fei, I've caught you." the bully's cold voice came from behind.

Ji youze was wet, his hair drooped, his walking posture was strange, and his face was angry and gloomy.

The wolf felt the murderous spirit and immediately defended the LORD: "woof, woof ~!"

It's a dog.

Ji youze frowned and stopped slightly.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

The little wolf walked back and forth from side to side. If he was not holding the chain, he was going to pounce on Ji youze.

He is not afraid of dogs and can be killed with one fist, but he has experienced allergic state

The body is covered with raised small red sores, and it will take at least three days to disappear.

In particular, the red sores still covered his face, which would make him quite repulsive, who has always been handsome and confident. Besides, he has a mania for cleanliness!

Ji youze's cold eyes narrowed slightly and sternly asked the bodyguard, "who gives you the right to keep a dog without my permission?"

"It's young master Yan."

See color and forget friends.

Fan Fei saw Ji youze's taboo about the wolf and immediately squatted down and hugged the wolf next to her. In this way, he doesn't dare to touch himself when he is allergic?

Sure enough, Ji youze's face smelled. Yan Sheng didn't even say he was allergic to dog hair, did he?

Otherwise, how dare this woman challenge him with such arrogant eyes?

It seems to say: you come here, you come and come and come.

Ji youze wrung his eyebrow fiercely. His ass hurt very much. He warned coldly: "fan Fei, the more arrogant you are now, the more ugly I will make you cry later!"

Heaping cruel words, he walked away slowly.

Fan Fei saw some traces of blood on his ass, but it should not bite hard.

She began to regret why the crocodile was not more powerful and swallowed Ji youze alive? Why do men like him live in this world?!

Watching Ji youze go away, fan Fei was relieved: "early, I want to move away!"

"Where to move? The whole country a is his territory. He can find you wherever you go. It's better for me to protect you as much as I can."

"It's all his territory?"

"Well." Xia zaozao sighed, "he can easily block all the channels you leave, proving his right to cover the sky in state A."

Fan Fei fell to the ground. At the beginning, who did she marry?

She had been married for four years, but she didn't even know his details. No wonder she has never met his parents or friends.

She is just his nominal wife, in fact, she is just a reproductive tool!

"Don't worry, he can't hurt you with me."

"I want to go to city B..." fan Fei said sadly, "dad must need me by his side at this time."

"About this, I called when I woke up. It is said that your father is still in a coma. You can't help him now."

"He needs me!"

"I know, let me find a way..." Xia pressed her temple early in the morning. Of course, she wanted to leave country a and save Qin Yi. Ji youze's power is so great that it is difficult to leave the country even if he saves Qin Yi from the castle.

Yan Sheng now wears a pair of pants with Ji youze. It's impossible to ask him for help.

There is a man who may be able to help them

Xia zaozao squatted down, leaned over and said in her ear, "maybe only Lin Weibo can help you now."

Fan Fei's eyes widened: "him?"

"No, I can't involve him."

"I don't want to implicate innocent people unless I have to. If I can't, let him help us take Qin Yi's news out... It's not difficult for him." let the strong wind cooperate inside and outside to save Qin Yi.

"But will he promise?"

"I can see that he is interested in you. You should continue to take care of him in the next few days. It's best to stay for a moment and influence him." Xia thought about it early and said, "as for your father, I heard that the hospital is preparing the procedures for transferring him back to country a..."

Fan Fei said incomprehensibly, "isn't dad unconscious? Can the hospital decide without authorization?"

Let fan Fu come back, isn't it another crisis.

Xia zaozao sighed: "so, it must be made by Ji slag."

His hands and feet are so fast that he touched father fan so soon

Fan Fei's heart sank: "does he really want to kill all?"

"Don't be discouraged. We'll play it by ear."

"Miss Xia, here you are..." a servant came panting, "I finally found you. He refused to eat breakfast and had to wait for you to come in person..."


Yan Sheng coldly pressed off the remote control, and his eyes were as deep as the night in the cold winter.

I went to Qin Yi's room early in the middle of the night yesterday, and promised to go there in person for the next meal and make a scorpion puppet.

No wonder Xia took his servant to Qin Yi's room early in the morning!

Yan Sheng imprisoned Qin Yi, but he didn't let him enjoy happiness.

How can his wife serve Qin Yi——

Yan Sheng was so angry at the thought of Xia zaozao's worried pale face.

A knife killed Qin Yi's heart.

Open the drawer and take out a bag of medicine from it.

This is the strong medicine sent by Ji youze to him.

He not only wants to get Xia zaozao tonight, but also let Qin Yi watch his possession with his own eyes.

With a cold look, he took out a bottle of high concentration foreign wine from the cabinet and poured the whole package of medicine in

Xia zaozao sat on the sofa and turned the book. Although she didn't look up, she could still feel her hot eyes staring at her all the time.

She sighed deeply in her heart.

Damn it, she can't stand the man's eyes

Finally he couldn't help closing the book: "have you read enough?"

Take a bite. It takes him a few minutes to swallow it. Just porridge, don't chew!

Qin Yi had two big pillows behind him. His face was cold, but he looked much better.

"No, I can't see enough for a lifetime." the corners of my mouth gently recalled a look of evil arrogance.

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