A hand was wrapped around his waist, and Qin Yi's low voice rang through his ears:

"Yan Sheng gave you marriage when you were most helpless, but I gave him a lifetime that he couldn't afford. You said you wanted a double and a home all your life. Is that enough?"

Xia zaozao's breath was a little hasty because of his words. Wearing a mask, all the hot breath was blocked in the mask. I don't know whether it was sweat or whether he touched her lacrimal glands all his life, and the corners of her eyes were wet.

His hand slowly entangled her, suddenly covered the back of her hand, and slowly took off the diamond ring between her fingers.

He should have done so long ago, but he was defeated by Xia early——

She said that even if he threw away the ring and imprisoned her, it would not change the fact that she was Mrs. Yan.

At that time, he was still buried in her body, and she could calmly analyze the situation for him - do you know what we are doing?

We call it cheating.

His serious expression almost let him out

The ring was completely faded by him and his big hand was raised. I don't know where he threw it.

It was as if the thorn in his heart had been pulled out by Lian Geng. Qin Yi's heart was relaxed for a while, pulled off his body early in summer and embedded her in his arms.

"You don't know how much I love you more than my life - summer morning, I love you."

Xia zaozao was suddenly honest by him, and his heart shook unceasingly.

Her heart is not made of stone. She is also an ordinary woman. Therefore, I have to admit that she eats this set.

"These three words are not the first time to say them, but I don't say them. I'm afraid I don't express them hard enough. I'm afraid I don't have enough time to tell me how much I love you."

The dim crystal chandelier scattered a light yellow light. Because most of the people present were lovers, the atmosphere was filled with a sweet smell of hormones.

At this time, the atmosphere began to be active and couples began to bid.

This is a love contest. Everyone's other half is trying to prove how sincere their love is.

You have to. After having those two magic pills, you become the only one for each other. It is the longing and expectation for the future in love.

The price is getting higher and higher

Qin Yi remained unmoved, pressed Xia zaozao's lips steadily, kissed fascinated, and kissed deeper and deeper.

He knows that no matter how high the price is, no matter how much it costs, things will only fall into his hands.

The mask on his face did not hinder the anxious kiss, just like a vortex of infatuation, which sucked people deeper and deeper without end.

Xia zaozao obviously knew that he had fallen into the trap he designed. He knew it was a trap. Jumping in might break to pieces, but he couldn't help jumping in.

She pulled the shirt on his chest tightly, and the clothes were pulled out of creases by her, but she fell into an ocean of contradictions in her heart.

The past scenes were replayed in her mind. She was afraid to go back to that memory node, which was not so good for her.

Suddenly, a beam of light came, used to dark eyes and couldn't open them when stabbed by strong light.

The strong wind, inspired by Qin Yi, lived up to his trust and photographed the Yuanyang pill at a sky high price.

Before that, in fact, the Yuanyang pill had not been asked a satisfactory price——

Because many couples come here only because of the situation. If they don't come, they don't love each other enough.

But come, life is so long and the world is so big, who can be sure that he can never change his mind?

Therefore, although many people came, their determination was not enough to support their determination.

They fear that there is no way back in the future

At the dark auction site, everyone looked enviously at the couple who opposed the next life.

They are the pair who are willing to cut off their own way for each other. They are so desperate for love.

At this time, they are holding together, intense kissing, so sentimental and inseparable.

It seems that love has surpassed life and death and is above life and death.

I felt that countless pairs of eyes were looking at me. Xia zaozao pushed Qin Yi hard.

He still wanted to leave. Then he took her hand and walked down the steps step by step. A cluster of light chased them.

The white close fitting dress wrapped her beautiful figure, and the fox mask covered most of her face. However, from her elegant temperament and posture, we can still see that she is a beautiful woman who can crown the crowd.

The man beside him was a white hand sewn expensive suit. In the wolf mask, a pair of unswerving ink pupils never moved his girlfriend for a moment.

The auctioneer with white gloves carefully opened the square glass and took out a carved wooden box from inside to give it to Qin Yi.

Qin Yi didn't take it, but took out the black pill directly, but everyone took a bite in the face.

The audience began to scream.

Exclaimed that the man didn't hesitate at all. It was as simple as eating an ordinary candy.

The reporter hurriedly photographed the shutter. Qin Yi looked at Xia zaozao with burning eyes: "do I want to taste it slowly? But guess what the taste is?"

"What's the taste?" Xia zaozao was a little nervous. She didn't believe there would be such medicine in the world, but she had some expectations. What did she expect? She doesn't know.

"Don't be nervous. It tastes good, like..." Qin Yi thought for a moment.

"Like what?" doesn't it taste strange?

He hooked his lips and said, "I think I love your taste."


The pill was not as big as his thumb, so he ate it in three bites and two bites.

The auctioneer stared and watched Qin Yi eat it bit by bit. He had to admire his determination. If it was not called true love, there would be no true love in the world.

No matter whether he will change his mind in the future, at least for this moment, he is dead set on Xia zaozao.

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows: "are you going to eat the remaining one here or take it back and eat it slowly?"

"What do you want?"

"I hope you are the former, I will be happy."

If Xia insists on taking it back and eating it slowly, in the end, Qin Yi will still find a way to let her eat it.

But if summer chooses to eat here early

Although the results are the same, the significance is very different.

Xia looked at the remaining white pill early.

No matter whether she will be with Qin Yi in the future, she doesn't intend to have a second man.

Eating it is also a protective shell for yourself.

Therefore, I didn't think much and picked it up without hesitation.

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