The window refused everything outside the car. Xia zaozao sat on the co pilot bored and secretly glanced at Qin Yi.

Seeing that men don't mind being appreciated by others, they simply turn around and look generously: "Qin calls animals."

Qin Yi turned his head to look at her, with a click, a snap, and a face of upside down beings was fixed.

360 degrees without dead angle, even inadvertently looking up, can be photographed into a more beautiful effect than the magazine cover.

"Your fruit shines on me."

She quickly shook the picture just captured by her mobile phone.


"Aren't you afraid of me uploading my circle of friends?"

"How do you explain that you are in a man's car with his upper body?" Qin Yi turned the car into the community: "they will guess whether we are in the future, in the continuous, or in the past."

When the car stopped in the yard, Qin Yi took out the key, put his hand on the steering wheel and grabbed her. He said charmingly, "the past is over. Let's look forward to the ongoing tense or the future tense."

Xia zaozao was a little flustered. He looked at his tightly locked wrist and moved. He found that there was no possibility of breaking free.

Just now in the car, even if he stripped him off, he didn't dare to run out and do anything to her. Now he's at home and stripped him off, which is helping the tyrants and adding fuel to the flames.

She swallowed her saliva gently and suddenly thought of a sentence: it should not be called every day, but it doesn't work.

He was insulted by his play and smiled gently: "Qin called the beast. I'll get you a dress."

"I have to take it off anyway. Why wear it?"

"Don't you know if it's more charming to hold the pipa half hidden from your face? It's more interesting to put it on and take it off, not to mention..." the tone is a little floating. Xia deliberately lengthened the ending early in the morning, hanging his appetite. I want to try whether he can take advantage of his unprepared and free his hand.

"Not to mention what?"

"What's more, I'm better at... Taking off."


Suddenly, Xia zaozao fell on Qin Yi's body, his wrist was still imprisoned, but there was another hand around his waist.

"Let's start." the man looked at Xia zaozao with interest.


"Since you say you are better at taking off, your words have no basis." then he put Xia zaozaozao's hand on the Armani belt around his waist.

"..." take it off. Anyway, he won't suffer any loss. He thought that when he pressed his hand on one side of the belt clamp head in the raised place, the clamp head was loose.

"Go on." the man's broken and low voice sounded seductively, more like teasing.

Xia zaozao's hand trembled for a moment, accidentally encountered a strong touch, reflexively pulled his hand back, and his brain began to be blank.

The man didn't give Xia zaozao any chance to shrink back. He bowed his head and grabbed her lips, and his hand clasped the back of her head.


Qin Yi's arm is too powerful. No matter how she resists, it's useless.

Men's kisses are strong and domineering, as if from shallow to deep, step by step, the confrontation between the tip of the tongue and the tip of the tongue, and the sweeping breath between breathing.

I have to say, this man's kissing skills are really superb.

Even if she has not experienced the kissing skills of other men, in her opinion, a kiss that can make people confused, or that can make her confused, forget her original intention and put down her resentment is more terrible than the mantra of persuading people to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha.

In a daze, there was no time point of view. I don't know how long it took, but I didn't mean to stop at all.

It was probably a long time before the man let go of her. His lips were stained with saliva that could not tell whether it was him or her, but it didn't seem embarrassed at all. On the contrary, it was more charming and bloody.

She had given up the struggle, spread it on the man, looked at him in a trance, and suddenly felt that this man was more difficult to deal with than she thought.

It's not because he kisses you and makes you lose your armor, but because you don't know where the man's bottom line is.

She knows very well that only when she knows his bottom line and constantly challenges his bottom line can there be a breakthrough.

In a trance, Qin Yi's lips aroused a charming smile to her and moved. At this time, the column under her was firm and evil and uninhibited and said:

"Let it out. Are you afraid?"

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