She doesn't know where Qin Yi suddenly left, but she knows that he won't let her go in the day and a half when he let her go.

His burning hatred was about to melt him.

If you don't let him swallow it, I'm afraid he will soon go back on his decision.

Summer smiled bitterly early, picked up the broken things carelessly, and a big tear fell down.

She can't ignore Chu Yang. He will become like this because of her. He is innocent.

Without her, Qin Yi still has power and wealth. With his charm, countless women are willing to love him one after another. He will eventually choose one he loves.

But Chu Yang is different. If she doesn't save him, he won't even have a life.

She swept the floor with her hands numbly. People can't be so selfish. She doesn't deserve Qin Yi.

Sharp debris stabbed her hand, and she unknowingly swept the garbage into the dustbin.

I don't know how long it took, the footsteps came back from far and near.

Summer is still numb and mechanically sweeping the debris on the ground

She repressed the pain in her chest in an almost sadistic way.

When she heard him approaching, he walked coldly to her and saw the cut in her hand.

"Your blood has soiled my floor."

He squatted down and raised her chin facing her:

"Don't think I'll spare you if you look so pathetic."

He forced the huge pain in his heart and told himself that it was all her pretend.

She has reached the top of her acting skills.

"No matter how pitiful you pretend, I'll take revenge on you today!"

Xia Zao nodded earlier: "OK, how do you retaliate against me? It's over at one time before I leave."


"We'd better settle our accounts early. I owe you everything back."

At this time, the door was knocked. The servant came in with a small stove and looked frightened: "little, young master..."

"Bring it up."

The servant mentioned the small stove to Xia zaozao's side, and the fire jumped arrogantly, as if it had formed a face.

Qin Yi's bloodthirsty and cruel face.

She stared at Qin Yi in surprise and didn't know what he was going to do.

He picked up a small iron pliers and took a ring out of the stove.

The ring was decorated with a rose.

Originally made of gold, it has been burned red.

Qin Yi stared at Xia zaozao fiercely, and a trace of dark unbearable sadness flashed in his eyes.

But soon, that can't bear to be forced down again and swallowed up by the flame of hatred.

Xia zaozao had a faint hunch about what Qin Yi wanted to do——

She looked at him in shock.

His hand suddenly lifted her bangs, and the other hand clamped the finger of the ring with pliers.

The servant covered his eyes in horror and didn't look.

Instead, early in summer, staring at a pair of thin black eyes.

Qin Yi's face was clearly printed in his eyes

In her mind, I don't know why she recalled what Qin Yi said to him at this time and the picture of them snuggling up last night.


When the skin was hot, it made a slight sound immediately, and a smell of burning came out

Xia zaozao's eyes were empty. He didn't shout pain or speak. He looked at Qin Yi as if he had been beaten silly.

The design of the ring was badly burned on her forehead.

The pain of the scald was like a brand, which burned hard on her skin.

She felt a great pain of thunderbolt all over her body and was about to faint

Hearing Qin Yi's dark voice in confusion:

"Remember this pain, remember that I am your first man."


"Xia zaozao, you'll never try to forget me." he said like the voice of the devil climbing out of hell, "I'm Qin Yi."

Xia zaozao finally couldn't help crying out in pain: "ah -"

Qin Yi's hand trembled slightly and threw down the pliers.

The ring also fell to the ground and rolled out so far

"From then on, once you see your face in the mirror, you will think of me. This is my revenge on you!"

Xia zaozao felt pain and wanted to catch it.

Qin Yi clasped her wrist——

"Don't touch!"

"Pain..." her lips were pale, and the burning pain seemed to enter her blood vessels and spread to her limbs.

She felt a sharp shock all over her body.

Qin Yi's heart does not hurt.

He suddenly held her in his arms: "water -"

He roared angrily, "water!!"

The servant rushed to the bathroom and quickly received a glass of cold water.

Qin Yi held the water cup and poured it on her forehead.

The cold water poured down, although it alleviated her pain, it at least reduced some burning feeling.

Xia zaozao raised her head and closed her eyes. Her bangs curled wet. There was a blooming rose in the wound on her right forehead, the size of a small coin.

He reached out as if to touch the wound, trying to share the pain for her.

But his hands were frozen in the air again.

"Early in summer, you will never forget me, and I will forget you before you."


"Let's see who forgets who first, who is more ruthless, and who can live better."

This is the most cruel revenge for each other after a pair of lovers leave.

Xia zaozao looked at him vaguely

Don't compare. She's already lost.

She said she would forget him, but her debt to him would make her feel guilty and remember him all her life!

She doesn't want to remember Chu Yang all her life and fail him

Therefore, it's better to remember him all his life and fail Chu Yang.

"Do you think Yama really loves you?" he shook her shoulder. "He's trying to take my love and torture me."

She knows

"Once I don't love you, what do you think you are in his eyes?"

She knows

If Qin Yi doesn't love her anymore, Yan Sheng thinks she has lost her use value. Maybe he will let go of her and the people around her. It seems that it's also good.

"Then you'll be miserable," he said with a dark eye. "You'll get nothing."


"Selfish women end up getting nothing!"

"That's my business too..." Xia zaozao said in a hoarse voice, "my business... Don't worry about you..."

Qin Yi choked his chest with blood and stared at her hard. He couldn't say a word.

Xia looked at him early, this face she loved most

Want to reach out and finally touch him.

She could not forget him, nor did she want to forget him, but she was afraid that his face would be blurred over time.

Her hands touched his face, but her body and spirit could no longer bear the great pain. Her body was soft and fainted in his arms.

Qin Yi's mind was empty and held her tightly.

His arms clamped her in his arms as if to break her ribs.

He tore his heart and lungs to hold her, knowing that at the moment he started, it means that he can't regret it again

Everything can't go back

He silently picked her up, walked out of the bedroom, carried her into the next room and put her on the soft big bed.

He pulled away her hair and took a deep look at the scar on her head.

He seemed to smile, and a strange expression, worse than crying, flashed in his eyes.

Finally turned and left.

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