Xia took the medicine numbly early, and his face was still shocked - he prepared this thing to prove that he knew

Yan Sheng looked at her faintly and lit a cigarette: "tell me, how did you escape this time?"

Summer pursed her lips early.

"The way you end up after you go back is to sleep with him for three days?"

The back of Xia zaozao was stiff, and his whole body was like a rising little hedgehog.

"Don't hide it. Although you're dressed so tightly, I can smell the smell from you." Yan Sheng took a cigarette hard. He had already expected it.

Xia zaozao shook his fist and said, "you already know. Why did you promise me?"

"This is really my last indulgence to you!"


"You promise me to end everything. I don't care whether you end it this time or not. However, I ask you to uproot Qin Yi from your mind and completely forget it. Otherwise..." Yan Sheng smiled wildly.

"Or what?"

"Either he or I die."

Xia closed his eyes early.

She couldn't believe that Yan Sheng let her go when he was ready to "have sex with other men".

Is this too great, or does he not care at all?

Xia zaozao had no heart to guess Yan Sheng's idea.

His deep voice said, "from now on, you can only have me in your eyes."


"Can you do it?"

He pulled Xia zaozao's body over, so that she had to look at him.

Xia zaozao was very weak and wanted to hit him, but now he can only nod.

Her promise was very reluctantly. Yan Sheng saw that she was tired and her eyes were red and swollen. Let her go today


The servant in the apartment received a call from Xia zaozao and asked her to send Xiao Xing and Lin Weibo out.

Children are easy to send, but Lin Weibo is ill in bed

These days, when Lin Weber's illness breaks out, he makes a tearing sound in pain, which is very frightening.

He was haggard in just three days.

But most of the time he was in a coma.

At present, to send Lin Weibo out, the bodyguard must help, and the bodyguard doesn't listen to the servant.

So the servant asked the bodyguard to contact gale——

Gale was slightly stunned when she received the phone. Did Xia want to take the child and Lin Weibo away early?

He looked back at the young master in the back seat.

Qin Yi has just returned to city B by yacht. The strong wind takes the car to meet the master at the port. This time, Miss Xia doesn't go with her. Qin Yi looks awe inspiring and domineering, but he is always in a dazed wandering state.

Gale feels puzzled, but as a subordinate, he doesn't dare to interfere with the owner's private affairs.

I thought Xia was still on the island early

But now I got this call. It's really strange.

"Young master... Miss Xia said she would pick up Xiaoxing and Mr. Lin Weibo."

Qin Yi suddenly changed his figure when he heard the words "Miss Xia".

"Didn't Miss Xia go to the manor together? Is there a problem with this call?"

Qin Yi's cold expression was even more sinister and indifferent, and a ironic smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Is she going to pick up all her people so soon.

When his home is a hotel, he can entertain anyone he wants. He can eat, drink and sleep well these days.

Qin Yi's heart was dark and painful, and his eyes flashed a killing idea.

But in an instant, he gave up his idea.

Let her take these people out of his life completely and make him clean from now on.

"Pack their things and leave none. Get out of here."

The strong wind was surprised: "Miss Xia..."

"From now on, no one can mention a word or phrase about this woman in front of me!"

The strong wind and thunder. I still remember that on the night of new year's Eve, Qin Yi fainted Miss Xia. It was a joy to send her to the island to decorate romance.

The candle was brought down by the strong wind and sent over.

And those days, the master and summer are so sweet that even these servants are tired of getting pimples

It's almost conjoined. Tie it wherever you go.

You'll turn your face if you turn your face.

"Young master, did you have any misunderstanding and quarrel with Miss Xia?"

As soon as the voice of the strong wind fell, an iron claw came from the back of the car and grabbed his collar.

Qin Yi said with a solemn expression: "don't rely on the old to sell the old. You've been working around me for a long time, so you'll take care of my private affairs."

"I dare not, I just care..."

"There's no need for you people to pretend to care!" he said angrily. "If anyone mentions her again in the future, I'll keep him silent forever!"

The strong wind shut up immediately.

Hey, young master, why bother

Following Qin Yi for many years, he understood the young master's loneliness and arrogance. No one in his heart could get over it.

Summer walked into his heart easily early, but he kept running away.

Qin Yi closed his eyes coldly and restored his calm and arrogant.

Since then, whether that woman lives or dies has nothing to do with him!


Xia got out of the car early, and there was a stir in her stomach.

She immediately took a few steps forward and threw up.

The driver hurriedly got out of the car and said, "Miss Xia, are you okay?"

Xia threw up early. She didn't eat anything at all. She didn't say that the porridge she poured last night was clean. Yan Sheng just threw up the contraceptive he gave her.

Summer took a paper towel to wipe his mouth.

Of course she didn't see the disgusting filth

"Hurry up, Miss Xia. The young master is waiting for you over there." the driver urged.

Xia Zao nodded earlier. After all, this side of the apartment is Qin Yi's territory. Yan Sheng himself didn't come in person. He said he sent a bodyguard to pick up people. Xia zaozao had to come with him.

She picked up the cell phone Yan Sheng gave her for temporary use and was about to call the servant in the apartment again——

"Good morning, aunt!" Xiao Xing shouted with sharp eyes and a crisp voice.

Xia zaozao looked up. Xiaoxing was held in the servant's arms and was waving his little hand here excitedly.

It's been a hard three days. The little milk bag is gone. His mother is not here, nor is she, so he was discarded again.

Xia zaozao strode forward and took the child from the servant.

"Early, aunt, Xiaoxing baby thought you left me like hemp!"

"No, Auntie won't leave you early, kiss baby!" Xia looked at Lin Weibo who was carried over later.

There were also several servants carrying large and small bags of luggage.

In addition to some clothes from Xia zaozao and fan Fei, all the others are Xiaoxing's gifts.

"We don't need these. Take them back."

"The young master said to pack all your things for you. If Miss Xia doesn't want them, we can only lose them."

Xia zaozao's body was stiff.

She thought she could secretly bring Xiaoxing out, but she surprised Qin Yi

Even if he didn't obstruct her, he even cleaned up all her things.

It seems that he has made up his mind to let her go this time.

Summer was in a trance early. Maybe he was too tired. His body shook and fell to the ground.

The driver came to pick up the child: "Miss Xia, you look too tired. I'd better hold the child."

Xia zaozao seemed to hear nothing. His mind was blank and he walked into the car with Xiaoxing in his arms

Qin Yi let go. She should be happy. Why does her heart suddenly seem empty.

It's like an important organ in the body has been dug away

Like a tree uprooted, it suddenly loses its vitality;

It's also like a body run over by a car. It's insensitive in an instant, but it took a long time to feel the shock pain.

That great pain suddenly hit!

Xia zaozao always knew that her unilateral end was not the end.

And once Qin Yi decides to end, they are the complete end

Their love always has the final say.

She took a breath gently and tried to suppress the pain

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