Now wherever he goes, he can think of her whenever he sees

When it rains, he will think whether she has brought an umbrella. When it is cold, he will think whether she has put on more clothes and put this fireworks outside. Will he guess whether she likes it?

Also, did she deal with the burn on her forehead?

Qin Yi tried to calm down and heard the strong wind whispering, "young master, do you want to go out for a break?"


"I heard that young master Zeng's sea gambling boat opened today. He invited you a few days ago."

Qin Yi's eyes were dim.

Since the early summer, he hasn't appeared in public for a long time, as if he was out of touch with this society.

On his terms, what kind of woman did he want? He gave all the opportunities to Xia zaozaozao, and she didn't cherish them.

It would be a waste of emotion for him to feel dejected for her again.


A huge gambling boat is slowly driving on the high sea. This is Zeng's gambling boat.

This gambling boat is different from ordinary ones. There are many kinds of bets in it. Except gold and silver, anything you think is more important than money can be used as a bet.

For example, love, loyalty, human life.

The decoration in the gambling boat is rich and luxurious, and there are all kinds of gambling equipment, which is the enjoyment of the upper class society.

In the hall, red wine, champagne, music, saxophone playing, rabbit girls can be seen everywhere.

The enchanting beauty in front of the gambling table, wearing sexy Bunny clothes and big mesh stockings, seduced her whole body across the table to deal cards.

The rich CHILDES embrace each other from left to right, and there are pyramidal chips piled in front of the table.

Indulge in sound and color.

"I want to buy a person's disappearance..."

"I want to enjoy a love..."

All the strange requirements can be met by black gambling boats.

The bet depends on the bet. If you don't pay enough, you will be rejected.

It is said that the master of the gambling boat, Mr. Zeng, is the leader of the black gang, the killer organization.

No one dares to stop the people he wants to take. He can steal everything he wants, treasures, organs and antiques.

Here are well-trained "professional women" who come to buy love. They analyze men's psychological world and meet men's various needs. They can definitely give people the most exciting love process.

In short, only you can't think of it, you can't do it without here

Of course, such things as birth, old age, death and rebirth, which only immortals can do, are not included.

Xia zaozao didn't expect that Yan Sheng would bring her to the casino

As soon as she appeared in the casino, she immediately attracted the eyes of many men.

Because in this casino, anything can be used as a bet and have the opportunity to win and become your own!

"They are all looking at you." Yan Sheng took Xia zaozao's waist and walked between the casinos.

Xia zaozao hated the eyes of these red fruits, as if she were going to eat her in one bite.

"You have aroused their interest," he said with satisfaction. "My woman is really charming."

"Why did you bring me to such a place?"

"You wait to see a good play..."

Immediately, someone came and asked Yan Sheng for an offer: "excuse me, our young master is very interested in the beauty around you. Would you like to sell it?"


"Our young master offered ten million."

"Ten million?" Xia zaozao scolded coldly, "get out." is she only worth this price?

Yan Sheng smiled: "don't be angry. The rules here are like this. If you don't want to, you can refuse."

"He was just asking you. He didn't ask for my advice at all!"

"Because you are so beautiful, they think you are a selling product."

The so-called selling goods means gambling.

If you lose a bet, you just pay, and if you win, you can take what you want home.

"Early......" fan Fei waved excitedly and saw that Xia was early. She was so dazzling.

Ji youze coldly took off fan Fei's hand: "woman, don't shout in public."

When Xia saw fan Fei early, his eyes lit up and accelerated his steps.

"I'm willing to let your silly girl out for a walk." Yan Sheng joked.

"The style of this dress is so silly." the belt is tied around his neck, and Yan Sheng whispered a smile, "why don't you tie a bell? It's all ready."

Ji youze touched his chin and seemed to be considering the proposal.

Fan Fei ignored the two men and held Xia zaozao's hand: "morning, I miss you so much."

She was an emotional person, and immediately tears filled her eyes and began to touch them.

Xia zaozao whispered to comfort: "what's the matter? Ji dacha has bullied you these days, hasn't she?"

"Early in summer, don't chew my tongue as soon as you catch it." Ji youze said ruthlessly, "in public, what do you cry, pay attention to your image!"

"What are you fierce? What kind of man are you fierce to women?" Xia zaozao stared at her.

"Yes." fan Fei immediately looked up with support.

Ji youze raised his fist: "if you want to be smoked, just say it."

"Early in the morning, he spanked me..." fan Fei complained, "I'm swollen. I just bumped all the way by car. I'm dead of pain."

Ji youze hummed coldly, "it's time! Let you try the taste of ass pain."

When he was bitten by a crocodile, he was restless, which was more serious than her.

Xia zaozao gave Ji youze a cold stare: "sure enough, men who are not men will bully women."

Fan Fei quietly leaned over and said, "in fact, I punished men who are not men."

Xia raised his eyebrows early: "eh?"

"I have a lot to tell you. Let's talk over there."

She wants to tell Ji youze's deeds of slapping himself, calling himself slag and jumping into the lake, so that everyone can have fun.

"Fan Fei."

A big hand grabbed her arm and grabbed her back to him.

Ji youze found that he hated summer early more and more.

Because fan Fei's complete emphasis on friends and light color makes him very unhappy!

"Stay with me and don't go anywhere."

"Let the women go and play, let's talk?" Yan Sheng's one handed sleeve pocket stood in the noisy casino.

"No." Ji youze's slightly narrowed eyes hit Xia zaozao's face like lightning.

He hated fan Fei's affection for Xia zaozao.

Yan Sheng smiled faintly: "I've seen jealous people. I haven't seen you carry a vinegar bucket with you. You even eat women's vinegar?"


"How sour."

Ji youze raised his eyebrows unhappily: "saint, you said the party is to gamble? I've never been interested in gambling."

"Today, the gambling boat of a close friend of mine is newly opened. I'll show you. This is not an ordinary gambling boat. You will be interested."

Xia zaozao asked the waiter for a paper towel, so he had to lean over and wipe fan Fei's eyes: "wipe your tears."

Ji youze suddenly reached out and touched fan Fei's face.

This just coldly grabbed the paper in the hand of summer morning and wiped his hand: "stupid women are dirty!"

Fan Fei is glad she didn't make up, otherwise Ji youze's random wipe will turn her into a big cat face?

Xia zaozao asked the waiter for two glasses of juice and handed one: "thirsty."

Ji youze took a glass of champagne directly from the buffet table beside him: "drink this!"

"I like to drink juice..."

"I can't help you like it or not!" Ji youze Qiang Sai.

Four people are a collection of handsome men and beautiful women, which is very attractive.

Moreover, many people know Yan Sheng and keep saying hello to him.

In addition, it seems that someone recognized Ji youze and fan Fei

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