Xia zaozao was a little flustered: "I accidentally pressed the button and played the recording inside you..."

"So you listened to it 101 times?"

So she heard it 101 times?

Xia didn't count it early. She only knew that her mind had been blank for a long time.

Xia zaozao looked normal: "I accidentally pressed it when I took it down. It has been put many times when I found it."

"That's a bad reason. Can you make up a better one?"

"What's better?" Xia zaozao opened his eyes. "I know. Young master Qin actually wants to hear it. I can't help listening to the recording because I miss you."

"So, do you want me?" he asked in a cold voice.


Qin Yi's chest suddenly smothered.

Xia zaozao then said, "as long as I look in the mirror, I will think of you and what you did to me that night."

Qin Yi's breath was cold and he stretched out his hand to open her bangs.

Don't open your face early in summer:

"Didn't you let me hate you? I hate you. Why don't I miss you?"


"I even dream about when you will catch up with me and catch me back. I wonder if you regret it again." Xia zaozaozao smiled bitterly, "the more I think, the more I fear. Now, the thing I fear most has worked."

Xia zaozao was really afraid, and her body spasmed gently.

She does have nightmares every day. She wakes up in nightmares every day, sweating profusely.

She dreamed that Qin Yi was cruel to her, that he was cruel to himself, or that he had an accident

Qin Yi's heart hurt: "summer morning, I want you to tell the truth."

"That's my truth. I know you just want a reason to get me back! Now I don't give you such a reason, so you're angry?"

He grabbed her wrist hard: "I think you accidentally touched the mechanism and saw the secret in the watch. You're married. What are you doing with my ring?"


"To commemorate?" his voice was not loud, but powerful enough, "to commemorate our breakup!?"

"No, just the opposite. It's to keep in mind."


"The burn scar you printed on my forehead is just to remind me of you when I look in the mirror. This ring is the same. It always reminds me of what I have experienced with you." Xia zaozao said with a sad smile, "looking at it, I will think of how happy I am now and will cherish happiness."

Xia zaozao said and took out his right hand. On the ring finger of his right hand, it was the wedding ring Yan Sheng gave her.

"Your left hand is your sadness, and your right hand is Yan Sheng's happiness."

Qin Yi's heart hurts more and more.

His face was expressionless and cold as frost.

Summer early heart is not uncomfortable.

"This is what you taught me." she tried to look at him firmly. "For me, my left hand is pain and my right hand is happiness -"


"With contrast, I will cherish happiness more."

Her words, like a sharp knife, pierced Qin Yi's heart and stirred his flesh and blood.

So, he came desperate to let her stab himself again?

"Are you satisfied with this explanation?"

The cool voice of summer morning echoed in the hall: "satisfied, can you put me back immediately? My husband is still waiting for me at home."

She was deliberately stimulating him.

Obviously, Qin Yi's bloodshot eyes also showed that he had been stimulated.

Xia zaozao pulled away his hand and turned around to go.

The body was taken back by him in an instant and hit him hard on the chest.

Qin Yi held her tightly, and the last cold line of defense was collapsing: "don't go..."

The proud and awe inspiring man knelt down again in an instant.

Xia zaozao felt no better than him, and his heart trembled badly.

"These days, I miss you every minute, I miss you, early." his voice was in her ear, and the hot air blew through.

Xia zaozao felt that his heart seemed to be in his mouth and would melt away.

She tried to firm her voice: "didn't you say you were going to forget me?"

"I can't forget..."

"Didn't you find a girlfriend on the gambling boat that day?"

"You turn around and leave, and I'll let her go."

"You... Didn't you agree to be happier than me?" Xia zaozao's mind was empty.

"Early, my happiness only you can give!"

Looking at this dramatic scene, the salesgirl did not expect that the first second two people were still indifferent to each other, and the next second they were as enthusiastic as deeply loved lovers.

"Let go of me! Qin Yi, don't let me look down on you, you coward!" Xia zaozao struggled hard.

The harder she struggled, the tighter her arms became.

Qin Yi's deep eyes crossed the desolate smile. yes! He is a coward. He lost again. As long as he meets summer early, he will lose and become an army

"You said you let me go!" Xia zaozao said loudly, "are you really willing to force me to death!"

"You care about me."

"You are amorous!"

"If you don't care, you won't be sad when I stabbed myself; you won't give me the last three days of good times... You won't listen to the recording of your watch or wear the ring I gave you." he took her hand to convince her and himself, "summer morning, you can't hide me. I know you care!"

Xia zaozao's eyes were stunned and soon shook his head and smiled miserably: "what's the meaning of what you say now? Why didn't you think of it at that time?"

He was greedy and didn't think she loved me enough.

"Qin Yi, I admit that I used to care about you, but after you did those things to me, I hated you. You made me hate you." Xia zaozao closed his eyes, "I not only hate you now, but I'm afraid of you. Please let me go."

"I will return all the pain I gave you." he pinched her chin. "As long as you don't leave me, you can torture me wantonly."


"I listen to you in everything."

It's too late. If he said so that day, she might believe him without hesitation and say her difficulties.

Now, they can't go back.

"OK! Now let go of me and give me your watch."

Qin Yi moved slightly.

"Don't you listen to me? Give me your watch!"

Qin Yi said coldly, "take it!"

The bodyguard hurriedly brought the watch on the tea table.

Xia zaozao took it in his hand. It has been repaired and runs in an orderly way.

They happened to be standing not far from the window, which was open.

Xia zaozao waved hard and threw his watch out!

"It's this watch that makes you misunderstand. I officially apologize to Mr. Qin for this." Xia took a big breath early and withdrew the ring in his hand. "It's my mistake that makes you have the illusion you shouldn't have. I'll end it now!"

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