Xia had an absent-minded meal early in the morning. Qin Sizhou didn't come to have dinner with them, probably because of Mrs. Yan.

Unexpectedly, he was only willing to let Mrs. Yan see from a distance, not even a word. It seems that it is impossible for him to untie Mrs. Yan's heart knot.

Eating in a very strict atmosphere, no one made a sound.

It's repressed to the extreme.

The last dish, the dinner was finally over. Xia took the napkin handed over by the maid early and wiped his mouth. In an instant, he felt relieved.

Waking up without a meal is like holding a breath.

He began to sympathize with Qin Yi and grew up in such an atmosphere

In addition to the restaurant, Yan Sheng and Xia walked in front early.

Through the corridor, there are thick ink and heavy color oil paintings on both sides. I think about things in my heart and don't want to enjoy it early in summer.

I just heard footsteps coming from behind.

After dinner, she had to leave the manor with Yan Sheng. However, Mrs. Yan did nothing but look at Qin Sizhou from a distance.

It rained suddenly. During dinner, the bowl of noodles had a dull thunderstorm. Now it's raining harder and harder

When they came to the hall, the servant ran over: "Mr. Yan, the weather forecast said there was a rainstorm and typhoon. Mr. Qin suggested that you stay overnight."

Yan Sheng pursed his lips and looked at Xia zaozao: "wife, what do you think?"

"Mrs. Yan was frightened by thunder and lightning on the road, and it was too late..." in fact, she was still thinking of some way for Qin Sizhou to persuade Mrs. Yan.

"Is your wife going to stay?" there was a dim light in Yan Sheng's eyes.

Xia zaozao bit his lower lip: "it's up to you. If you have already made a decision in your heart, what else do you ask me to do?"

"Of course I want to listen to my wife." Yan Shengfu said with deep meaning, "if you say to stay, we will stay. If you say to go, we will go."

Knowing what Yan Sheng meant, the servant reached out and made a gesture of invitation: "please Mr. and Mrs. Yan go to the hall and wait a moment. I'll clean up your room for you."

Yan Sheng took Xia zaozao's hand and naturally walked and sat down on the jacquard sofa in the hall.

Suddenly looked up at Qin Yi: "Qin Shao, it seems that we haven't played two games for a long time."

Qin Yi stepped forward.

Xia was stunned early.

The last time she played cards was in the magic night club. She sprayed the wine on Yan Sheng's face.

Yan Sheng picked up a set of playing cards on the tea table and raised them in his hand: "come?"

Qin Yi, with one hand in his pocket and a sarcastic smile from the corners of his mouth, came to them.

Of course, Zeng Han kept an elegant posture and followed Qin Yi behind.

Xia frowned early and guessed what Yan Sheng was going to do.

Just now he asked her whether to stay. In fact, he made a secret decision. If he stayed, he wanted to retaliate Qin Yi with cards. If he left, he would let Qin Yi go.

He did this because he knew that this was Qin Sizhou's territory. He couldn't take it seriously.

Xia warned him early: "what do you want to do?"

"Wife, men like to gamble a few games to pass the time."

Qin Yi sat coldly on the sofa and seemed to be ready to accept the move.

Yan Sheng took a meaningful look at Qin Yi: "just playing cards is boring. How about playing some excitement?"

"Yan Sheng!" Xia zaozao stopped coldly. He knew what was in his mind.

"Worried about my wife, I think I'm lucky today and will win."

Xia zaozao glared at him. She didn't care whether he won or not, but didn't want him to cause trouble.

Yan Sheng naturally hugged Xia zaozao's shoulder, leaned his lips against her ear and said frivolously, "I'm very uncomfortable watching my wife flirt with my ex husband."


"If you don't let me vent, I'm afraid I'll get sick."

Xia zaozao tightened his hand on his knee.

Yan Sheng has begun to say the rules of the game: "whoever loses gets a stick."

Yan Sheng looked at a model in armor in the corner of the hall with an iron bar in his hand. It was really made of iron.

It's conceivable to hit you with it.

They play 21 points and have two opportunities to add cards. They can choose to add or not, and deduct points if they exceed 21 points.

(if it's 23 points, after deducting the excess, there are only 2 points left, and so on.)

The servant soon came back with an iron bar.

The whole stick is thick, with black carved paint and exquisite workmanship.

Yan Sheng took the stick and weighed it in his hand: "Qin should have been beaten when he was a child?"


"I don't mind asking you to recall your childhood."

Qin Yi's eyes were like wolves and stung Yan Sheng fiercely: "it depends on whether you have this luck."

"My gambling luck has always been good, the beloved of God." Yan Sheng smiled and began to deal cards.

Sure enough, after only two chapters, Yan Sheng took a spade Q and a heart 9, which added up to 21 points.

He didn't need to add cards to win.

"Wife, look at my luck, OK?" Yan Sheng hugged Xia zaozao's waist and let her see cards.

Summer early heart, immediately wow cool

Unless Qin Yi also gets a 21:00 draw, he will be beaten.

Qin Yi got 4 and 7,11.

Yan Sheng directly put out 21 points: "you still have a chance to take cards."

Qin Yi takes it again, J——

Add up to 22 points.

Yan Sheng shook his head and smiled: "you're just 'a little' and you're going to draw with me. It's a pity that you have more than this' point '."

Qin Yi's eyes were dark and terrible.

There was another thunder outside the window!

"Qin Shao, I'm ready to be punished." Yan Sheng took the family staff and waved it in his hand.

Qin Yi stood up, and the servant immediately brought an extra thick cushion to Qin Yi's feet.

He knelt down on one leg and supported the ground with his hand, which was the posture that Qin Yi family was punished.

Don't open your face early in summer.

Hearing only a heavy voice, Yan Sheng hit his hip with great strength.

Xia zaozao held her finger tightly. If she shouted to stop at this time, she would give Qin Yi unnecessary expectation.

She had given him too much expectation, and every time she raised his hope, she pushed him into hell.

Yan Sheng put down his stick: "the next game."

Qin Yi got up coldly and returned to his seat.

Obviously, the stick didn't hurt him. He sat unchanged.

Zeng Han looked at him nervously and painfully: "Yi, are you thirsty? Shall I pour you a glass of water?"


In the second game, Yan Sheng took 3 hearts, 9 spades and 9 clubs.

It's easy and full.

Yan Shengle said, "wife, do you think my luck is too good?"

Second staff——

Towards the position where Qin Yi had just been beaten, he gave another hard blow!

Xia zaozao still didn't have the courage to see it. She bit her lower lip pale and let her sit here, watching Qin Yi lose and listening to him being beaten. She can't, she can't!

Heartache seemed to stir with a knife. She couldn't breathe.

Yan Sheng is about to deal in the third game

Xia zaozao said coldly, "wait, I'll deal cards."

Yan Sheng stared at Xia zaozao with a bad smile: "why, my wife is also interested in gambling?"

Xia zaozao coldly took the card in his hand. How could he be so lucky? She suspected that he was cheating.

However, she clearly stared at his every move and card, and could not find evidence.

Or did Yan Sheng move his hands and feet when shuffling?

"I'll deal the cards. It's fair!" Xia zaozao said stubbornly.

Yan Shenglang smiled and said, "kiss me and let you participate..."

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