Her fingers touched every part of her injury, and her eyes had long been covered with fog.

Tears seemed to fall at any time. She quickly stood up and forced her tears back.

Qin Yi said coldly, "it's ok? You forgot, a key part."


"Why, Mrs. Yan likes to give up halfway?"

Summer bit her lips early. She knew that if she didn't help him with the medicine, he wouldn't allow anyone to help him with the medicine.

Looking at his back and waist injuries so serious, his hips will certainly not be good.

Xia zaozao hesitated a little and took off his only boxer underwear.

Sure enough, the injury was not light, but it was not as serious as that of the waist.

Xia zaozao poured out the medicine and wiped it for him. Suddenly, big tears fell uncontrollably.

Dripping on the bruise on his waist.

Qin Yi's figure was obviously stiff and felt the hot tears.

Xia bit her lips early, got up and was about to leave.

The next second, her wrist was gripped hard.

Qin Yi stood up with the injury and held her tightly

Xia zaozao struggled hard: "let go of me!"

Her body was hit hard on her chest, and her slender fingers raised her chin.

Xia's red eyes fell into his eyes.

Four eyes are opposite, and two tears fall early in summer

Qin Yi looked at her strangely for a long time and gently touched the tears in the corners of her eyes with his fingers: "what is this?"

Xia zaozao tried to restrain himself. Why are these damn tears disobedient.

Look what stupid thing she did?! She made a mess of everything.

Qin Yi roared: "summer morning, I ask you what this is? Why do you cry?"


"And want to win my sympathy, relax my vigilance, and then throw me away?"

"Tell me." Qin Yi pulled her thin lips and smiled more and more strangely: "how are you going to play with me this time?"

He has seen enough of her hypocritical tricks and is tired of them!

One second was gentle to him, and the next was ruthless.

Her acting skill is comparable to that of a first-class actor, and the sensational tears come all the time

Qin Yi will never believe her again: "you liar."

As soon as the voice fell, Xia zaozao's lips were fiercely blocked.

His lips smelled of wine and pried her lips open

Her eyes were dazed, like a dull puppet wrapped in his arms and let him play with her lips and teeth.

Xia zaozao's fist was tied between his chest and forgot to struggle.

Tears are like a thread, overflowing from the corners of your eyes.

She has never been so painful

The salty tears flowed into her lips and mixed with his taste. It was such a bitter taste.

Xia zaozao's brain suddenly woke up and began to struggle.

With Qin Yi awake, he suddenly pushed her away and smiled strangely.

"Guess what it would be like for Yan Shao to know that you entered my room in the middle of the night and met me 'sincerely'?"

Xia zaozao found that he was almost * *

A pair of faded underwear hung on his knee.

The male symbol of hardness squeezed between her legs. He raised her body and held her close to each other.

Xia zaozao stared at him with hazy tears.

Qin Yi's smile became more and more cruel: "will he see your true face clearly?"


"I'm not a woman when I'm married." he rubbed maliciously. "I really want to see his reaction."

Qin Yi picked her up and rubbed her back and forth harder.

The smell of her

Why can only her taste arouse his desire so easily?

Xia zaozao was held and placed on the bed. She pushed him violently.

Qin Yi's waist was hurt. He tightened his eyebrows in pain and severely restrained her body: "don't move."

"Qin Yi, how can you do this to me?"

"You brought it to the door."


"Again and again, come to the door." he pinched her jaw. "I used to tolerate you because I had feelings for you. Now, what do you think you are?"

Summer early lips pale.

"What qualifications do you have to go in and out of my world at will!"


He pressed her lips fiercely again, and his big hand wantonly moved away from her and pulled her clothes.

Summer dodged her body early, and his lips scratched on her face, with the smell of demonic wine.

"Qin Yi, I'm pregnant... I'm pregnant..."

"So what?!"

"You know the consequences of seizing me at this time!"

"So, what?" he grabbed her hair. "Do you think I care?"

Doesn't he care? Yes, he must not care about the child. It's too late to hate the child.

However, such abortion will cause great bleeding and even endanger life.

Her life is cheap and insignificant, but she doesn't want to be stained by his hands

"I will die, Qin Yi, I will die." Xia zaozaozao looked at him with empty pupils, "do you want me to die?"

Qin Yi's hand was a little stiff. The next second, a more explosive force burst out, and her cloth was torn apart.

That's anger, hatred, anger that keeps surging out!

Qin Yi frantically tore at her clothes: "in my heart, the past summer has already died."

Xia zaozao's eyes are red.

"And you, Mrs. Yan."

His hand woked her plumpness and kissed her white neck, leaving a kiss mark belonging to him.

One by one, Qin Yi's brand is imprinted on the white skin in the early summer.

He breathed hot air, his waist worked, rubbed her hard, across his clothes

Nevertheless, he did not really invade her.

Xia zaozao felt very uncomfortable and grabbed his hair.

His sweat dripped from the tip of his nose: "this is your last warning."


"If you dare to provoke me again, don't blame me for taking you back," he stroked her delicate face. "Don't think you'll get the same treatment as before if you come back to me again."

It was like a warning in her ear from hell.

"You will taste the most terrible torture."

Xia zaozao's eyes were empty. Through him, I didn't know why I saw the portrait on the wall, which was facing the big bed.

There is a man in the picture. The black of the man's eyes is not so deep, it seems to be against the light

Xia zaozao suddenly understood: "are you watching me?"

He just gasped violently.

"Did you hide the camera in the picture?"

Qin Yi didn't speak, pulled her face and kissed her again.

He didn't hide the camera, but there was a picture of the camera in every room.

He just opened it

Her words were blocked by his dense kiss, and she couldn't make a sound again.

The smell of early summer lingered in front of his breath.

He is so greedy

Qin Yi kissed her fiercely, because he knew that this might be the last time he kissed her.

This woman who is never worth his nostalgia. If she dares to appear in front of him again and disturb his peace, he will give her a heavy blow mercilessly, make her life worse than death, let her clearly understand the consequences of provoking him.

He will play with her and throw her away.

Let her trample on his true feelings, give them back to her ten times and one hundred times, and let her taste enough.

The long friction did not reduce his desire by half, but became more and more painful and swollen.

He longed for more

Qin Yi lifted up her skirt and tore off her pantyhose.

Xia zaozao suddenly stopped struggling and closed his eyes.


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