Compared with the servant's surprise, Xia zaozao looked indifferent. He didn't mind wearing Yan Sheng's shoes. What did she care about? After all, it's just a pair of shoes.

Enter the door and go upstairs to the bedroom early in summer.

Qin Yi was found to follow.

"You wait outside."


"Most people can't go into his room." Yan Sheng's door needs a password.

Even servants can't go in to clean up at will. Xia didn't go in early, but she knew the password. Yan Sheng said she could go in freely and told her the password.

Qin Yi sniffed: "is there another confidential document in it? Even if there is, do you doubt I will steal it?"


"What do you want to do?"

"He doesn't like outsiders going in and out of his room."

An outsider completely angered Qin Yi. He stared at her coldly: "you adapt quickly. You really think of yourself as Mrs. Yan."

"I am, and it's legal. Don't forget the Hukou book and the marriage certificate."

"Summer morning, you have to annoy me, don't you?"

"I'm just stating the facts." Qin Yi's body blocked the password. Xia zaozao pushed him: "please avoid it. I'll press the password."

This door is a special anti-theft door. It is bulletproof. It is interlocked with fingerprints and digital passwords.

She remembered him saying that the password was her birthday.

Xia zaozao motioned Qin Yi to get out of the way. Qin Yi's mind suddenly burst like magma. When he came to a plate, the man had exuded an extremely unhappy atmosphere.

She thought he wanted to come to Yan Sheng's house?

If it weren't for her, the emperor's father would not come if he knelt down and begged him.

Xia quickly pressed the password early in the morning. Sure enough, it was her birthday. As the password, the door soon opened.

She hesitated for a moment. One hand had pushed the door open, and Qin Yi wanted to go in as if nothing had happened.

Early in the summer, he stepped in quickly and pressed the door to close the only gap.

Qin Yi pushes the door——

"You dare push me down!"

If you push the door forcibly, you will fall inside the door early in summer.

In Qin Yi's trance, Xia closes the door early!

Qin Yi knows that she bullies him and is reluctant to hurt him. This damn woman ate him!

Suddenly, an arm was inserted through the crack of the door when she was about to close the door.

Xia zaozao: "

"Try closing it again, break my arm, and be responsible for my lifelong consciousness!"

"Qin Yi, what do you want to do!"

"Visit your wedding room," he said sarcastically.

"What's there to visit? We've never lived together since we got married!"

Qin Yi picked his eyebrows and burst out a surprise at the bottom of his eyes: "really?"

Xia zaozao found that he had leaked his mouth and gave him unnecessary expectations.

"For me?"

"You think too much! It's for the safety of your children."

"I'm very happy..." Qin Yi suddenly took a breath of air conditioning, "hand."

Xia had no choice but to break his hand and open the door.

Qin Yi straightened his collar and walked into the room. The door behind him closed automatically.

"I warn you, don't move anything in the room."

I don't understand why he has to come in!?

Xia zaozao also entered Yan Sheng's room for the first time. It was actually a duplex room, which was completely connected with the second floor. It was an absolute luxury house style.

By the door is a whole arc wall, leading to the top, layer after layer.

The window also led to the zenith, the high curtain hung down, and some light came in, facing the desk.

In addition to computer books, there are many picture frames, hourglass and globe on the table.

On the wall, there are many wedding photos of Xia zaozao and Yan Sheng.

Xia zaozao didn't expect that so many wedding photos of them were hung in his room.

The background wall at the head of the bed is a single photo of early summer. Obviously, it is located in Jinbi garden. The background is a red triangle plum. She is looking back at the camera.

It's a snapshot, without her knowing.

The whole photo is made into a huge background. Several small lights on the ceiling face the background. Once the lights are hit, the photo will be very clear.

Xia zaozao looked away from the background wall in a complicated mood, went to the wardrobe to change money and opened the door.

Inside is a hidden cloakroom.

Men's clothes, hats, watches, sunglasses, ties

He is a fastidious man, so everything is clearly classified.

She took Yan Sheng's cell phone and wallet out of her pocket. In fact, she came into his room to give them back to him.

Then pick some clean and comfortable clothes and take them to the hospital to wash Yan Sheng.

And towels, socks and other daily necessities.

I don't know why, she always has a feeling that Yan Sheng will wake up if he doesn't die this time.

How could a man like him fall down so easily?

Thinking of this, she brought him a shirt and a suit she wore when she was discharged from the hospital.

She sighed gently and found that there were too few things she could do for Yan Sheng. Taking care of him during his dangerous period was what she should do from any position.

Besides, he saved her, risking his life to save her every time.

She came out of the cloakroom and saw Qin Yi turning over Yan Sheng's bookcase.

"Didn't you tell you not to rummage through his things?"

After that, Qin Yi didn't stop his action, but opened another wardrobe, as if looking for something important.

He turned the wardrobe upside down.

Xia zaozao put down his clothes, walked over a few steps and blocked his hand with his body: "don't turn over."

Qin Yi squatted down and noticed a small drawer on the right with a password lock.

"Qin Yi, I told you to stop! What the hell are you looking for?"

Qin Yi raised a and stared at her closely.

Xia zaozao pulled his clothes and wanted to pull him up: "go, let's go now and leave here immediately."

Qin Yi grabbed Xia zaozao's wrist with his back hand: "don't want to treat Mrs. Yan?"

"I can have someone take her out and meet you somewhere else, as long as it's not here."


"Let's go." Xia zaozao didn't know what he was looking for, so he couldn't pull it.

Qin Yi's whole heart sank: "do you care about him? Just care about him?"

"This is not a matter of indifference at all. Is it right to tamper with other people's things in other people's homes without their permission?"

"If I can't find what I want, I won't leave."

"What are you looking for?"

"What do you think I care about?" he provoked her chin. "I'm looking for a hukou book and a marriage certificate."

"You still want this thing at this time."

Qin Yi insisted on pulling the drawer, but he couldn't move it.

Xia zaozao looked at him with a look of fried hair and couldn't cry or laugh: "if you want to find this, you can't turn over his things."

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