In the villa, the servants were quickly summoned and neatly arranged in two rows in the living room.

Qin Yi sat on the sofa and asked coldly:

"Is your host violent?"

All the servants shook their heads.

"Has he played Xia zaozao?" Qin Yi narrowed his eyes coldly, naturally to investigate whether Xia zaozao had been threatened by Yan Sheng with violence here.

And he's going to investigate himself.

All the servants shook their heads again.

"Do you know the consequences of lying to me?" Qin Yi's eyes swept away from them like a wolf. Just one glance was enough to frighten all people.

A bolder servant hurriedly said, "our young master dotes on our young grandmother very much. He is afraid of falling in his hand and melting in his mouth. It's too late to love. Where will he be willing to beat our young grandmother?"

One by one, Qin Yi was very angry.

But still tried to restrain his anger: "what's the matter with the injury on her arm? Who knows?"

"I," replied the maid weakly, "I'm the maid of the little grandmother. The little grandmother scratched the wound herself."

Qin Yi's eyes swept away and he was shocked!

"Say it again?"

The servant shivered: "I saw the little grandmother scratch her arm with a blade."

"See it with your own eyes?"

"Well, grandma Hua Zhiji's arm doesn't use the blade once or twice, so the young master asked me to put away the blade and sharp props."

The servant paused and looked at Qin Yi's expression. It was terrible. He bowed his head and continued: "that day, the young grandmother woke up in the middle of the night and went into the bathroom again. I heard her turning things, so I asked the young master to come over. The young master knocked the door open and saw the young grandmother cut her arm with a knife, and the blood was bleeding..."

Qin Yi's heart seemed to be scratched by the blade.

"Why did she do that?" he muttered to himself. The servant thought he was asking her, so he said:

"The young grandmother was in a very bad mood for some time. She had nightmares every night and often wiped her tears secretly."

The servant recalled, "maybe she was too painful. She had to rely on pain to divert her attention. The young master also found a psychologist. The doctor said so."

Qin Yi clenched his fist.

He always thought that Xia zaozao was very happy around Yan Sheng, so he tortured her wantonly.

I didn't expect that she was no better than herself.

"That's right." the servant said, "grandma can draw at ordinary times."

Qin Yi breathed and asked, "what did you draw?"

Qin Yi, the servant, was familiar with him as early as she saw him. After careful reflection, she remembered that it was the man in front of her every time?

"You're in the picture, young grandma."

"With me?"

"Yes." the servant nodded very firmly.

Qin Yi's chest was stifled: "where is the painting?"

"It's all burned."


"Mrs. Yan came here to see your portrait and was stimulated. It is said that the people in the painting are very similar to Mrs. Yan's first love. In order to avoid her being stimulated again, they burned it."

Qin Yi naturally knows that Mrs. Yan's first love is like him.

Just the servant's words made him a crazy surprise, which exploded in Qin Yi's body.

As if in the dark and hopeless night, thousands of colorful fireworks were suddenly launched.

Qin Yi's dark time was lit up in an instant.

He pulled up his amorous thin lips and smiled incomparably handsome, which stunned the servants.

They thought the cold and amorous man wouldn't laugh.

It turned out that he smiled so handsome and charming, and the murderous spirit dissipated with his smile.

Qin Yi almost immediately wanted to get up and find Xia zaozao.

Xia loves him early. When he leaves, he not only doesn't forget him, but also draws his portrait every day.

And what did he do?

She wanted to repair the watch. He misunderstood her and gave her a slap in the face. She didn't hate him, but jumped into the water to catch the watch on a cold day.


Qin Yi's smile suddenly stiffened and hit the armrest of the sofa with a fist.

He never trusted her and didn't ask her if she had to suffer!

Xia zaozao has always been duplicity. Now he goes to question her, and she will only deny it.

He needs to find out why she left him and had children with Yan Sheng.

"What else do you know about her? Everything about her."

Qin Yi looked at the close servant.

"I don't know anything else. I haven't heard the young master or young grandma mention it. However, the young master is really good to the young grandma and hasn't abused her."

At this time, gale whined two bodyguards in: "young master, what you asked me to buy."

Qin Yi raised his chin and pointed to the tea table.

Gale put things on the tea table. They are two oversized gift bags.

In the gift bag, there is a gift box. When you open it, there are beautiful diamond bracelets on one side and various earrings on the other side. You can see that it is very valuable at a glance.

"One for each."

All the servants looked at each other and were surprised by Qin Yi's generous pen.

Until the bodyguard gave each servant one in hand, they dared to believe that it was true

In the past, the best way for Qin Yi to shut up the servants was to sweep them out.

But this is Yan Sheng's servant. He dismissed without authorization. Xia zaozao will have a lot of opinions

In fact, for the sake of early summer, his character has converged a lot and changed a lot.

But Xia didn't see him who was really cruel.

Qin Yi lived in such an environment since he was a child. He had never seen the scene of nine-year-old being forced to fight with wild boars.

I haven't seen him since he was 9 years old. He knew how to deal with old Qin and hide his blood.

When the servant saw the bracelet and, they were all marked with brilliant signs. He knew that the value of jewelry was definitely not cheap.

It's just that no one gives such valuable things as servants?

So they all doubt the truth.

The strong wind coughed and explained: "no doubt, these are the genuine products of brilliant group. If you don't believe it, you can go to the * * store for inspection."

The servants were stunned.

The gale added: "the benefits are not given in vain."

Servants began to fear that taking so much money would not be to kill and set fire.

"Our young master wants you to keep your mouth shut about everything today."

Some servants understand——

Naturally, Qin Yi came to the villa, and he and Xia met naked in the room early in the morning.

What an expensive sealing fee!

"Take our young master's things and be nice. If there is any news in the future." the strong wind narrowed his eyes, and his fierce eyes looked like an old man.

What it means is self-evident.

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