Summer's early heart is hot.

He was wearing an oxygen mask, and his body moved because the angle oxygen mask blocked his eyes.

The doctor shouted more nervously.

Xia zaozao panicked and asked the nurses around him, "he's moving. Can't he move? What does he want to do?"

"This... I don't know."

"Does he want to see me? Can I go in?"

"You wait." the nurse went to the door and pressed the intercom.

The doctor looked at Xia zaozao and noticed Yan Sheng's eyes looking at her, nodded and said, "let her disinfect in."

The nurse hung up the walkie talkie: "Mrs. Yan, please follow me to disinfect there and change into sterile clothes."

Xia Zao took two steps forward and was afraid of Yan Sheng. He gestured to the people inside: "wait, I'll come soon."

She pronounces every word very slowly. I hope he can read her lips.

Yan Sheng is so smart that he can read it if he sees her talking.

Qin Yi stood by and looked coldly at Xia zaozao's interaction with Yan Sheng

He became completely invisible.

These days, even if Yan Sheng is not awake, she takes him as air and avoids him if she can.

She never looks at him and doesn't take the initiative to talk to him. Even if he sticks to him, she will resist him and hate him.

Qin Yi smiled coldly. The close servant said, what's the matter with her painting and his painting?

What happened when she jumped into the water to pick up his watch

She missed him and scratched a wound on her arm. Why?

Qin Yi frowned deeply and followed behind her. She loved him, but there was no him in her eyes. Is indifference the way she loved him?

He doesn't deserve her warmth and love? Not even Yan Sheng?

To the disinfection room——

The nurse said sorry, "Sir, you can't go in. Mrs. Yan can only go in the intensive care room alone."

The door is closing.

Qin Yi suddenly stretched out his hand to press the door, and his whole body was fierce and terrible.

"Sir..." the nurse was afraid.

Xia looked back early and said, "didn't you just promise me you wouldn't go in?"

Qin Yi stared at her fiercely.

"Get out." Xia zaozao held the door instead of the nurse and tried to close the door.

Qin Yi's hand was coldly placed on the door. He clearly pushed it, and he could open the door completely.

But at this moment, it is completely powerless.

"Qin Yi, at a critical juncture, can you stop making trouble?"

In her eyes, everything he did was noisy, which upset her.

Qin Yi gave a cold flash and coldly let go.

Summer morning force——

The door slammed shut in front of him, just as she always refused him coldly.

Qin Yi smiled coldly, like a self mockery, leaned against the cold wall, felt the smoke and lit it.

Soon, after disinfection, Xia came out in sterile clothes early and walked with wind. Without even looking at Qin Yi, he went straight to the intensive care room

Qin Yi followed her coldly and saw her go in.

No wonder Xia zaozao. In this case, she really can't take into account Qin Yi's mood.

"Doctor, is he all right?"

The doctor looked at her: "the patient seems to want to see you very much. Get close to him and talk to him."

"Talk? What should I say?"

"Whatever you say... Let him listen to your voice more. The patient just wakes up now. Talk more, keep his brain clear, and try not to sleep too soon. It's good for his brain after he recovers."

Xia went to the head of the bed early, leaned over and approached Yan Sheng.

There is a big hole in his eye corner, which has been sewn to the sideburns. How deep the wound is

The whole head was bandaged.

The fox's eyes were slightly knocked and stared at her vaguely, but his eyes were very bright.

Vaguely, there seems to be a smile at the bottom of my eyes.

Xia frowned early. At this time, what is he laughing at?

He seemed to want to speak, and the fog whited the oxygen mask.

Xia zaozao whispered, "don't talk. You're taking oxygen. Your breath is very weak."

The hand that Yan Sheng didn't hang the potion was lifted

"Don't move, didn't the doctor tell you not to move?" Xia zaozao stopped his hand from lifting up. Although this hand was not injured, it may involve other wounds.

Yan Sheng suddenly shook back and held her hand tightly in the palm of his hand.

"You're awake," Xia zaozao whispered with a smile, "don't worry, you'll be fine."

Yan Sheng just stared at her.

Xia zaozao bit his lower lip: "you have a great fortune. I guess you don't die so easily."

Outside the glass.

The disgust lingered slowly. Qin Yi's back was awe inspiring. He stood there watching Xia zaozao bend over and stare at Yan Sheng so closely. His eyes were gentle and his speech was extremely gentle

This kind of early summer is something he has never seen before.

She was so careful that Yan Sheng seemed to be afraid of breaking glass in front of her.

Qin Yi looked coldly for more than ten minutes, turned and left lonely.

The communication bell in the intensive care unit rang and the doctor picked it up——

The nurse's voice said, "the gentleman just told me before leaving that Mrs. Yan is pregnant and should not stand too long. Let her sit and talk to the patient."

The doctor immediately asked someone to move the chair to Xia zaozao.

"You talk to the patient for half an hour, and then let him rest."

"OK, thank you." Xia sat down early and asked uncertainly, "he should have passed the dangerous period, shouldn't he?"


"HMM." the big stone in the early summer fell to the ground again, and his eyes unconsciously looked outside.

The man waiting in front of the glass is gone

Xia zaozao didn't think much. He turned back and tried to find some topics to tell Yan Sheng, hoping that he would get better as soon as possible.

Xia zaozao took out his hand. With an unspeakable feeling in his heart, he turned and asked, "when will he wake up?"

"He is very weak now, but he should not be unconscious again. He should wake up naturally after sleeping for a period of time. I will let someone inform you at the first time."

"OK, please."

Xia changed off her sterile clothes early and returned to the ward. She didn't see Qin Yi.

Where did he go so late?

Seeing the messy wool cut in half and the broken needle on the bed, she sighed and cleaned up to throw it into the dustbin.

But I saw several bloody paper balls in the bucket

There is also dark blood on the edge of the trash can.

Xia frowned early and squatted beside the bed. There were still a few drops of blood on the ground.

Xia zaozao's heart pulled for a while and suddenly got angry!

Can't he reassure her?

At first glance, Qin Yi coughed up the blood. He was not good to himself at all. He didn't take care of his stomach disease, the medicine was bad and delicious, and the meal was not eaten normally.

Xia zaozao opened the door and looked at the bodyguard standing at the door: "who can contact your young master?"

The bodyguard shook his head: "only gale has the contact information of the young master... But we can contact gale."

Xia received my cell phone early.

It seems very noisy over there

The Gale's respectful voice came: "what's the matter with Miss Xia?"

"Call Qin Yi."

"The young master ordered that no one should disturb without his order."

"Including me?"

"That's what the young master ordered." the gale coughed. "The young master is in a bad mood. Let him be quiet."

Is that a bad mood? Is love so small that people's hearts become pinholes? He has been losing his temper for no reason recently.

Xia rubbed his forehead early: "why is it so noisy over there? You won't be in the bar?"


"That's good." how can Qin Yi drink again.

"We're in a high-level club." how can a young master go to a low-level place like a bar.

Xia zaozao: "..." the club is no different from the bar in her concept,.

"Miss Xia, is there anything else?"

"He has a serious stomach disease. How can you let him drink again?"

"The young master is in a bad mood now," Gale said helplessly. "I'm just a subordinate. I can't persuade him. He doesn't listen to me. There's nothing I can do."

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