The bodyguard was puzzled and quickly replied, "no, Qin Shao sent someone to inform us to come."

He paused and added: "when we came, Qin Shao's people had withdrawn. This time, we thank Master Qin very much for saving our master. We owe him a favor."

Xia zaozao was dizzy and thought he had heard wrong.

According to Qin Yi's personality, how can he let Yan Sheng go so easily? Only keep Yan Sheng to threaten her.

At least, when Yan Sheng wakes up, he forces him to hand over his marriage certificate and sign the divorce agreement

Xia zaozao remembered that the mobile phone was still by the pillow. She took the phone from the bodyguard. It hasn't been returned yet——

Hurried back to the ward, she found her cell phone. She called the cell phone of gale last night. There was a phone record. She dialed according to the number.

The mobile phone was connected quickly, and gale answered the phone quickly.

"Is he back?"

"Well, the young master was afraid to wake you up, so he opened a room in the next ward to rest."

"Have you been examined by the doctor?"

The strong wind said in a hesitant voice, "I've checked. The doctor said there was nothing serious."

"Why was the bodyguard suddenly removed?"

The strong wind thought about it and said after a moment, "young master, I think you will be happy."

Xia pursed his lips early. He suddenly understood her? You know what she wants? It's rare.

At this moment, Xia zaozao put down his heavy burden and finally breathed a sigh of relief: "which ward is he in now? I'll see him."

"The fifth room on the right."

Summer frowns early and lives so far? Special always wanted to sleep next to her and didn't want to alienate her for a moment

She met a nurse on the way, stopped her and asked her to find a doctor. She understood Qin Yi's personality and couldn't take the initiative to ask the doctor for examination. Seeing the bloody paper in the trash can, his stomach disease had a serious trend.

The gale opened the door: "Miss Xia, you're here."

There was nothing wrong with her peaceful voice, but she always felt that the expression of gale was very strange.

She walked into the room first. The doctor will come later.

Qin Yi leaned on the bed and obviously just woke up.

The hair is messy and unruly, and the whole person is untidy.

Instead of looking up at her immediately, he picked up a cigarette and lighter from the tea table and lit a cigarette: "it's rare that you will take the initiative to see me."

"I heard you went drinking last night."

"So when I drink, will you come to see me?" his eyes were bloodshot.

Not only because of this, but also because she saw the paper ball in the trash can, she was worried about his body.

"I called a doctor for you."

Qin Yi's body suddenly stiffened, and an extremely sharp and contradictory breath spread: "who asked you to call a doctor?"

"I saw the paper ball with blood in the trash can, and there was blood on the floor." Xia walked over a few steps earlier and was about to smoke from his hand. "You're not dying. If you don't take care of yourself, your stomach disease will worsen."

Qin Yi's hand, quietly avoiding, bounced the ash: "so, what would you do if it worsened?"

"How about me? My stomach is not mine. What can I do?"

He smiled coldly and asked, "I mean, what would you do if my stomach disease turned into gastric cancer?"

"......." Xia zaozao, "I don't like you to ask such meaningless hypothetical questions."

"You hate what I do anyway." his voice was low and clear. "It's not bad for this problem."

"I'm glad you told Yan Sheng's people to come today."

"I'd better disappear from your world completely, and you'll be happier."

"Qin Yi, you've had enough."

Qin Yi smiled helplessly and said, "look, I made you angry again. Wouldn't it be if Yan Sheng?"

"Somehow, you have to mention what he does?"

"You mentioned it first."

Xia zaozao tried to suppress his anger: "why do we have to quarrel together? I'm very tired."

"I've been catering to you. You're the one who's fighting."

"So, I said our character is not suitable." Xia zaozao wants to grab cigarettes again. "Your health is not good. Don't smoke."

Qin Yi ruthlessly put it into his mouth and took a greedy breath: "just like your taste, I know it's harmful to my body, but I can't quit. Especially the more I miss you, the more I can't quit."

Xia zaozao's heart ached.

"I told you not to smoke!" she forced herself to grab the cigarette. The light of the cigarette end burned her, and she shivered subconsciously.

Qin Yi finally pressed out the smoke and grabbed her hand: "is it hot?"


"Next time you see danger, don't rush up." his thumb rubbed her palm. "You haven't answered my question. What will you do if I disappear from your world?"

"What the hell do you want to ask?"

"I'm afraid you'll lose sleep again and scratch a wound on your arm..." he stroked her sleeve and touched the scar on her arm

"Who said I drew these for you?" Xia zaozao was surprised and suddenly retracted his hand.

"Yan Sheng's servant."

"Do you believe what they say?"

Qin Yi narrowed his eyes: "they also said, you draw my portrait."

"..." Xia Zao died early and didn't admit it, because he didn't want him to worry, "what painting? Where is the painting? I'm afraid those servants said it to please you."

Qin Yi grabbed her arm again: "these wounds are the evidence."

"These injuries have nothing to do with you."



"There is no best," Qin Yi didn't force her to admit as before, but was unconventional. He held her hand tightly and stuck it to his heart: "if so, I would be very distressed."

"Qin Yi, in fact, who can't live in this world without leaving?" Xia put down his sleeve early to prevent him from looking again. "We are all independent individuals."

Xia zaozao's eyes began to be wet. I don't know why today's topic made her feel inexplicably sad.

She quickly turned her head and looked at the door, avoiding the touch of her eyes: "it's strange that the doctor hasn't come yet."

Qin Yi twisted her chin back: "I've always had a problem."

Xia zaozao forced the fog in his eyes back: "what's the problem?"

"You love me, why do you keep pushing me away?"

"Love does not mean possession. As long as the other party is happy, I will be happy for him from my heart. I don't have to be together."

"The person I love, her happiness can only be given by me. I don't trust what others give."

"Have you ever thought that you can't give me my happiness?"

Qin Yi nodded, as if he were seriously thinking about this problem. A touch of bangs hung down. He said deeply: "therefore, love doesn't mean to be together."


Xia zaozao's voice suddenly became hoarse. She coughed uneasily: "why do you suddenly ask these questions?"

They had never talked about love so calmly before.

Even when the dispute was fierce, he only insisted on his own theory. If her answer made him dissatisfied, he was angry.

But today, he was calm and a little strange.

It upset her.

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