Xia zaozao took Qin Yi's hand and said, "just now I asked you to change your temper. Why are you here again?"

"I only promise to change my temper to you!" Qin Yi looked arrogant.


"Are you tired? Do you want to find a place to sit?"

Xia zaozao shook his head: "I want to stay with you for a while."

Qin Yi stared at her: "stay everywhere. Let's go back."

It's just rained. It's windy outside. The wind is wet.

The two men walked back slowly and hesitated. It cleared up. The chickens had run out of the yard and pecked East and West on the soft and wet soil. When they saw them coming, they jumped away again.

A small stove was set up in the yard, and the woman made medicine for her husband. The smell of Chinese herbal medicine filled the whole yard.

Qin Yi frowned. The smell of traditional Chinese medicine was really choking.

Such a heavy medicine smell, but Xia zaozao didn't respond. He just sucked his nose: "what a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine."

Qin Yi was afraid that she smelled more uncomfortable, so he took her to speed up the pace of entering the house.

Xia looked at the dustpan put on the ground by the woman early. There were herbs she wanted to dry on the dustpan.

"She seems to be able to see a doctor. Look, she picked the herbs herself just now and took them out to dry."

"Birds don't lay eggs in this place. It's far from the hospital. It's easy to deal with it abnormally?"

Xia zaozao thought about it. If he didn't understand anything, he would have to go to a far place to see a doctor if he had some minor diseases and injuries. It should be very troublesome for them.

"Go in." Qin Yi was not interested in other people's affairs. He pushed her quilt with his big palm and let her go first.

After entering the house, she immediately wrapped her in the blanket.

The stove was still burning. Qin Yi held her in her lap and two people sat around the stove.

Summer leaned against him early, warm, some sleepy, and afraid to sleep. When he woke up, the time passed, and he was gone.

Holding his hand tightly, Qin Yi seemed to see through her mind and coaxed her: "go to sleep, I won't go."

Summer shrank into his arms early, and finally couldn't resist the sleepy insect: "then I'll sleep for a while?"


Finally, I slept in the past, but I didn't sleep well. I was always afraid that I wouldn't see him when I woke up.

It turns out that this feeling of worrying about gain and loss is this taste

Until I vaguely smell the smell of food

The dinner was still light and tasted very good. She chatted with the woman. The woman told her that some herbs were put in the soup, which was good for pregnant women and patients

After dinner, they were in the yard, sitting on a small bench and watching the stars.

The sky after the rain is full of stars.

"It must be sunny tomorrow."

"Did you see the weather forecast?"

"No." Xia zaozao shook his head: "if the stars were all over the sky the night before, it would be a sunny day the next day."

"Isn't the sunny day good?" Qin Yi heard the loneliness in her tone.

"No, I hope to continue tomorrow, all the time." she turned slightly and put her head on his shoulder: "in this way, we will be trapped here and can't go any more."

Qin Yi's hand around her shoulder began to become stiff.

Xia zaozao smiled and said, "in fact, there's nothing bad here. Your father shouldn't find here?"

Qin Yi didn't open his face and didn't speak.

Slowly late at night, Qin Yi took her back to the room the woman had prepared for them.

Just then, the door that had forgotten to close was knocked. The woman carried a bucket of hot water and said, "are you ready to go to bed? I've prepared hot water for you to take a bath."

Qin Yi nodded condescensively and hesitated to master the king of fate.

Early in the summer, I found a big round barrel in the empty room

"There are some medicinal herbs and medicinal flowers in the bucket, which is good for your health."

"Can we wash together?" Qin Yi asked.

Can this medicine be suitable for pregnant women at the same time?

The woman nodded awkwardly, "of course, it's good for pregnant women and sick patients. There are no side effects."

Xia zaozao struggled from Qin Yi's arms. In other people's homes, he hugged each other and kissed each other like glue from time to time. If he didn't see others, was it too arrogant?


There was already hot water in the bucket. Now it's a little cold. The woman poured another bucket of hot water in and put her hand in to test the water temperature

Qin Yi's Yin measured voice sounded: "you wash your hands in our bathtub?!"

Woman: "I'm trying the water temperature."

"Get out."

"Qin Yi..." Xia pulled his sleeve early.

The woman didn't speak, put down the bucket and left.

Qin Yi went to the door and immediately closed the door vigorously. He wanted to isolate any virus immediately.

Xia zaozao frowned and stared at him: "Why are you like this? People are kind enough to fetch water to bathe you. You are not afraid to offend others?"

After all, they have to stay here for one night. They don't know how to be polite

Qin Yi maintained a consistent self-respect: "will I be afraid of offending others?"

"People get along with each other. In case you need help in the future, others won't help you."

Qin Yi sneered coldly, "do you think I have something to ask for from others?"


"People always beg me on their knees."

"One more friend is better than one more enemy."

Qin Yi pulled up the window and came to take off Xia zaozao's clothes.

"Really want to wash together?" she raised her eyes and stared at him.

Qin Yi kept silent and took off her coat, sweater and underwear

Her fair skin was haloing with a faint halo under the light, and his eyes were hot.

Obviously shortness of breath, squatted down and took off her pants.

Xia zaozao stared at his head: "Qin Yi... You can't control it?"

Qin Yi's low voice said, "I have discretion."

"But... It's hard to say this kind of thing. Maybe I'll lose my mind..." when the gun went off, the child disappeared.

"Even if I lose my mind again, I won't do anything to hurt you!"

A warm heart in summer.

The next second, she had been picked up and slowly put into the bath bucket.

As soon as her feet touched the water, she held Qin Yi Wei'an's shoulder tightly: "the water is so hot..."

"Hot spots are good for your health!"

"But it's really hot, hot..." the water temperature will be cooked when you go in.

"Good, bear it!" Qin Yi was as hot as iron before he got off the bath barrel.

Qin Yi raised his sword eyebrow, stripped himself in three or two times, and jumped into the bucket with long legs.

Xia zaozao stared at some big thing he had awakened: "you..."

"Normal response."

"Qin Yi, when I found you holding me, I reacted several times."

Qin Yi looked at her fiercely: "so you know?"

Xia zaozao kept silent and pretended not to know: "Why are you men thinking about this all the time?"

"If there is no reaction... What you worry about is not my physical problems, but losing interest in you!" he took her into his arms and righteously bit her ear.

The tub can hold just two people

But Qin Yi was so big that as soon as he sat down, the bucket narrowed completely.

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