Ji youze's mood is also very complex. Seeing her like this, he can't cry or laugh.

"You're not a place anymore. You've had children. If you were touched, you thought you were a pure little ~ place ~ woman?" Ji youze said mean words as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Are you defiled and still looking for life and death?"

However, she doesn't want to be touched by strange men, which makes Ji youze happy.

"We are all adults. Last night, it was just men ~ Huan ~ women ~ love. We got what we needed."

Fan Fei picked up the shoes on the ground and slapped them

Ji youze squatted down to give her water to drink.

The shoes hit Ji youze's handsome face and printed a shallow shoe print.

Ji youze's face changed. She's a dead woman. What have her shoes stepped on? They're so dirty?!

"Last night you cried and begged me."

"You're talking nonsense!"

"You took the medicine and took off my clothes," Ji youze said coldly. "Do you think a woman like you would want to touch you? What kind of woman do I want?"

Fan Fei also knows that she was drugged. What happened last night, she actually has only sporadic fragments.

Just remember that it's crazy, it's thunder and earth fire... It's very exciting ~ strong!

And she is very active!

It's unscientific that there is her riding posture in the memory clip. She is usually very conservative. She has always been male and female. It's impossible for her to make that bold style.

But it did happen.

"Why, remember?" Ji youze stared at her closely. "Just when you had an illness yesterday, I was just treating you."


"It is said that regular friction can speed up the growth of nails, so people are. They often encounter difficulties and frustrations. Lessons can make you grow faster." Ji youze said calmly, "you should learn lessons from setbacks this time. It's time to grow..."

Fan Fei listened to his words and felt something inside. Was he teaching her?

Then Ji youze said evil: "it's also there. More friction helps blood circulation. I've worked for free for so long without shouting hard. Don't make me angry!"

This is definitely the worst comfort in the world!

Fan Fei's eyes turned red and stared at him.

Ji youze took the opportunity to hand over the water cup, buckle it in front of her lips, hold her mandible in one hand and force her to drink half a glass of water.

Fan Fei was filled with a large glass of water and coughed.

Ji youze looked at her dry lips and was going to feed the rest of the water.

Fan Feipu, performing a waterfall, sprayed Ji youze's face.

"..." Ji youze's black face, "how dirty!"

Fan Fei was stunned. It sounded like Ji youze.

Look closely, his physique is also very similar... His shoulder width is very similar, and his abdominal muscles in his chest are very similar

Arms, big hands

He looked at her like.

Ji youze stood up and wiped his face with a paper towel. Fan Fei looked at his height, and the altitude was like... And his back.

Fan Fei rubbed her eyes. Does she miss Ji youze too much?

She even felt that the person close to her last night was Ji youze

She thought it was a spring ~ dream!

Fan Fei stared at the strawberry prints everywhere on her body, and Ji youze liked to leave traces like this.

However, in her life, she had only one man, Ji youze. How could she know what other men like to do?

And last night's consciousness was too unclear. After taking the medicine, her nerves were excited. Her perception was mixed with hallucinations.

Fan Fei suddenly stood up and walked softly towards Ji youze.

Her feet hurt so much. Every step hurts like crushing.

Fortunately, fan Fei has been "tortured" by Ji youze before, and her body can stand tossing.

It's just that it hasn't happened for a long time. Suddenly it's so fierce that it hurts a lot.

Ji youze saw that she was going to fall, so he naturally hooked her and held her in his arms!

"Why, if you have nothing to do, just stay there. What are you doing?"


Fan Fei's eyes were wet, and the tone of questioning her was too similar, which made her feel wronged for a moment.

Is it really him? Ji youze? Why did it change.

She held her hand to his palm in disbelief

Are men's palms like this? She's not too close to other men and doesn't hold hands with other men.

She didn't pay attention to what Ji Ziang's hands looked like, and she had a great impression.

Fan Fei compared Ji youze's palm and raised her hand to touch his shoulder.

Ji youze suddenly sounded the alarm, suddenly pressed her shoulder and pushed her away from her arms: "why, I didn't feed you yesterday? You still want it after so many times?"


"Unfortunately, I'm not interested in touching your dirty ghost with tears on my face. It's disgusting!"

Fan Fei's tears blurred and looked at his back. The familiar back slowly overlapped with Ji youze in her eyes.

She put her hand over her lips and said, "who are you?"


"Why did you save me? Who the hell are you, you say!?"

"Gee, I'll save you?" Ji youze said strongly. "I just have a grudge against that scum. I saw him forcibly occupy the people's daughter and saved you. Look at your pity, you don't have to thank me too much!"

"You lied to me, obviously you -"

Before fan Fei finished her words, a knock on the door rang out.

Ji youze knows that if he goes on like this, his identity will be worn out. He coldly picked up a dress and threw it on fan Fei, just covering her.

"Come in!"

The bodyguard came in from the door, looked at the beautiful scenery of a room, stopped at the door and wanted to stop: "the master asked director Lin today..."

Ji youze was stunned. How could he forget that he had an important contract to sign today

Ji youze looked at fan Fei and said, "arrange a car."

Fan feileng was in place and looked at Ji youze's back

Did she make a mistake?

She is such a fool. This man just had a little relationship with her, so she recognized Ji youze as her mistake.

How could she be so stupid that even Ji youze admitted her mistake?

"Then I, what should I do?" fan Fei walked to the door staring at him with a sad face.

He's gone. What about her?

Ji youze's footsteps stopped and didn't look back: "what else do you want to do? Of course, send someone to send you away. What do you want to do?"


The words fell, and the door slammed shut in front of fan Fei.

Ji youze walked mercilessly. He didn't want to stay for fear that he would hate her taste.

Fan Fei sat on the ground blankly, her eyes blankly empty.

Clothes and shoes are scattered on the ground, her socks... The charming ~ scenery in the room shows the excitement ~ feeling of yesterday.

She never thought that one ~ night ~ love would happen to herself.

"Ji youze, I'm sorry." fan Fei bit her lower lip and began to cry.

She's really stupid, stupid. Stupid enough to lose yourself.

"Ji youze, I'm leaving..."

With tears falling madly from the corners of her eyes, she came to country a and not only got nothing, but also returned with a crippled body.

There is no worse result.

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