Kasumigaoka Shiwa on the bed in the bedroom.

Because the hands are tied behind the back.

So she’s lying on her stomach.

Su Yang sat next to the computer and turned the computer on:

“Hey, Shiyu.”

“What’s your computer, password?”


“Use your birthday as a password?”


“Be enthusiastic, otherwise I won’t guarantee the brilliance of the means.” Su Yang made no secret of his threat.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka closed her eyes.

It’s as if resigned to his fate.

Silent prayer in my heart: Inu-san!

Be sure to find out my abnormality and call the police! Let the police come and save me!

The mouth cooperated with Su Yang’s performance:

“The password is 0131~”

“Strange boyfriend.”

It is still very difficult to change a calm poisonous tongue.

In other words, Su Yang did not intend to change.

Everyone has their own characteristics, just fine.

“You can call me, darling.”

“Or, Darling.”

“If you have a name, when will you really call out Darling.”

“Just tell you.” Su Yang shrugged, his hand tapping on the keyboard.

Search for the latest news.

Shiha Kasumigaoka closed her eyes and did not answer.

If you knew your first love, it was like this.

Then don’t do it.

【National latest news! 】

[Time: 2 days ago.] 】

[The heavy rain will continue, we previously predicted seven days of global heavy rain, but the latest forecast is that the heavy rain may last for 15 days! 】

[It is best for residents on the first floor to move out as soon as possible.] 】

[Residents on the second floor should also forget to walk from a high place, and as much as possible they must save food, and the state cannot rescue any citizen before the rainstorm stops.] 】

[All citizens, cherish! ] 】

Looking at the latest news two days ago, there was a lot of scolding below:

[No, won’t you foretell about the outbreak of this kind of disaster in advance?] 】

[There has been a trend of typhoons recently, what is the country doing!?] We taxpayers pay so much tax, you can’t guarantee our normal life? 】

[Precious can’t stand up to food! ] In our family, only white noodles are left, if you let our family eat white noodles for half a month, white noodles are not enough, hurry up and distribute supplies! 】

[Raise so many Self-Defense Forces, is it just for the right faction’s eagle dogs?] 】


To curse people, it has to be a cherry blossom country with high national quality.

This kind of natural disaster, you force people to come to the rescue?

How to save?

But through a few news.

Su Yang can also be regarded as having a general understanding of this world.

Ten days ago, Earth suddenly received a special ray blow.

Five days ago, dark clouds were over.

Three days ago, it rained simultaneously across the globe.

An hour and a half ago.

Typhoons began to appear along the coast and spread inland.

By the way, for three days, the houses in the coastal area have flooded the first floor!

Even in some places with poor terrain, the roof of the fourth floor was submerged.

People took them out of their homes and hid in the mountains.

Then there was a mudslide.

Scolding on the net.


Inuji looked at his phone.

There was no reply.


Walk to your door.

Just arrived at the door.

I heard an anxious urge outside the door:

“Hurry up! Let’s add so much water. ”

“Rescue things to the second floor!”

It was a middle-aged man who spoke.

This made the dog who was about to twist the door lock subconsciously take a step back.

Torrential rain, the next layer was submerged.

Not to mention dozens of people going up there.

If they open the door themselves, will they seize their own home?

Thinking about it, Inuji glanced down at his phone again.

It was found that Senior Sister Kasumigaoka had not replied to the message.

Some anxious.

Hands on doorknobs, courage bursts!

Pull hard.

The door was pulled open!

Run out quickly and close the door with force!

‘Bang! ‘.

Attracted the attention of several people.

Meeting the gaze of those people, she ran towards the corridor.

All the way to the fourth floor.

The atmosphere was not panting, and he knocked the door of Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s house!

‘Bang! ’

‘Bang! ’

‘Bang! ’

This hard knock, Su Yang can hear it even in the bedroom, with the door closed.

Su Yang looked at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu lying on the bed.

A little surprised:

“Coming to you?”

In the face of Su Yang’s inquiry, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s heart ‘clicked’.

It won’t be a dog feeding girl, found it, right?

This fool, why don’t you go to the police and come to the mouth of the tiger yourself!

On her face, though only for a moment of panic.

But it was keenly captured by Su Yang, who had been staring at her deadly.

“It seems that I came to find Shiyu~”

“I’ll go to the door to see if it’s suitable, I’ll accompany you.” Su Yang said, put on his slippers, and walked towards the door.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu shook her body in panic.

I found that my body had regained some control.

However, the back of the hands is tied behind the back.

The rope was also fancy tied so that she could not move.

In a hurry, Shiwa Kasumigaoka rolled off the bed.

His back smashed his hand, and the sound of pain could not be controlled from his throat:


“It hurts!”


Outside the door.

Inuji took out his mobile phone and looked at the text message interface above.

It was found that Senior Sister Kasumigaoka had not replied to the message.

Calling anxiously:


“Toot toot ~”

“Answer the phone, senior sister!”

“You won’t be swept away by the typhoon outside, will you?”

Inside the house!

Su Yang had just walked out of the bedroom a few steps when he heard a mobile phone ringing from the kitchen.

Listen to the sound of the phone and the knock on the door at the same time.

Su Yang was not interested in getting his mobile phone at all.

Walk straight to the door.

Through the cat’s eye, look out the door.

Because the outside is equipped with voice-activated lights.

A loud knock on the door kept the lights in the hallway from going out.



I saw a girl with a rong in tight pajamas, knocking on the door frantically!

Rong Rong followed her movements, up and down.

The look of this girl.

He is no stranger.

Is it the female protagonist of a certain welfare fan: the male protagonist becomes a dog? That one.

Heroine, dog feeding!

“Senior sister, are you at home?”

“If you’re at home, give me a response!” Inuji shouted anxiously at the door.


Open her mouth ready to continue talking.

The door lock is opened from the inside!


‘Squeak~’ sound.

The door was opened.

Su Yang pushed open the door in her shocked gaze.

I saw a hand holding a glass bottle appear in front of her.


A pink mist shot out.

Hit the dog in the face.

“Whoosh!” Inuyoshi exclaimed, his body lost control, and because of Rong, his body leaned forward and fell to Su Yang in the house!

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