Outside the base.

The group of subordinates waited abruptly for more than two hours.

The body began to break out in a cold sweat.

“Whew… We, we’re standing here? ”

“How do I feel the cold wind getting stronger?”

“What is Mr. Su doing? There will be no danger, right? Before letting us go, was it really threatened? ”

“Hiss… I’m really going to freeze! ”

Several people whispered.

Suddenly heard ~ a dull sound!

Jerk his head back.

It turned out to be Mr. Su, who jumped down from above-!

In his arms, a beautiful woman with long orange hair, was hugged.

Looking at the beauty in Mr. Su’s arms.

This group of subordinates gave a thumbs up in the back!

It had to be Mr. Su.

Come out, another beautiful woman into your arms!

As for jealousy?

They didn’t.

The great skill of a person is the size of his job.

They still have a very clear understanding of their own pounds.

“Why are you waiting here if you don’t go in?” Su Yang looked at them and frowned.

Heard Mr. Su’s inquiry.


“That, Mr. Su, when we come out!”

“You can’t open this door outside, hey! We’re all here waiting for you! ”

“Sorry, shame!”

Looking at the shameful look of these subordinates, Su Yang chuckled.

“It’s not that you can’t open it!”

“This door can be pushed inside.”

“It’s a two-way street.” Su Yang said, placing Takasaka Honogo on the ice and standing up.

Then walk towards the door.

Push hard inside!

This door, when he bought it, he took this into account.

It’s easy to come out and open the door with one click!

It is also very convenient to go in, and drive it yourself!

But others really don’t open it!


Seeing that Su Yang really pushed the door in.

Their eyes widened!

“How is it possible!”

“We pushed it before, we couldn’t push it at all!”

“This gate is not pulled outside, but it is pushed inside? No, Mr. Su, how much strength does this have to take to push forward! ”

Looking at everyone’s shocked gazes, Su Yang squinted:


“Not much!”

“A thousand kilograms of strength can push the door open.” Su Yang said, glanced at their bodies, and then said with a smile:

“Of course, it costs two thousand kilograms together!”

“After all, the force point cannot be one, if you work together.”


A thousand kilograms!

Is this manpower?

Moreover, this is just the bottom!

When Mr. Su pushed the door, he didn’t show any difficulty at all.

That is, he may have a strength of more than two thousand kilograms ?!

Push open the door and walk in.

The group also followed, after entering the base.

Su Yang looked at the gate and pushed it back hard.

Without a way to open the door inside, it’s a huge piece of iron.

But there is a button to open the door, and with a light press, it opens on its own.


“Let’s go, let’s go upstairs!” Su Yang shouted at Takasaka Honogo.

Takasaka Honogo heard Su Yang’s voice.



Su Yang had already walked out for several meters!

In her heart, she was still shocked: can the strength of people really reach more than 1000 kilograms?!

Coming to the second floor, she looked at the door in the middle.

After Su Yang’s fingerprint was entered, it was directly opened.

Somewhat surprised.

This base, really don’t know anything oh, save electricity?

In this kind of place, there is no need to install a door at all, right?

She didn’t know that above the second floor, there were all Su Yang’s women!

This gate mainly divides the master and subordinates!

When the base expands in the future, the entire inner layer will not allow outsiders to enter.

Enter the second floor.

Takasaka Honogo gently pulled the sleeve of Rasuyang:

“That… What about Makihime Nishikino? ”

“Didn’t you say she’s here?”

She didn’t react at all.

Why did those people at the door say this to Su Yang.

Without reacting, he was deceived by Su Yang’s so-called request.

“In my room.” Su Yang said and walked over with Takasaka Honogo.

In the room.

Nishikino Mahime has been awake for an hour.

She knew what was happening to her at the moment.

Sit in the corner of the bed.

Fold your hands on your knees.

A look of despair appeared on his face.

“Whew… Why. “Nishikino Mahime is very aggrieved.

The poison island on the side has been enlightening her for an hour.

I haven’t slept for a long time.

She was a little sleepy.

“There’s nothing difficult about accepting the status quo.” Poison Island Tsuko said:

“So many girls here will become your friends.”

“You’ll be happier than you were in that little shelter before.”

Nishikino Mahime listened to the enlightenment of Poison Island Tsuko.

Side to side of the face.

The mouth pouted.

“If, Takasaka Hono is there.”

“That’s it.” Nishikino Maki muttered softly.

She came out, just to find Honogo.

But as a result, she got lost herself.

Hono didn’t find it.

Found a bandit, robber who plundered himself!

Thinking about it, she felt another pang of annoyance coming out of her chest.

Want to roar.

However, he did not dare.

For fear of bringing the robber again.


The door was opened.

Poison Island Tsuko looked at the literacy that came in.

Finally relieved:


“I feel like I need to rest.”

“I watched her not kill herself.”

“Next, watch for yourself or find someone else.”

“Hard work.” Su Yang rubbed affectionately at the poison island Jizi.

Takasaka Honogo on the side did not notice the situation on this side at all.

Because she’s at the door,.

I saw Makihime Nishikino curled up in a corner in thin underwear.


Hear familiar voices.

At first, Nishikino Mahime thought she was hallucinating.

Turn your head.

When she saw Takasaka Honogo rushing towards her.

Finally couldn’t help it!

Tears rushed!


“Whew… Originally, I originally wanted to…”

“Go find you.” Nishikino Mahime and Takasaka Hono who pounced on him hugged together.

soothing each other.

“Me too, and I’m going to find you too.”

“As a result, a steamer was found, and then, met here.”

“This is… Have a soul! Takasaka Honogo whispered.

The tears couldn’t be stopped.

After crying for a while.

She also noticed the red mark on Nishikino Mahime’s body.

It seems to be with its own red seal… The same?

Then, she also noticed that Nishikino Mahime was now thinly dressed.


“Whew… Mahime. ”

“You really got a boyfriend?”

Heard Takasaka Honogo’s gossip asked.

Nishikino Mahime looked up sharply.

Looking at Su Yang at the door, his heart was shocked!

What to say?

Did Takasaka Hono tell the truth?

To be honest, it would have bothered Takasaka Honogo, right?

It must have an impact on Takasaka Honogo’s life here, right?

Thinking about it, Nishikino Mahime decided not to tell her the truth.

Instead, he nodded.

“Had a boyfriend.” Nishikino Mahime’s words spat out, holding Takasaka Honogo, and casting a look to Su Yang that was not allowed to be pierced.

Su Yang looked at Nishikino Mahime’s cute and arrogant appearance.

Is really liked.

Took the initiative to cover things up.

That’s fine.

This province’s own and high plates are in contradiction.

“Whew… That’s true. Takasaka Hono muttered.

“What really?”

“It’s nothing~” Takasaka Honogo reacted and forced a smile.

“It’s just a sigh that Shinji actually had a boyfriend.”

“He must be very good?” Takasaka Hono whispered. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Nishikino Mahime looked at Su Yang on the opposite side.

I had to bite the bullet and nod.

And whispered in.

Their voices are small and small.

But enough for Su Yang to hear clearly!

These two women, one hiding himself, agreed to get in.

The other, simply hide who his boyfriend is.

Put aside that one of the praises!

Later, they knew that there was only one man on the second floor.

I really want to see how they both react!

After coming out of the room.

Su Yang looked at the place on the second floor that he was currently vacating.

It’s about 500 square meters.

The height is three meters five.

Planting fruit trees or something, in fact, it is enough!


Su Yang thought silently in his heart.

Two hundred cubic meters of super-doubled soil were taken out.

Spread out on the ground.

In order to circle them.

Su Yang also specially exchanged some steel plates.

Come and fix!

All this yesterday night.

Looking at such a large area, Su Yang shouted loudly:

“Come and help plant trees!”

The entire second floor heard Su Yang’s voice.

All the women walked out of the room.

Including the little otaku of Waizumi Samisi.

Hearing Su Yang say to plant trees, she was instinctively curious.

Poke your head out of the house.

As a result, a probe.

Directly caught!


“Stop waiting!” Hideri Sawamura grabbed her hand, not giving her a chance to break free.

Walking towards the source of Su Yang’s voice.

After they came to the place where Su Yang spoke.

Push open the door.

Look at the trees and tools on the ground!

Look at the two hundred cubic meters of soil.

The eyes are full of shock!

“We… Are we going to grow our own vegetables and trees? ”

“Wow! Looks interesting? ”

“Does this count as living the life of the Garden of Eden?”

A few girls were talking.

“According to the current trend, it is like this.” Su Yang shrugged.

“We can’t always pin our hopes on the thaw of the sea and the recovery of everything, right?”

“And, just eat those fast foods.”

“Nutrition is unbalanced.”

“Grow your own,.”

His words resonated with all women.

Especially the poison island Tsuko, who was originally going to sleep after eating.

At this moment, I was once again motivated.

“I have a little experience planting trees.” Poison Island Jizi smiled, picked up a shovel, and dug a hole in the two hundred cubic meters of soil.

The rest of the girls saw this.

I learned from Poison Island Rinko!

One hundred saplings.

A hundred cubic meters of land area is certainly not enough.

Two hundred is not enough.

In order to plant it all.

Su Yang directly put the thickness of these figures.

Flat push!

In other words, the soil has changed from one meter high to 50 centimeters!

Half as short.

But the area has doubled!

An area of 400 square meters, but planted!

In the interval between these trees.

Su Yang also planted vegetable seeds.

Although this bell planting is not scientific.

But… For high yields, no way!

Looking at the bulb above, plants need photosynthesis to grow.

Su Yang silently thought in his heart: Cut Hu Mall!

The next moment, the Truncated Hu Mall appeared in front of Su Yang.

Targeted Search!

Ultra-miniature artificial sun!


[Ultra-miniature artificial sun: can supply 600 square meters of sunlight for plant growth, worth 120,000 beard points! ] 】

[Automatic circulating pool: can supply 600 square meters of water required for plant growth, worth 80,000 cut-off points! ] 】

Looking at the two items, a total of 200,000 cut-off points.

Su Yang did not have the slightest hesitation.

Redeem directly!

“Ding! Do you consume 20W cut-off points to exchange for ultra-miniature artificial suns and automatic circulating pools? ”


The next moment.

A small sun took the place of the bulb and hung in the middle of the room.

Next to these soils, a river with no end flows!

It can automatically replenish the water consumption of 600 square meters of vegetation every day!

Don’t worry about exhaustion at all!

“Your current remaining cut-off point: 557w5000 points!”

The activity is very active, and now the lunch time is missed.

Su Yang said to the dog:


“Have a quick bite to eat today.”

“Just hot pot!”

Hearing Su Yang say hot pot, Takasaka Sui Naiguo, who was secretly observing outside the door, suddenly jumped.

“Good! ~”

Her voice fell, and she found no response.

Instead, he attracted his gaze to her.

Takasaka Honogo blushed.

Do not dare to speak.

“Ask for the bottom of the tomato pot!” Su Yang looked at the dog feeding who walked out and added.

“Whew… Then I’ll prepare two more pot bottoms~ “The dog is as happy as ever:

“There are many of us, we may not be able to open it~”

Watch the dog feed leave, prepare the bottom of the pot and the ingredients to go.

Takasaka Suinaiguo’s eyes when he looked at Su Yang suddenly had an indescribable taste.

This man.

How do you know your preferences!?

No, it was Maki Nishikino who told him, right?

Unable to figure it out, she shook her head.

Shinhime Nishikino was right behind her at the moment.

There are also some doubts.

Why… Will Su Yang know what Takasaka Hono likes to eat?

Suddenly, a bold idea popped up in her head!

Can’t… Takasaka Hono came in at the cost of becoming Su Yang’s girlfriend, right?

Thinking of this, she felt that her guess was very likely to be valid!

After all… You can analyze it from her language.


“Guoguo.” Nishikino Mahime came to Takasaka Honogo’s side, hugged her waist, and asked:

“Your boyfriend won’t be Su Yang, right?”

Because it was Nishikino Mahime’s inquiry.

Takasaka Honogo was unfortified.

The voice fell, and she reacted!

“You… You’re lying to me!! Takasaka Hono turned his head and looked at Nishikino Mahime with wide eyes.

Nishikino Mahime, who received the answer, showed a wry smile:

Unexpectedly… It’s true!

That demon. Nishikino Makihime’s mind sounded the memories of yesterday night again.

You… It’s in the clutches of the devil!

Because of this meal, a hot pot is prepared.


After eating.

Su Yang said to the poisonous island man:

“If, if I leave for a while, can you guarantee the normal operation here?”

“Or, what is needed?”

Poison Island Junzi was stunned when he heard that Su Yang suddenly wanted to hand over the burden to himself:

“Huh? Yangjun… Are you leaving? ”

“This base has just been built…”

Without waiting for her to finish, Su Yang gagged her.

A kiss fell, and then he said:

“I’m going to leave for a while, but I promise I’ll be back soon, how can I abandon you?”

“So, during the time I’m away, can I ask you to manage it here?” ~”


A rare blush appeared on Poison Island’s face.

“What if… If Yangjun is leaving… several”.

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