Those monkeys hear the sound and take the material on the spot!

What a big stone, wooden sticks, wild fruits thrown towards Su Yang!

Su Yang held the Tai Dao in his hand and forced his eyes.

With the perception of air movement, under the night sky.

Keen to dodge these throws.

When the monkeys saw that they couldn’t throw things to Su Yang, their faces showed impatience one by one!



The monkey’s calls became more and more manic.

When they got to the back, they directly picked up the companions next to them and threw them towards Su Yang!

Feel a monkey being thrown over.

Su Yang was also not polite.

Mechanical long knife in hand, unsheathed!


A dozen knives are cut out in a second, and those monkeys are like paper.

Either the head is cut off, or it is directly cut into pieces!

Filamentous and tragic.

The monkeys on the ground also rushed in front of Su Yang at this moment.

One by one, they chattered and barked.

Some have wooden sticks in their hands, and some simply do nothing.

Rushed towards Su Yang.

Bite with your mouth.


The monkey shouted, and the samurai long knife in Su Yang’s hand danced rapidly.

The monkeys that approached were all cut down by mechanical knives!


One hundred!

A thousand!

Su Yang stood in place.

The monkeys came and went.

In order to keep the dead monkeys from getting in the way, Su Yang also intimately collected their corpses with space compression capsules (large).

This also caused that no matter how many monkeys died, the companions behind them could continue to charge towards Su Yang unscrupulously!

Two thousand!

Three thousand!

The number of monkeys has decreased significantly.

But in their irritability, they have no reason at all.

All the air was bloody.

But Su Yang himself was stunned that there was no trace of blood “five zero zero” stained.

It’s not that he’s bullish.

How powerful the knife technique!

No matter how powerful it is, under this level of killing, the body must be stained with blood.

The reason why it was not stained was entirely because of the layers of blue light on the twenty centimeters in front of him.

Blocked the blood for him!




Another group of monkeys landed.

Su Yang silently thought in his heart: Receive!

Compressed space capsule (large), directly put away this group of monkey corpses.

The monkey group looked at Su Yang, and gradually, his face showed panic!

Because from the original monkey herd charged.

By now, it was the monkey herd that surrounded Su Yang, forming an encirclement.

Su Yang was in the center of the encirclement.

The monkeys rushed and attacked him from all directions!

A monkey with a stick in his hand slammed towards Su Yang.

However, its stick in front of it, in less than half a second, directly broke into six knots!

The stick he was holding was the length of his two hands.

The monkey keenly fled into the distance.

With the first cowardly monkey.

The momentum of the monkey group collapsed in an instant!



Among the monkey group, a fat monkey with a banana crown on his head was pushed out in the waiting group, and it looked at Su Yang and the waiting group that began to collapse.

Shouting loudly.

Those monkeys who had lost their fighting spirit saw their king coming, and they immediately became energetic again!

There must be more than 6,000 of them.

Shout, that’s called a big!



They are cheering, cheering the king, letting the king do it, teaching the murderers who killed a large number of their compatriots in front of them!

The king of the monkey herd also seems to be a confused fellow.

Looking at Su Yang’s small body, he stood up proudly and showed his muscles to Hou Qun.

It’s like this, it’s okay.

Su Yang saw it in his eyes.

Pouted disdainfully.

Meditate in your heart: Absolute physical acceleration!

The next moment, everything around him seemed to be still.

Press your toes firmly on the ground and kick forward.

Su Yang’s body jumped out like an arrow of light.

The monkey king didn’t even have a chance to react.

The mechanical knife in Su Yang’s hand has arrived!

“Poof!” of a sound.

The monkey king’s head was cut off by Su Yang.

In an instant, Su Yang lifted the absolute physical acceleration!

The world is back to its previous form.

The surrounding monkeys looked at Su Yang.

The face is dull.

Su Yang saw that they did not react.

The mechanical knife in his hand brushed out a knife flower and unleashed a one-sided slaughter at the surrounding monkeys!

“Ugh! Swish! ”


Watching more and more companions being slaughtered, this group of rioting monkeys in the dark night was terrified.

They are like the birds and beasts that were tortured and scared away by them before.

Scatter and run!

From time to time, nervous, panicked sounds come out of the mouth!


“Haw! ~! ”

Looking at the monkeys around him who escaped in a short period of time, Su Yang flicked the blood stains on the mechanical knife.

A look of contempt appeared on his face.

Tens of thousands of monkeys.

That’s all!

Killing is as simple as chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

At the same moment, a series of crisp prompts sounded in Su Yang’s ears:

“Ding! Congratulations on completing the Cut of the Beard: Kazuto Kiriya kills the Monkey King!! ”

“Doomsday Scenario: Mutation (Riot)!”

“Rating: SS!”

“Comprehensive judgment!”

“Ding! You get the cut-off point: 68W4000! ”

“Ding! You trigger the Truncated Reward: 8,000 altars of monkey wine! ”

“Your current remaining cut-off point: 558w8700 points!”

Listening to the sound of the prompt, Su Yang’s mechanical knife was retracted into its scabbard by him.

Among the tents.

Yuki Asuna’s face was full of nervousness:

What to do! What to do?

The monkeys stopped barking!

Yangjun won’t be in danger, right?

Do you want to go out?

Originally, there was such a noisy sound outside, and they all woke up.

Even want to go out and help.

But thinking of Su Yang’s strength, they held back.

Before the monkeys’ playfulness, they wanted to go out.

But restrained by reason.

Now, the monkeys’ voices are gone.

Still waiting inside the tent?

That… It’s so torturous!

“No matter, I’m going to…” said Yuki Asuna as she walked towards the door.

At this time, he bumped into Su Yang, who opened the tent and came in.

Feel the familiar, warm embrace.

Asuna Yuki hammered his chest hard in worry.

Say it out loud:


“You’re going to be outside!”

“We’re all worried about you.”


Watching the beauty cry pear blossoms bring rain.

A gentleness in Su Yang’s heart was aroused.

But, coaxing?

He’s not good at it.

I can only make a little joke to divert her attention:

“This… Who bullied our big beauty like this! ”

“I can’t wait to throw my arms around as soon as I come in?”

“Did you collude?”


The diversion failed!

“Don’t distract yourself!” Yuki Asuna cried.

His hand gripped Su Yang’s shirt.

“I wish I could become stronger.”

“To be able to be by your side and fight with you.”

“That way, at least I can see you, and I can rest assured.”

“I’m sorry, it’s me…”



Suddenly, Yuki Asuna felt her mouth gagged.

Because of crying, the nose was not ventilated.

Soon, she suffocated and pushed Su Yang away.


“Phew!” Yuki Asuna gasped, but he didn’t see much blush on his face.

“Want to get stronger?” Su Yang ignored Yuki Asuna’s angry eyes and asked with a smile.

“Of course I want to!” The three daughters of Asuna Yuki, Akiko Ayano, and Shino Asada said in unison.

Looking at the excited look of the three, Su Yang narrowed his eyes.

“But you were so fierce to me just now?” Su Yang directly swept and collapsed on the bed.

It was such a fierce battle just now.

He didn’t even sweat.

It can be seen that his physical fitness is strong now. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


“Yangjun has a way? Don’t sell the lawsuit~” Ayano Junko watched Su Yang lying on the bed, took the initiative to stick to him, and rubbed.

“Does Yangjun really have a way?”

“If you make me happy and can find a place with abundant water, I will show you how to become stronger!” Su Yang closed his eyes.

Both ears directly do not hear what is happening outside the window.

One heart, waiting to be served!

Su Yang killed the monkey king here.

The waiting group has dispersed!

But the fury they were inspired by was not eradicated!

After scattering and fleeing, if you still see something, you will bully and hunt down something!

In the distance, Kiriya Kazuto was carrying Ryotaro Kettle, and his face showed disgust!

“You guy, eat less!”

“It’s too heavy!”

Ryotaro Kettlei heard Kazuto Kiriya say that he was heavy, his face was not good-looking, and he shouted loudly:

“Who is to blame!”

“I walk by myself and run faster than you, and my humiliating injury now is all because of you!”

Listen to the roar of Ryotaro Kettlei.

Kazuto Kiritani slapped him directly on the ass!

“Snap~” a crisp sound.

This was followed by the wailing of Ryotaro Kettlei!


“Oh, my ass! Buttocks! ”

“Kiriya and people, we’re not finished!!”

His call attracted the monkeys that broke up in the distance.

The monkeys held large chunks of momentum in their hands and threw them at them!




Together, in vain!

Two pieces, missed!

But dozens of pieces.

Hundreds of pieces!

How could it all fall through!

These stones are smashed over, and the light ones have to be smashed!

If it’s serious, it’s a broken head!

“The monkeys have caught up!”

“Faster, this group of damn things, sure enough, something is wrong with them!”

“Run around the terrain and find a place to block the monkey’s view!” Don’t be on flat ground, let the monkeys chase and smash! Can’t stand it! ”

“Ouch hey! I’ll go! Kazuto Kiritani! Ryotaro Kettlei, who was resisted on the shoulder by Kazuto Kiritani, cried out again!

“Can you give me another one to carry!”

“These stones are all smashed towards Lao Tzu’s head!”

“If this were to be hit…”

He said……..

There was a stone that hit him directly on the head.

He suffered a heavy blow to the back of the head, and he passed out directly after a concussion.

Kazuto Kiritani saw that Ryotaro Kettlei was carrying on his shoulder suddenly stopped speaking, and shook it vigorously.

It turned out that there was really no reaction at all.

Kiritani and Ren were a little confused.

No… Smashed to death, right?

Put his ass against the monkey herd.

Keep following the ranks and escape!

Moreover, he also consciously looked behind the trees with bunkers!

Running and running, his hand poked at Ryotaro Kettlei’s nose.

After making sure you still have breathing, I breathed a sigh of relief!

Behind, a fat monkey, looking at the non-stop escape, lost target,!

In his hand is a spike that I don’t know where to find!

Throw it hard towards the front!

The speed and flight distance of this spike.

It’s faster and farther than those stones!

“Poof~” doctor.

That type IDE thorn directly into the place where Ryotaro Hatsui had been injured by Tai Ritian before.

The screams, come again!


“Oh, my ass!”

“Ass ah!” Ryotaro Kettlei shouted, his hand touching his ass, his face showing sorrow!

He pulled out the thorn in his ass.

Take it in your hand and watch.

That thorn, the sharp place is only one centimeter, the thick place, full of more than ten centimeters!

If it weren’t for the bones in your body.

This time it is estimated that you have to run through yourself!

Thinking about it, a flash of resentment flashed on Ryotaro Kettlei’s face.

The spikes in his hand were thrown hard backwards!

What a coincidence.

A monkey jumps down from a tree.

Crashed this spike.

Spikes poked in through its eyes.

Poke your brain out in an instant!

The death of this monkey.

Directly detonated the fleeing monkey herd to gather again!




The monkey’s call is sharp and ugly.

It makes people feel uncomfortable listening to their eardrums.

Ryotaro Hui secretly said in his heart: Not good!

Keep your head down and look back.

I saw overwhelming monkeys, rushing towards them!

In the night sky, a dark sea of shadows has formed!

“Hurry up! Hurry up and run! ”

“A large group of monkeys has caught up!” Ryotaro Tsui urged Kazuto Kiritani.

At the same time, his companions are speeding up.

It’s just that they still have the spare strength to question Ryotaro Kettlei:

“What did you just lose?”

“Why are these monkeys suddenly more cranky?”

In the face of his companion’s questioning, Ryotaro Kettlei’s face turned dark.

What do you mean?

Is this putting the blame on yourself?

Thinking about it, Ryotaro Kettlei does not deny that he lost something:

“I lost a spike! What’s wrong? ”

“You killed the monkey!” A man who caught up after Kiriya Kazuto heard Ryotaro Hui say so righteously and indifferently.



The crowd was surprised.

His gaze glanced at Ryotaro Hatsui at the same time.

In this, he is obviously the one who is the most surprised!

“The spikes I threw in the back really killed a monkey?” Ryotaro Kettlei asked loudly.

“There’s no need to lie to you, otherwise, why do you think the monkey herd suddenly becomes more manic?” Or should we be the main target to pursue? ”

This time.

Ryotaro Hatsui closed his mouth.

What bad luck!

What is Tai Ri Tian.

Then it was exploded by monkeys again.

Now, a thorn has been lost.

He also killed a monkey, which provoked the monkey herd to become furious.

Just run after them!

This made Ryotaro Kettlei completely give up resistance.

As Kiriya and the people carried him forward, he didn’t say a word.

He even felt like the guy he was carrying was dead!

“It’s not dead, you scream!” Kazuto Kiritani said to Ryotaro Kettlei:

“If you don’t say anything, I’m going to drop it for you!”

Ryotaro Kettlei, who had planned to continue to pretend to be dead, heard that Kazuto Kiritani was going to leave himself here.

Suddenly anxious:


“Am I not afraid that you will make a noise with me?”

“You caused my injury, you have to be responsible!”

He Ryotaro Kettlei, before he recovered his health, he really relied on Kazuto Kiritani!

Left behind, he will really die!

Kazuto Kiritani didn’t say anything more about it.

Confirm that the person is not dead, and that’s it!

“Ahead, there is a building!”

“Bang open the door and rush in!” Kiritani and Ren roared loudly.

Carrying Ryotaro Kettle by himself, his breath has begun to weaken!

No way, I’m really tired!

His physical fitness is even better than that of ordinary people.

There is also a limit!


The voice fell, and a dozen or so people who were still fleeing answered it.

The strongest person takes the initiative to speed up!.

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