
“Who’s calling! I wonder if everyone is sleeping? ”

An angry cry rang out in the crowd.

At this time, a slave fell asleep on the side.

Confused, he opened his eyes.

Get up.

The hand fumbled beside him and picked up the glasses.

Bring it and look around in confusion.

Not far away, dozens of pairs of green eyes.

Stare at him!

At eye contact, he jerked up from the ground:

“Not good, it’s a jackal! Wake up! ”

“Guys, wake up!”

His screams attracted more and more attention.

“I’ll make it! Jackal! ”

“Gun, who has a gun in his hand!”

“Kill them, kill them! This particular jackal is approaching! ”


Listening to the flustered voice below, Ryotaro Kettlei on the tree grinned.


“Can you please stop slapping my ass all the time!”

“I obviously know that Lao Tzu has a wound on his butt!”

“It’s abominable!”

“Don’t bark, watch out for these jackals coming up and biting you!” Kiritani Kazuto looked at the jackal below, wary in his heart.

Ryotaro Kettlei on the side is still like that, on.

Disdainfully said:

“Don’t bark!”

“The jackals can’t climb trees.”

“Really, when have you ever heard of jackals climbing trees?”

“Then be cautious too!” Kiritani Kazuto said indifferently.

Gripped the long sword in his hand!

“And the group of people far away, what are you worried about!” Ryotaro Kettlei showed his face and said.

“Thousands of people, they must have guns in their hands!”

“It must not be difficult to fight the jackals after these mutations!”

The two said.

The green glasses of the jackals appeared a red light!

The red light is weird!

This group of jackals also showed their fangs to the movie king of thousands of people!

They haven’t grabbed their prey for two days!

Now, hunger is unbearable!

Plus the wildness in the body is awakened.

Curing his teeth, an ugly cry came out of his mouth!




The sound of chaos came, and the slave with the gun in his hand had already climbed up.

They spontaneously formed small teams.

In these teams, there are basically 2-3 people with guns.

With a wild cry.

The jackals charged at the slaves!

Hundreds of jackals!

The movement of their charge is big!

“Bang!” The first shot, the gunshots rang out!

Subsequently, dozens of gunshots followed!


“Bang bang!”

One bullet after another came out of the muzzle.

Shoot towards the jackal in the distance.

The bullet does not enter the body of the jackal, and it does not kill the jackal in the first place!

Only a few people, accurate marksmanship!

Or that the jackal is very close to it, and it will hit accurately!

Some semi-automatic rifles cannot hold the muzzle.

The bullets hit the sky!



Su Yang in the tent had just finished washing.

Impatience is written on the face!

This gunshot rang out one after another.

Much louder than those jackals!

“What a disappointment!” Su Yang said, wearing a pair of slippers, and opened the curtain of the tent.

Looking at the jackals outside who kept shooting and rushed to the slave pile, the thought moved.

The mechanical knife was taken out by him!

Holding the mechanical knife in his hand, Su Yang meditated in his heart: absolutely powerless to accelerate!

The figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Reappeared, already to the point of fire covered by firearms!

His keen sense of hearing allows him to dodge accurately in the rain of bullets!

The mechanical knife in his hand is even faster to the extreme!

Dozens of knives in an instant!

More than a dozen jackals lost their lives!

Look at the corpse of the jackal that suddenly exploded.

The nearby slaves’ eyes widened.

“I’ll make it! A dozen jackals exploded! ”

“It’s Lord God! God-sama got his hands on it! ”

“Praise the gods! Praise to the gods! ”

Listen to the cheers.

The gunfire gradually stopped!

Not because there are no bullets!

It’s because the jackal was killed!

Stand in shape.

Tonggu and the people recognized Su Yang standing on the pile of corpses at a glance!

Pupil constriction.

He, is he building a team?

Do you want to try joining? This thought popped up in Kiritaya and Ren’s mind.

Moreover, as soon as the thought arises, it is out of control.

“Snap~” a crisp sound.

Kiritani’s hand slapped on Ryotaro Kettle’s ass again!

Su Yang, who stopped killing, keenly heard it.

Look back and look into the tree.

Kazuto Kiritani, Ryotaro Kettlei.

These two guys have a good relationship with themselves!?

Ryotaro Kettlei looked at Kazuto Kiritaya with a resentful expression:

“If Lao Tzu’s ass bleeds again, you will give me a ga!”

Looking at the wailing Ryotaro Kettle.

Kazuto Kiritani pouted:

“Can’t get out, my hands are measured.”

“He’s watching us, go over and say hello!”

With that, Kiriya and Ren slid down.

Ryotaro Kettlei looked at Kazuto Kiritaya who had reached the ground, and his mouth did not stop:


“No, you wait for me!”

“I really hurt my ass!”

Looking at the merciless Kazuto Kiritani, Ryotaro Kettlei’s resentment became even heavier.

Wait for him to come down.

Tonggu and the people all walked next to Su Yang.

Personally watched Su Yang take those jackals away.

Kindly raise your hand:


His voice did not fall

Su Yang turned around directly and walked towards the tent.

Birds don’t bird him at all. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He stood in place himself, raised his hands, a little embarrassed!

These days, there are no teams in the forest.

Poor food and sleep.

Also take care of a patient with a scab in the buttocks.

It’s really uncomfortable.

Therefore, now even if it is coldly rejected by Su Yang.

He still came up cheekily:

“Mr. Su Yang?”

“We want to join you!”

“I don’t know, can I?!”

Facing Tonggu and Ren’s inquiry, Su Yang touched his chin.

Stand where you are.


“Would you like to be a slave?”

Seven short words that hit the heart.

It made Kiritaya and Ren’s eyes widen.

“They…” Kiritani and Hito stopped talking.

Su Yang responded directly:


Very definitely, resolutely!

Kiriya and Kazuto stretched out their hand and took it back.

If he wanted to exchange his freedom for peace, his heart was a little difficult to accept!

Watching Su Yang leave and enter the tent.

Ryotaro Kettlei in the back ran over.

“Woo! I’m sorry! ”

“It’s time!”

“What do you say? Agree that we joined? Ryotaro Hatsui sniffed excitedly.

Take Ryotaro Kettlei’s hand and walk into the distance.

Ryotaro Kettlei’s ass was pricked again.

Painful teeth grinned.

“Hey, hey, hey!”

“It hurts!”

“You said it directly!” Ryotaro Kettlei roared loudly.

After going a long way, Kirito and Ren spoke:

“No, you don’t have pain.”

“If you want to join, you have to be a slave to that person!”

“Are you sure you’re going to sacrifice your freedom to join them?”


As soon as these words came out.

Ryotaro was stunned.

As a slave?!

This kind of thing is rare even on the news.

Now, how long has this disaster been.

Returning to slavery?

Kazuto Kiritani also saw Ryotaro Hatsui’s shock, his expression softened a little, and he continued:

“Those people were all slaves.” After Kiriya finished speaking, he sat down by the tree.

Look up at the moon in the sky.

Ryotaro Kettlei was also silent,

After a long time, he spoke:

“What if… Just free, I may…”


This is what he got after a great ideological struggle.

Follow Su Yang and lose his freedom… No!

Ridiculous freedom!

Is there really freedom in this world of calamity?

It’s just running for your life!

Kazuto Kiritani looked at Ryotaro Kettle, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes!

In his cognition, the two should be the same type of talent pair!


Looking at Kazuto Kiritani questioning himself, Ryotaro Hatsui smiled bitterly:

“Do we really have freedom?”

“Slaves, at most, put on a title, a yoke.”

“But freedom, is there? The world is overrun by those monsters, and we are not free at all! ”

These words came out.

Wake up to Kiriya Kazuto, who originally planned to be a lone (Wang Li Zhao) man!

In this day and age, there really is no freedom!

“But…” Kazuto Kiritani opened his mouth, trying to say something.

But the words came to their lips.

Still didn’t say it.

“Freedom… Identity… in exchange for a relatively safe…”

“Huh!” Kazuto Kiritani finally spoke intermittently, with a wry smile on his face.


In the sanctuary where Minami-Kotori, Eri Junse, Hanayo Koizumi, and Nicole Yazawa are located.

With an order!

The place connected to the lava was dug up!

The walls were smashed open.

A fog invaded from outside!

“Management… Intendant! ”

“We dug it!”

“However, it is the mist that pours in!”

“Not lava!”

“You can send someone down to investigate!”

The voice of excitement came from inside the walkie-talkie.

The managers were already standing in the doorway, ready to run away with people.

But after hearing this news, the originally serious face suddenly squeezed out a smile!



“I know!” The manager said, the corners of his mouth curled.

“Arrange people immediately and explore below!”

“If we get close enough to the lava, our shelter will be saved!”

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