Lu Shenxing looked at Xukong's book "Ask the Boundless". The target of the second volume, Shen Cheng, is the actor in the book.

There is a Youlong Fort on the Three Stone Mountain. The owner of the castle, Shen Cheng, is bloodthirsty and does no evil. He is the big demon in the eyes of the martial arts decent, and everyone gets it.

Seeing this beginning, Lu Shenxing was not very good, he looked back quickly.

Shen Cheng is the adopted son of Xiao Huanglu, he has been with Xiao Huanglu, respect and gratitude, the other side not only saves his life, but also personally pass on martial arts and give him the martial arts masterpiece "Brofeng Jue".

After growing up, Shen Cheng went down to the mountain to practice, met a nun, and told him something. Since then, he started secretly investigating and learned that more than a hundred of the Shen family had been killed by the Xiao Emperor.

It was for the "Brofeng Jue".

This technique is too insidious, only the pure blood of the Shen family can be cultivated, and the meridians of the whole body are easily chaotic, and the body explodes to death. If one person in the Shen family reaches the sixth level, it will end up like that.

As for others, if they want to share a piece of the pie, they must get an introduction from the cultivator.

The reason why Xiao Huanglu adopted Shen Cheng, spent a lot of energy training, in order to wait for him to reach the sixth level, killing people and getting things.

Shen Cheng's temperament changed drastically after he knew the truth about the thief as his father. He began to confine himself to a secret room for cultivating all day long, without eating or drinking, and when encountering difficulties, he could not restrain himself from killing and harming himself.

Three years later, Shen Cheng's hand bladed Xiao Huangyan and washed the Youlong Fort in blood.

However, in addition to Xiao Huangyan, there are two very important women in Shen Cheng's life.

One is Shen Cheng's wife, Luo Hong, who gave him a pair of lovely children. Sadly, none of the children belonged to him.

There is also a woman Shen Cheng treats her mother as her mother, Siniang, who turned out to be a member of the Wulin League. For decades, she has been drugging his food, causing him to lose his ability to be a normal man. Prevent the Yang Qi in his body from being polluted.

The purpose of that deliberate deliberation is also his "Brofeng Jue".

Shen Cheng thought he had family love, but it was all a joke.

"Brofeng Jue" ten major achievements, from then on, only Shen Cheng could not think of, nothing he could not get.

Gradually, the sense of pleasure of who is fighting against, who is blocking and killing who is flat, Shen Cheng's career is lifeless, and the final outcome is that he sets fire to bring the entire Youlong Fort and himself into it. hell.

The tragic index is four stars.

The actor has gone through setbacks, and finally the world is No. 1 and wiped out. This book was written by the author, Revenge, Society and Association.

Lu Shenxing read it carefully twice before and after, and he didn't even let the author's little green character pass, and he came to an understanding.

The current plot has developed to the point where Shen Cheng gets his revenge. Xiao Huangyan, Luo Hong, Siniang and others have all become fertilizer, and no one in the world can survive under his hands.

Less than a month later, the day he set the mountain on fire, it was hopeless.

Lu Shenxing's face was solemn, let alone giving a little love, even if he gave his life to it, he couldn't change Shen Cheng's determination to die.

"Can I just skip this and go to the next world?"

"Ding, the mission failed, and punishments randomly drop. Has Mr. Lu given up?"

Lu Shenxing was silent, and cursed after the meeting, "How the hell are you playing?"

"Ding, Mr. Lu, it is your own choice. You should have appeared when Target was young, but you are thirty years late."

After losing thirty years of successfully completing the task, Lu Shenxing raised his eyebrows, "Is this the same price?"

"Ding, it was originally like this." The tone of the system remained unchanged. "It's just that Mr. Lu has to pay the corresponding interest for thirty years."

Fuck, there was interest, Lu Shenxing looked ugly, "What is it? Don't fucking drop it randomly again."

"Ding, yes, Mr. Lu, go."

There was nothingness in front of Lu Shenxing's eyes. He saw the broken arms hanging from the trees, the trunks, hands and feet on the ground, and the bloody smell was disgusting.

"You finally wake up."

Hearing the sound, Lu Shenxing tilted his neck and looked up, and saw a suave yellow man looking at him with a harmless smile.

The man tweeted, "I only killed a few people, so why are you fainted?"

Isn't it scared to death, okay?

The plot in Lu Shenxing's mind turned. The owner of this body was called Ji Zhiqiu. A beggar wandering in the streets and lanes had a young heart higher than the sky. He was not afraid of a calf when he was born. This is the world's first beauty, so I can show off with others.

He thought that the rumors about Youlong Fort were all false, and when the tiger was still taking a nap, he ran down the mountain secretly when he saw Shen Cheng.

Lu Shenxing shook his urine and smelly pants, but he was shocked before he even went up the mountain.

"It's unlucky." The man in yellow clothes seemed to have seen something disgusting and dirty, his face changed drastically, he took out a dagger and cut one of his sleeves, cut off the place where a drop of blood was splashed, and then returned to normal. .

Lu Shenxing's eyelids twitched. This person is Shen Cheng's Left Guardian Liu Huo. He loves to cut off the opponent's hands and feet when killing enemies. If he is in a good mood, he will count them.

"Little boy, to tell you the truth, the ten people in front of you were thrown into the mountains to feed the wild wolves." Liu Huo bared his white teeth, "Are you afraid to cry?"

Lu Shenxing said blankly, "Yes, I'm so scared, I really want to cry."

Liu Huo's mouth twitched, could it be that she was scared just now?

When his eyes were blindfolded, Lu Shenxing suddenly asked, "Zuo Hufa, do you know how to make a person give up the idea of ​​committing suicide?"

"I won't save people." Liu Huo showed the brand-style bright smile again, "I only kill people."

Lu Shenxing's forehead blue veins faintly jumped up, he must be unconscious, so he asked such an idiot question.


Under the Hehuan Tree, there is a woman in Tsing Yi holding a sword, with a clear face, and the right guardian of Youlong Fort is young.

When Lu Shenxing saw the light again, he subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

"Liuhuo, why did you bring a child back?" Wei Yang squinted, "It is for the castle lord to find a servant, not for him to find a son."

The corner of Liuhuo's mouth twitched again, and he spread his hands, "Others are so scared when they hear the words Youlongbao, whoever dares to come, it would be nice to find them."

He hung up a card in Three Stone City with the words Youlongbao recruiting people. From morning to night, it was five miles away, not to mention living people, not even a fly.

He didn't have much hope at first, and he really couldn't think of any other way. Just when he finished packing and preparing to leave, a child really ran over.

He is a beggar. He washes his dirty face and changes his clothes. He looks good. Most importantly, children are voluntary.

Liu Huo was depressed, and the young servants in Youlongbao emphasized willingness. It has always been people who do not offend me and I do not offend people. If people offend me, I will be embarrassed and keep my life.

I don't know how those rumors spread.

Wei Young frowned, "Name."

"His name..." Liu Huo touched his nose, "By the way, boy, what is your name?"

Lu Shenxing had the urge to roll his eyes, "Ji Zhiqiu."

"Zhiqiu? Why don't you call Zhixia? You were born in autumn?" Liu Huo walked forward slowly, still talking non-stop, "But if you enter this door, you are Shen eleven."

Lu Shenxing stopped at a bamboo garden following Liuhuo Weiyang.

In the summer, dragonflies of various colors stand on the emerald green bamboo leaves and dance around the thin-pointed bamboo leaves from time to time.

There was a pot of wine and a few dishes on the stone table. A man in purple clothes was sitting in front of him. The evil spirit between his eyebrows was extremely serious. He slowly rubbed the wine glass in his hand, his voice indifferent, "What's the matter?"

Liu Huo bent down and said respectfully, "Fort Lord, this is the new servant brought back by his subordinates."

With his head down, Lu Shenxing raised his eyelids very quickly, and when he saw the purple-clothed man sitting there, he raised his eyebrows imperceptibly. Shen Cheng was indeed a beauty.

A cold piercing gaze swept over, Lu Shenxing had no time to stagger, and hit the gaze directly.

He immediately put on a panic, trembling voice, "Fort Lord."

Shen Cheng couldn't afford to make waves, "But voluntary?"

Lu Shenxing nodded, his face showed a look of worship in time, "I am willing to serve the castle lord."

The fire on the side wiped the sweat from his forehead. The last one also said that he worshiped the castle owner, but he worshipped until he climbed onto the castle owner's bed. Now I am afraid that even the bones have been gnawed by the wolf.

Calculated, look at the title of this volume, it is absolutely true

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