The thin silver needle between Xin Liang's thumb and index finger shuttled back and forth on the base cloth, making a Peng Peng sound.

"Why did the general come?"

"That's it." Lu Shenxing leaned over and glanced at the tuft on the cloth, the corners of his eyes twitched, "The general accidentally cut his sleeve when he was walking through the garden."

Xin Liang frowned, "Go find Qiniang."

"She can't be compared to a military officer." Lu Shenxing moved a stool and sat on it, smiling. "It's not too late, military officer, come on."

After a long time, Xin Liang asked, "Color."

Lu Shenxing said, "Black."

Xin Liang touched the needle and thread basket next to him, and drew a thread from the last row, passing it through the small hole of the silver needle accurately. The whole process seemed easy.

"General, bring the sleeves."

Lu Shenxing stretched his arm over and pulled the torn part to him.

Seeing Xin Liang's serious expression and smooth movements, no one would believe that his needlework was crooked and ugly.

Lu Shenxing thought that he should not be able to wear his clothes, but he still had to encourage him.

"Military officer, you sew really well."

Xin Liang's ears were slightly red, but the words in his mouth were mean, "Can the general stay away from his subordinates?"

On the contrary, Lu Shenxing approached a bit. Looking at Xin Liang from a close distance, his facial lines were soft, his skin was white as jade, the corners of his lips were slightly upturned, and his lips were plump. The touch in his mouth must be wonderful.

This face is really beautiful, without any blemishes. If the black cloth on the face is removed, the eyes can be seen, how amazing it will be.

"Military officer, you won't be a woman?"

The silver needle in Xin Liang's hand suddenly stopped. What he hates most is that others use his face to talk about things, which is tantamount to humiliation.

"Should your subordinates untie their clothes and show the general to see if they are male or female?"

Lu Shenxing coughed, "No need."

Xin Liang removed the unfinished sleeves and felt the scissors to cut the thread. The meaning was simple and crude, and I was angry.

Lu Shenxing felt bad and heard the voice in his head, "Ding, the goal has been rejected, the sewing task has failed, and the punishment has begun. Please Mr. Lu move his left hand from behind his shoulder and touch his right ear within ten seconds."

Fuck, just kill me, Lu Shenxing's face is gloomy, the system is just a pervert.

Xin Liang, I was miserable by you this time, you are waiting for this account.

After taking two deep breaths, Lu Shenxing shifted his heart, gritted his teeth and started breaking his arms to death.

With a click, Lu Shenxing's left arm dropped, and his face instantly turned pale.

With a move of Xin Liang's ears, he slowly shouted out the door, "Come here, send the general to see the doctor."

Then there was Lu Shenxing's late scream, "Ah--"

For the first time, Lu Shenxing realized what it was like to dislocate. He still couldn't show any injured expression in front of his subordinates.

Kang Shifuchu, who came to visit after hearing the news, held his arms around his eyes and nose, watching his heart, seeing that the posture was temporarily not going to leave.

Tong Yi frowned and asked, "Military Officer, what is going on? Who hurt the general?"

There is a lot of meaning to get people out and beat them up.

Xin Liang's face shifted to Lu Shenxing's, and said lightly, "I want to know too."

The master Lu Shenxing turned a deaf ear to him, changed his posture and continued to lie down. Now he was so angry that he almost suffered from internal injuries.

Unexpectedly, there was a gunshot, and Tong Yi muttered to himself, "It's really weird, it is possible that Kuhai people have entered the city..."

Lu Shenxing roared coldly, "Go away!"

Tongyi walked away griefly and took away Kang Shifu who was a wood.

The room was quiet.

Xin Liang stood there for a while, walked slowly to the bed, frowned and asked softly, "General, why do you harm yourself?"

Lu Shenxing suddenly raised his eyes and sneered, "Not for you!"

Xin Liang was stunned.

It fell silent again for a while.

Lu Shenxing turned his back and Xin Liang stood motionless, seeming to be bothering something.

Within a few days, Xin Liang received a letter from home.

Lu Shenxing's expression changed when he found out. He thought that as long as Changzhou was not dead, he would have left the original plot, but he didn't expect to come back.

Xin Liang would encounter robbers halfway when he went back this time, and then he was rescued by King Jing and picked the chrysanthemum flower.

His fate will be desperate from that moment on.

Lu Shenxing didn't say a word. With the voice of the system, what appeared before him was a cold world, a cloud of gray, hatred, misery, and loneliness, all negative emotions.

His task is to change the tragic fate of all the protagonists in the tragic series, including Xin Liang, and to give them hope and let them understand that the world is full of love.

His task was not considered complete until their gray and dim world became colorful.

Being a good person is too damn fucking.

When Lu Shenxing ran out, he saw Xin Liang holding a gray cloth package and a four- to five-foot-long bamboo, and he was already in the carriage.

"You stop!" Lu Shenxing yelled, "This general orders you to come down right now!"

Xin Liang stopped when he heard the words.

Lu Shenxing strode over and grabbed Xin Liang's wrist and pulled him down, his chest rising and falling, his breath exhaling quickly.

Xin Liang was appointed by the emperor and gave him privileges. The military order played a very low role in him.

The pain in his hands intensified, Xin Liang's tone was calm, but resolute, "Subordinates must go home."

Lu Shenxing had a sullen face. He could not leave without the emperor's summons, otherwise he would be able to go on the road together. Even if he met King Jing, he only had to keep Xinliang's chrysanthemum and flower and prevent them from touching.

"The Xin family has no place for you. What are you going to do when you go back? It's not enough to be blind. Waiting for them to lame your leg?"

Xin Liang's expression changed slightly, like a cat being stepped on to a painful spot. His tight lips revealed a sense of disgust, "That's a subordinate's housework."

Do you the fuck think I want to care about you?

Lu Shenxing pinched Xin Liang's wrist to flush. He felt that he was quite cheap. What did he try to prevent others from committing death?

"Let go." Xin Liang's voice was very soft.

"Shut up!" Lu Shenxing sternly reprimanded. He wanted to persuade Xin Liang irritably. He wondered if there was a balance between them. He didn't know that his actions would fall into the eyes of outsiders as "What should I do if you leave?" Stance.

Seeing the generals and military divisions pulling there, the mouths of the people present all opened into O shapes, and they seemed to know something amazing.

_(:з∠)_I have been working on the cover today, and after I finished it, I stared at it for a while and silently liked myself

Both are currently straight and bend each other

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