The Dragon King's Harem System

Chapter 67. Restless Wyvern I

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 67. Restless Wyvern I

Several hours had passed. Igixar's bright sky was clear with a few clouds covering the two suns. The heavy hooves from our Yegauns mixed with the rustling grass' sound accompanied us throughout our journey. I looked at the short turquoise meadow with some large rocks around me. Several low-level monsters hiding in the bushes or the ground around us turned to look at us as soon as they noticed our presence before running away or ignoring us. There weren't many monsters that attacked us since we left Dragon Cross City's East Gate and they were all only low-level monsters, so I hadn't levelled up yet.

Unlike before, since this was a long trip, our mounts moved slower than yesterday. The two leather bags were on the saddle of each of our mounts, including mine. Those bags contained our food, drink and some medicine. Even though I had my inventory and had brought sufficient preparations, we could have separated by accident. And if that happened, each of us already had food preparation on our mounts. But for my mount, it only contained some emergency items, such as blankets and extra clothes.

As my Yegaun walked down the road with the others, a nice breeze brushed against my face. Our gaze swept around us, searching for the Waveless River that shouldn't be far from where we were. We decided to take a break and have a quick lunch at that place before entering the Quiet Wood. Even though the forest's name sounded harmless, it was filled with high-level monsters, different from this field. The lowest monster level in the forest was around level 45, so we couldn't take a rest there. Also, since the forest was quite big, we had to go through it quickly so we could get out of there before sunset. After passing it, there was a village about a hundred kilometres from it and we could spend the night there.

Meanwhile, just like Argod, Evelina and Eir also swept their gazes around them, searching the river as well as enjoying the scenery around them. This was a peaceful area and there were only low-level monsters in this place, so they decided to lower their guard and enjoy the trip. While a long tiring breath escaped Jyne's mouth since she found herself on the road again despite she wanted to relax in the Crimson Flame Palace and explore Dragon Cross City. But she couldn't say her complaint, since she was the one who asked Argod to take her. Besides, this was a golden opportunity for her to get to know Argod more. But one thing intrigued her. Why would Argod choose to ride Yegaun instead of flying with Wyvern? Or why didn't he fly to those sacred places so he could save time but choose to travel manually like this? Wouldn't the monsters slow down their trip? But instead of asking him directly, Jyne decided to keep her mouth shut and swallow it down. But judging from Argod's disguise today and yesterday, Jyne guessed that apart from praying, it seemed that Argod was also planning to make inspections along the way. This was a common thing for a king or the king's trustee subject to check on something. Jyne guessed this was the reason why Argod hid his horns and turned his eyes into the ordinary dragon tribe. She concluded this since her brothers often did that to make sure their territory was fine and every time her brothers came home from those inspections, they usually told interesting stories to her. That's why even though this trip was a little boring, she couldn't wait to engage in the unusual events on her first inspection.

Her eyes stared at the back of the dragon king as a naughty smile began to appear on her face, imagining what the inspection would be like and how the victims would look like when they were caught red-handed for their crime. As a dragon king, no one could deny his authority and she was sure they would be as pale as the undead once they found out it was the king himself who caught them. She also hoped for something interesting or witnessed Argod's heroic actions to defend his people from evil nobles, bandits or large monsters who tried to disturb the village. Then her smile faded as she realized one thing.

'Wait for a second... Isn't that the same as what happened yesterday?' thought Jyne. Yesterday she had tried to use Argod for her plan, yet her plan backfired on her. Her cheeks suddenly flushed and she looked down in embarrassment as the incident replayed in her head.

"Are you all right, Princess Jyne?" said Evelina as she moved her mount to Jyne's side. As a healer, she was a good observer. Therefore she was very sensitive to things like this, especially if she felt something was wrong with one of her companions.

"N-nothing," answered Jyne without daring to turn her gaze to Evelina in embarrassment. She couldn't possibly say she was thinking about what happened yesterday.

Realizing something was wrong with Jyne, I glanced at her.

"Are you hungry?" I made a wild guess. She only ate properly last night and this morning, so maybe it wasn't enough for her.

Jyne took a glance at Argod with a blushing face before lowering her head again.

"A bit..." she reasoned since she didn't want to maybe admit what was on her mind.

"Just hold on a bit. We're almost there," I said as my hand pointed at a river that glittered like blue crystal from a distance. A forest with purplish-green trees nearby it.

"It's beautiful..." muttered Evelina with a smile. Her eyes looked at the river. Although she stayed in Draconis for a long time, she hardly left Dragon Cross City. So seeing beautiful scenery like this was a rare thing for her.

"C'mon," I said as I returned my gaze to the front. I was just about to spur my Yegaun to move faster, but my Dragon Vision caught something suspicious from the Quiet Wood. Even though it was faint I caught a mysterious movement from the forest. I focused my sight on it, trying to figure out who or what it was. Then a faint sound of rustling trees came along with the rapid movement from the forest. I raised my hand, asking them to stop. Our eyes fell on a huge Wyvern that suddenly came out of the forest and flew fiercely into the sky. From that Wyvern's roar, it was clear he was in a bad mood. And from his sound, I was sure it was a wild Wyvern. Even though it was weird, I could tell the difference easily.

That Wyvern roared and circled above the forest in anger and anxiety. But there was one thing that confused me. I waved my hand forward repeatedly, asking Eir to come closer and he did my order.

"Has the Wyvern's habitat changed now?" I asked without taking my eyes off that creature that was flying restlessly and roared furiously. Wyverns usually lived in caverns or forests near mountains or hills that had warm temperatures. But Quiet Wood's temperature was a bit low since this place was near the Draconis' cold territory, so that creature appearance should mean that something was wrong in this area or his area.

"No, Your Majesty. I've never had any reports about it," replied Eir. His eyes fixed on that creature in caution and confusion. Even though they were still far away and he was sure the creature couldn't see them, he still had to be careful. It was a large Wyvern and he believed that Wyvern had a higher level than the tame Wyverns in the capital.

My eyes looked at the red Wyvern. Somehow... Apart from anger, I could feel his restlessness and sadness from his roar.

"We'll find out about this," I said.

After Eir answered with a nod. Again, we moved to the river with caution.

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