The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 1 - Death

"Urghhh, what happened," my head is spinning and my body hurts all over.

I open my eyes and see flashing colored lights, two big spinning game wheels, and a crowd of people for some reason.

Suddenly, a loud voice blares out of nowhere and says, "WELCOME ONE WELCOME ALL TO WHAT'S YOUR LIFE!!! I am your usual Host, Gabriel, and tonight's contestant is or was, Suzuki Hanakawa, formerly an 18-year-old college student living in Japan."

I look over to the voice and see a tall, slim man in a white and black diamond suit with smooth white hair. He had pale skin and over all had the appearance of a model

"Hold up, what happened, why am I here?" I say in a confused manner.

"Oh, you don't know? You don't remember anything?"

The last thing I remember was coming back from the store after picking up the latest Shonen Leap magazine. Now I am not a weeb or an otaku, I am just your average College student that has watched some anime and read a few mangas.

"Oh, boy this got exciting, let's roll the death cam then!!!

Then it hits me. I'm dead.

"Well, that is quite unfortunate, Suzuki. Now because of the circ.u.mstances and you being 18, I am willing to give you a chance."

"Chance? What do you mean, I'm dead, what am I gonna do with a chance?"

Gabriel looks at me with a smirk, "So typical, everyone before you has said the same thing. Well you see because you're so young, and this was a tragic incident and this is part of my job. Since I see you were buying manga, I assume you must like Anime and Manga then?

"Well I mean, it's ok, I've seen a few and read some. But what's that got to do with any of this?"

"So you can either spin these wheels," and he points to the two giant wheels behind him, "get a chance to be reborn into an anime world with random characters power, or get sent to heaven, seeing as you have good karma.


"Yeah, you know, Karma. If you do good stuff, then you get good things and return. It basically the currency of the after life.

Anyways, I would recommend reincarnation cause heaven is BORING, no alcohol, no television, no radio. It's all just white beaches, old theater shows from like four centuries ago, and a few musicians.

I mean Mozart is up there and Beethoven and stuff, but off the record, Hell is a very fun place if you don't count the almost nonstop torture. Snoop, Jackson, and some other guys ended up down there. For obvious reasons, I can't bring you back alive into your previous world cause that would mess a few things up."

"Uh, I guess I'll take your word for it and choose reincarnation."

Gabriel looks ecstatic, as he jumps up and down, "Yes, finally someone picked reincarnation, for a while now people wanted to go to heaven, and I send them there. A day later I hear complaints from these people saying its too boring or something. But that's not any of your concern. For now, let's just get these wheels rolling!!!"

*ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping*

'I hope I'm not sent to any brutal world like Attack on Titan or Tokyo Ghoul or something worse.'

*ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping...*

The first wheel, which is the world I'm being sent to, stopped. To my relief, it landed on My Hero Academia.

'Ok, that's okay. I remember watching it cause it was all the rage on the internet for having a fanbase of pedophiles. It's not as violent as something as Naruto but I'll still need a good quirk if I wanna do anything fun. If I get like a sports anime characters, then I'll probably be average.'

The wheel starts to spin a round agin.

*ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping...*

"NATSU DRAGNEEL, the Fire Dragon Slayer from FAIRY TAIL!!!" Gabriel shouts.

"SUZUKI HANKAWA WILL BE SENT TO THE MY HERO ACADEMIA UNIVERSE WITH THE POWERS OF NATSU DRAGNEEL!!! Congratulations, you have well above average skills in this world and we should bother you no more and send you on your way."

Once again, I am blessed with luck because I have watched Fairy Tail and I remember Natsu, as well as his magic abilities.

Gabriel hesitates, and questionably asks, "Would you like to take any characteristics from Natsu or just keep your normal body? You know cause some people may want that or...?

I consider that for a little, "Yeah you know what, I'll take his appearance." Why not, it's a second chance at life, so let's go with a new start."

Gabriel smiles at me while saying, "Just some quick reminders, if you die again, you are gonna go to heaven this time without the chance of reincarnation. However cause I like you, if you'd die a natural age, then I'll give you the choice again."

"Now please step this way and we will send you to your new life."

I walk through this green portal, and a bright flash of light hits me. I open my eyes to see a hospital room and a woman with pink hair, holding me in her arms.

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