The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 21 - Hosu City: Part 2

The first sign of an attack was the screeching. Hawks and I were standing atop of a building on the last leg of our late-night patrol.

The screech of the Nomus could be heard throughout most of the city. My ears half bled from the pitch.

Then came the screams of the civilians adding more chaos to the mix.

Hawks leaps into the city before yelling at me, "Kid, help people evacuate. Something is happening but I don't know what yet."

I also jump in but I follow Hawks to the source of the chaos. Two Nomus were wreaking havoc in the middle of a parking lot, throwing vehicles and heroes. One of them was paler with wings and was wearing a gas mask. The other was even larger than the one from USJ and had no eyes.

I could see a few heroes in the area that were helping to fend off the Nomus but they were doing almost nothing to the two mutants.

Hawks swooped in and cut into the flying Nomu. It barely dodged with Hawks clipping a part of its arm off. I followed in and attacked the larger one.

[Fire Dragons Iron Fist]

"Damnit Dragneel, I thought I told you to help citizens evacuate."

"I thought you would need help."

The surrounding heroes look at the two of us. Everyone recognizes both of us, Hawks is the No. 3 Hero and I gained fame from my performance in the Sports Festival.

"I'll deal with the flying one, Dragneel you take the big one. After we beat them, let's split-up and look for the League and Stain. The rest of you guys, we should be able to take care of them, so look around and see if there are any more of these and help the civilians evacuate. If you guys encounter the league, call for backup, don't recklessly charge in.

They all nod and we split up. I can see Manuel, the hero that Iida had interned with and I notice that Iida is gone already.

I'll wait for a little before I go look for Stain, one cause the noise would make things harder, and I'm interested in how strong this is.

A nice big target like that will be fun to fight with. I see Hawks in the air already fighting with the winged one.

"Let's play."

[Fire Dragon's Roar]

"Tch, he has some fire resistance. In that case."

[Dance of the Warrior Gods: Ares, Indra, and Ashura]

The Nomu appears to have immense strength and resistance but I don't think it's speed is even close to the one at USJ.

I lay down a barrage of attacks while dodging its clumsy attempts to attack me.

The blows pile up, and every hit starts to feel like a bullet.

I back off and look at my handiwork. There are visible dents on its body and I'm pretty sure that I've broken every bone from mid-c.h.e.s.t down.

Despite all that, it still manages to throw a large truck towards me in a last-ditch effort to kill me. I dodge and the truck flies past me and explodes.

I look around and see the body of the flying Nomu with a slit in the back of its neck and several stab wounds from where the feathers pierced it. Hawks is in the air on the lookout for more Nomus and aiding people who were caught up in the chaos.

"Well time to end this, I've got better people to fight with."

[Fire Dragons Iron Fist]

I hit it in the head and knock it out.

If I had killed it then I would probably have some officials on my back asking me a bunch of annoying questions, and I'm sure that the police would like to observe the body.

I turn around and deal with the flames behind me. I start to inhale and all of the flames swirl towards my mouth.

This fire tastes like shit. Probably cause it's a gasoline fire but god damn this makes me sick. I guess each fire has distinct flavors.

After I eat all the fire, I feel a little better, but then that disappears as I see Midoriya on the other side of the truck.

His eyes are open wide and his jaw is dropped. His mind is trying to comprehend what exactly happened.

I casually walk over to him and he freezes as I get closer.

"Yo Midoriya. Nice seeing you again."

He's motionless and stays quiet.

"If you could do me a favor, and not tell anyone what you just saw, that would be greatly appreciated."

He slowly nods his head and turns to me, "Have you seen Iida-kun?"

I reply honestly, "No, why?"

He stops and thinks for a second, then says, "Iida may be in danger. He came to Hosu to look for Stain and I feel he may have found him tonight."

I put on a grave face and pretend to think.

"Hmm, that is serious. How about this, I'll fly above and look for him while you take the ground. If you find him, send me your location. Here's my number."

He takes out his phone and I enter my number in his contacts. I doubt he'll get there before me, but having contacts is always a good thing.

I take off into the air and try to listen for anything that sounds like it could be Stain. I know they were in an alleyway, but that's not much to go off of. All the chaos around me is preventing me from hearing properly. I really should get some noise-canceling headphones or something that reduces noise within a certain range.

Maybe I'll ask the girl in the support department to make something once we get back.

Then I hear it. Out of all the chaos, I hear Iida yelling in pain, I move in that general direction and observe to pinpoint them. Then I hear Izuku yelling and hitting Stain. I'm surprised he got there even slightly before me.

"Found you."

I dive down into an alleyway and fly towards Stain. He looks up, gets his face squashed in by my fist, and gets sent flying back.

I land on the ground and look at Iida. He looks back at me with some anger in his eyes. Midoriya moves next to me and prepares to fight. I notice some other hero slumped against a man walk.

"So another fake? Wait no you're..."

A look of realization dawns upon him as he recognizes me from the sports festival and from pictures that Shigaraki showed him.

"What is the oh so prestigious winner of the UA sports festival doing in an alleyway such as this?"

While he's talking, I see Midoriya subtly pulling his phone out and giving his location out to their class group chat or something.

I smile at him and reply, "Oh you know, taking in the views, and checking up on friends."

Meanwhile, I'm thinking of how to get both Iida and the other hero out of here.

On his own, Midoriya might be able to take both of them. But his flaw is that he is Iida's friend and probably wants to help him beat the hero killer. If I used my puppets, I wouldn't be able to control them well cause I won't be able to see them. Also, they will probably burn them cause they are walking lumps of flames.

If I hold him off from attacking people then, Todoroki should get here eventually and that should solve my problem.

Right now I gotta get Iida out of the way.

Keeping my eye on Stain, I move to tell Midoriya to move Iida farther behind us, but he's already in the process of doing so.

As Midoriya makes his move, Stain watches us to decide if we are real hero's or not.

Iida refuses to be moved claiming that he must restore his brother's honor.

I shut him up real quick, "Iida, your recklessness almost cost you your life. Now you wanna fight a man who has multiple hero kills under his belt while paralyzed?"

*Stain POV*

That green-haired kid took action very quickly to get that Ingenium brat out of the way. He might be a real one. But that pink-haired kid, he's smart enough to keep an eye on me and assess the surroundings. But he's a fake, he has no care for those other fakes and only intends on beating me.

"Green haired brat, I'll let you go, because you seem like you are different from these fakes. I would hate to have to kill someone of your caliber. On the other hand, I can't let you leave Dragneel."

The former looks at me and says, "No, I won't abandon those in need."

The latter forms dual blades made of flames from his hands that glow in the dark alley.

"I see, in that case, I will purge your friend first."

I rush forward and so does Dragneel. It appears that he wants to fight me in close combat, his mistake.

Then he bounces off of the wall and ricochets around me.

He's fast but not fast enough, I flick out my blade right where he's passing and miss. He dodges by rolling mid-air and propelling fire to alter his direction.

Then he gets faster to the point where I'm surrounded by almost a cage of fire from the aftereffects of his blades.

I try and stab him but each time he dodges and shortly after I get attacked from behind. But then he stops in front of me.

*Natsu POV*

Having a one-sided beatdown is all and good for me, but what I want to test is my close combat ability.

Behind me, Midoriya is moving Iida out of the alley and trying to get him help.

I charge forward and slash downwards with my two blades. Stain blocks with his sword and knife in a cross formation. Then he kicks out with his spiked boots and tries to knick me.

Leaping back, I avoid the kick and jump behind him to sweep him off his legs. As he's falling he throws out a knife and the blade cuts deep into my left cheek and flies behind me.

"Shit, that hurts."

I retreat towards the knife and burn the blood off. I look over at Stain who has a grin on his face. Before he can do anything, I create a miniature jet on my index finger and trace it across my cut to cauterize the wound. If I don't extremely condense the fire, it won't burn my skin because of my natural fire resistance. I burn the rest of the blood off my face and turn towards my enemy.

"I should probably stop messing around then," I say as I touch the wound.

I charge again and wing both of my blades down.

Stain smirks, "You've tried that already boy, we both know how it ended." He prepares his blades to block it.

The blades are about to connect when,


My swords phase through Stains and cut both his hands off.

He falls to the ground grunting in pain as his hands lay beside him. I shoot his right leg to prevent him from leaving.

He looks up at me with hate in his eyes, "How?"

I smirk and walk behind him to meet with Midoriya who just came back. I'm not planning to tell a villain my secret.

I got the idea from that movie series back in my world, "Star Battles." They had beams of retractable plasma that they used as swords and one thing that I thought that would've been cool, is that if when they are fighting, they retract it and sent it back out again at the right moment to avoid other lightsabers while fighting.

If they took advantage of that, I'm sure the fight scenes could've been either much quicker, or much more complicated.

The way I did it, was slightly different from that but pretty much the same. I reduced the density of the swords back to normal flames so that they would pass through Stains blade. Then as soon as I go past them, I revert them to normal and cut off his hand.

The hard part is the timing and getting it right so that my blade isn't cut off halfway if I revert to early.

Midoriya looks nervously at Stain, "So you beat him."

"Yep." We both stand awkwardly when Todoroki comes running around the corner.

"Midoriya I got your message but what did you want? Also, what are you doing here Dragneel?" he says while pointing at me.

We both look at him, and I point at Stain.

"Is that…?"


"Did you…?"


"By yourself?"


We all stand there silently and Midoriyas slightly shivering.

"Aren't you guys cold? It's freezing."

"Quirk side effect."

"Quirk side effect."

At these words, Stain also notices and looks around. I tell Todoroki to bind Stain in ice and he walks over to surround him in ice. When he gets to Stain, Stain lashes out but I shoot him in the other leg.

Todoroki prepares to bind Stain when a large chunk of ice appears over him and begins to fall.

I burst over and knocked the ice away. When it landed, it cracked the pavement.

Then a kid maybe around the same age as me and a little taller jumps down from the building and faces Stain with his back turned on me. He was wearing a long dark coat with silver lining and had messy black hair.

Who the hell is this? I don't remember any ice users showing up at Hosu.

He makes a knife out of Ice and slashes Todoroki across the c.h.e.s.t. He falls onto the ground and Izuku yells.

Ignoring him, the mysterious man turns and looks at me. What a minute this guy, he looks like...

"So you're Natsu."

AN: Around 2500 words and thanks for stones

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