The Dragon Of MHA

Chapter 68 - Lesson Learned

I start to walk away, but before I get too far, Mirio calls out, "Why didn't you use your fire to attack me?"

I lean my head back, "Well, that would be boring if I did that."​​

Mirio stares at me blankly and looks down at his wounds before he starts to laugh. A loud, and joyful laugh, not the laugh of someone who had just been beaten, but the laugh of someone who was just told a good joke.

"Ahahahaha! How interesting! It would be boring, wouldn't it!"

My classmates look at the man incredulously, and think along similar lines, 'This man is crazy.'

Sero mutters under his breath, "Now that I think about it, all the strong people have their unique traits and quirks. Natsu is a battle maniac, All Might is super cool and has a charm, Gray and All for One are terrifying psychos and this guy is a crazy nudist."

Mirio grins and runs over to his clothing and starts putting it on, "I tried to make it so you wouldn't see my willy, but sometimes it is unavoidable. So, you guys kinda get it right?"

Most of the class simultaneously wince and rub their stomach, and Midoriya grimaces, "We all just got punched in the stomach without ever really figuring out what was going on…"

"Anyways, what did you guys think of my quirk?"

Immediately my class starts shouting, "It's too strong!"

"It's unfair!"

"You can slip through things and warp!? That's unfair! Are you a hybrid, like Todoroki!?"

Mirio moves in front of all of us and shakes his head happily, "Nope! Only got one."

Bakugo spits on the ground in annoyance, "Only one? Cut the bullshit!"

Mirio chuckles, "Hehe, no I'm serious."

Nejire bounces in front of him, a wide grin on her innocent face and one hand in the air, "I know! I know what his quirk is! Hey, hey, can I say it? Can I?

It's Permeation!"

Amajiki mutters in a quiet depressing tone, "Hado, it's Mirio's turn right now."

Mirio nods, "That's right, my quirk is Permeation. What you guys called a warp was an application of that."

Nejire pulls the edge of his shirt, frustrated that she hadn't been able to explain and Mirio just apologizes, "Sorry about that."

Midoriya narrows his eyes in confusion, "How do You warp?"

"If I activate my quirk throughout my whole body, then my body can go through everything," Mirio grins and points to the floor, "That means the ground too."

Uraraka's eyes widened, "Then… that was you falling through the floor?"

Mirio nods his head and begins to explain that when he deactivated his quirk underground, he will shoot up, and eventually he learned how to control the angle of his ejection.

Asui puts her finger to her mouth and says her thoughts aloud, "So, you can phase through all attacks, and move wherever you like in an instant. That really is a strong qu-"

"No," Mirio cut her off, "I made it into a strong quirk."

My classmates are about to respond to him but I take over, "He said his body slips through everything, remember? Everything."

I emphasized the word, and let out a sigh as my classmates gave me a confused look, "Everything, including air, right, Mirio?"

Mirio pauses slightly and looks at me before laughing, "Haha, you figured it out, did you?"

I nodded, and gave a casual bullshit explanation, "I noticed that with each encounter, you slowly got more out of breath. It wasn't visibly noticeable, but your body showed all the signs, and your heart rate was pretty damn high. I knew that you could slip through my attacks, and after your explanation, I just put two and two together."

Mirio laughs again, "Hahaha! As expected of you, Natsu. You're right. My body passes through everything, including air, sound, and even light. My lungs cannot take in oxygen and my sound doesn't vibrate my eardrums. Light cannot pass through my eyes. Does that make sense?"

My classmates nod in shock and Mirio gives another example, "Say I wanted to go through a wall. I would need to activate everything but one leg, then release in the other leg and step on the floor. Lastly, I activate my other leg and go through. Even for a simple action like that, there are a bunch of steps."

My classmates begin to realize the point that Mirio is trying to make, "Uwah, I can't imagine doing that. I'd probably mess up halfway."

"If I can't feel anything, I'd be too scared to even move…"

Mirio continues to explain, "For a while, I was last in everything. Because I couldn't properly control my quirk, a lot of things never worked out for me. In order to rise to the top with this quirk, I couldn't stay behind."

He points at his head, "Predictions. I had to think faster than those around me. Sometimes I had to be tricky. Above all, I had to be prepared for every scenario. The case before, where Natsu used rocks to hit me when I was vulnerable, was an oversight on my part. I had underestimated you, but it won't happen again."

I grin, "Save your excuses for when you beat me."

He smirks and continues, "Anyways, the predictions. There are a few ways to make predictions. One is instinct. People like Natsu, agave monstrous instincts and are able to react accordingly. The second is a quirk. A quirk that allows the user to see in the future or glimpses of it.

Lastly, its experience. I build my predictions based on what I know. It ended up being longer than I had planned, but this is the reason I wanted to fight you all. I wanted to show you what the work studies will do for you through experience. Anyone can give a speech, but actions speak more than words.

At work studies, we are not guests, like your internsh.i.p.s. We are treated as one of the sidekicks and pros. Sometimes it is scary. Pro's sometimes end up watching someone die. But those scary and painful things that you will go through, all of them are first-rate experiences that you wouldn't be able to have at school."

Mirio holds his fist up to his eyes, still grinning, "I turned the experiences I got during my work-study into power and took the top spot! That's why I think it's something you should do even if you're scared, first years!"

I look up at the sky while my classmate's clap, 'Turn experience into power… huh?'

My mind drifts to the last canon villain that I remember that may cause a threat, 'Overhaul… as long as nothing weird happens, I will be able to breeze past this. But knowing that bastard,' a scowl appears on my face as I think about the annoying face of a certain game show host, 'He will interfere somehow, to make it more "Interesting."

Shinso mutters under his breath, "Damn, even his speech is like a hero. He is ahead of us by a good amount…"

Momo narrows her eyes slightly, "He's definitely smart. The impact this exercise left was a lot greater than if he had just given a speech…'

My classmates talked amongst themselves about what Mirio had said, "It's gonna be a drastic difference from the work studies," Sero said.

Iida nods, "Now that we have our licenses, we'll be treated like pros once we're on the scene."

Sato clenches his fist, "We've got to prepare ourselves for that…"

Kirishima grins excitedly and cracks his knuckles, "This is gonna be exciting!"

Aizawa claps his hands together, "Alright, we are going back now. Say thank you."

The whole class bows simultaneously, "Thank you very much!"

Mirio waves happily at us and walks over to me, his hand outstretched, "Yo, Natsu! Let's do this again sometime!"

I look at the blood seeping through his skin and grin at him, "You wanna go through this again?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "Like I said, it's an experience. It won't turn out like this next time."

I grin back at him and clasp his hand, "Alright, I've been looking for some fun!"

Amajiki does not look depressed, but instead gives me a stink eye, 'He really doesn't like that I hurt Mirio.'

I spin on my feet and walk with the rest of my class, 'Well, not like I care.'

I caught up to Momo and put my arm around her, "Man, Mirio really is amazing isn't he."

Momo rolls her eyes, "You still beat him."

I raise an eyebrow, "And he still beat you."

She grins and nods, "That's what it takes to rise to the top of U.A. Well, minus you of course."

She pauses for a second before continuing, "He kinda reminds me off-"

But I finished her sentence, "All Might, I know…"

*Mirio POV*

I poke at the several wounds in my body as the blood seeps out and I wince slightly, "Damn, it's been a while since I've gotten hurt like this…"

Tamaki frowns, "I don't like that kid. He didn't have to go to such lengths to be-"

"But he did," I say, grinning towards my friend, "It's something that I can't deny. Catch me by surprise and aim for a fatal wound. I'd say that's the best way to get me. Even you guys have trouble, yeah?"

Tamaki opens his mouth but can't say anything and Nejire grins, "Natsu was amazing wasn't he? Don'tcha think so? Don't you? I thought he was just like Endeavour, but he seems much more interesting, doesn't he?"

I smirk at this and nod my head, "He's definitely interesting."

Tamaki scowls, "Besides Natsu, who else caught your eye?"

I think back to the fight, and filter through all the faces, before finding one, "That green-haired kid… he analyzed my first moves and moved as if he had predicted what I would do."

My smile widens, "I think Sir would like both of them!"

*Later That Night*

*Gray POV*

A dull mist emits from my icy knife as I slide my finger across the edge of the blade, "Oy, what's the last transmission you received from Twice."

Compress looks down at his phone, "Got some guy with a mask! Taking him back with me now! Smiley face, smiley face, heart eyes face, kissy face, skull."

I frown, "How long ago?"

"Fifteen minutes."

I look up at a patch of ground, lit up by some moonlight poking through a hole in the ceiling of an abandoned warehouse. My comrades are around me, sitting on various crates, or leaning against a wall.

Taking a look at my watch I open my mouth to say something again, before closing it, "Wait…"

Toga looks up at me, "Wait for what?"

I close my eyes and wait for a few seconds, "You should be able to hear it soon."


The low sound of a car engine.

I immediately get up, "They're here…"

The car stops and I hear the doors open and close then I hear Twices voice, "Here we are!"

Then a deeper, more hoarse voice replies, "It's so unsanitary. Is this your base?"

Twice replies in an annoyed tone, "Huh? Like we'd take you to our main base right away! This is like the interviewing location."

The second voice replies in a disgusted voice, "Give me a break, it's so dirty… I feel like I'll get sick."

Twice slides one of the doors open, "Don't worry, the guys inside have been sick for a while."

Twice waves at us, "Oy oy! I've brought him, I'm back! He was a surprisingly good guy. He said he wanted to talk to you. Isn't that disgusting!"

I raise my eyebrows at the man that walks in after him. A pale man of narrow build with short, shaggy auburn hair. His eyes were narrow and his small golden irises silently judged us. Most notably, a red and gold plague doctor mask covered his mouth.

A black suit covered by a dark green bomber jacket with a purple feather fur collar. White gloves cover his hands and white shoes cover his feet.

From out of the shadows, a lanky blue-haired boy emerges. Dressed in a black coat, with gloved hands, clasping different parts of his body. Another hand covered most of his face, but on the left side of his face, you could see the unmistakable scars, of burn marks.

Shigaraki's red eyes narrow as he sees Overhaul, "You grabbed a crazy big fish, Twice."

In return, Overhaul's eyes also narrow, "Big fish? That's ironic… League of Villains."

Magne's eyes widened behind her glasses, "What? Is that guy famous?"

I hide a grin and scroll through my mental database, going off as the pair gets closer, "Kai Chisaki, also known as Overhaul. Currently the Yakuza Head of Shie Hassaikai. Came in control after the previous boss fell into a coma. Your group's most recent success has been the quirk canceling drug which allows you to temporarily deactivate the cells that enable the use of the target quirk. Your own quirk, Overhaul, gives you the ability to disassemble and then reassemble matter with his b.a.r.e hands."

Overhaul glares at me while I spin my knife, "You are well informed…"

I give a simple smile, "I'm just doing my job."

Shigaraki also glares at me. Before talking to Magne, "Master showed me a picture of him before. He's one of the people to be wary of."

Toga spins a knife on her palm, and glares at Overhaul, "So, what is a Yakuza boy doing here? You on a high cuz the fall of All Might?"

Overhaul shakes his head, "It's less about All Might… and more about the loss of All for One."

A tension suddenly overcomes the room, as Overhaul brings up our imprisoned master, "The emperor of darkness who ruled over all of the undersides of society. My generation treated him like an urban legend, but our elders believed they had reason to fear him. Even after he was rumored to be dead."

He pauses to let his words sink in before continuing, "But this time, he showed up in the flesh, only to fight against All Might before getting beaten by a mysterious dragon figure. The dragon brutalized All for One before he passed out and was moved by All Might. After that, All for One got imprisoned and All Might retired.

In other words, right now, for both those in the sun and the shadows, there is no leader. So then who will become the next leader?"

Shigaraki starts walking forwards slowly, "You know who my master is, and you're still saying that? Are you here to challenge me? It's obvious, isn't it… I'm the next leader.

Even now I'm gathering my troops. Our numbers will increase soon. And with that power, I'll crush hero society, starting with its head."

Overhaul raises an eyebrow, "Do you have a plan?"

An amused smile takes over my face, 'Hoh? How will Tomura deal with this?'

Shigaraki pauses, "A plan? You little... You came here to join us, didn't you?"

"A goal with no plan is called a delusion," Overhaul says, slowly walking towards Shigaraki, "If you present me with a delusion, how am I supposed to react? What are you going to do to increase your forces? How do you plan to manage them in the first place? What kind of organizational chart are you trying to create? Starting with the Hero Killer: Stain, Muscular, and Moonfish. All three were first-class game pieces, yet you lost all of them, didn't you?

Did you not understand how to use them? You can't even manage ten or so crazy people, and you're talking about increasing your forces? What'll you do after gathering power you can't control? You need a plan in order to achieve your goal. And I have a plan. I didn't come here because I wanted to join you. "

Suddenly, laughter starts to take over me, "He… Hehehahaaha!"

Overhaul glares at me, but I continue, a burst of laughter full of amus.e.m.e.nt, "You? Have a plan? Hahaha! You say that a goal without a plan is a delusion, but a plan without power is pointless!"

Overhaul growls, "Are you calling me weak?"

I grin, "Frankly yes, in my eyes you pose a minor inconvenience. Something I could easily deal with."

Overhaul's eyes become wary, "Are you implying that you are my enemy?"

I chuckled lightly, "No, I won't be fighting you, but if you want to go after the Hero Society, you'll have to deal with him, won't you? The dragon man."

Overhaul quietly judges me, "You… you have some information about him don't you…?"

My grin becomes faint, "Naturally. He's the closest thing I could call to a rival. Someone whose power is only slightly below mine."

Overhaul's eyes narrow, "Then you guys stand to benefit even more under me. Most of the heroes are weaklings and the few strong ones can be countered, given enough time. If we combined efforts, we could easily dispose of the dragon man. My plan requires a large amount of money, money that I do not have. There are not a lot of people willing to invest in an obsolete small-time yakuza. However, with your infamous name in the picture."

He stretches out his hand, "Put yourselves under me. I'll show you how well I can use you. And then, I'll become the next leader."

Shigaraki growls two words in response, "Go home."

Magne unsheathes her giant magnet and leaps off her seat, activating her quirk as a blue aura envelopes Overhaul and drags him closer, "Sorry, Yakuza boy, we didn't come together to be under someone. I'm here because I didn't want to be bound by anything! We will decide where we belong!"

I stare emotionlessly as Overhaul proceeds to take off his glove, before nodding my head slowly, "I told you guys what his quirk was…"

Magne slams her magnet into Overhaul's forehead, but Overhaul's finger touches Magne's arm first, "Fool."

In an instant, her top half explodes in a shower of blood. Everyone else has a brief moment of shock and Toga's eyes widen the most.

"B-Big Sis Magne!"

There is a thud as a pair of legs fall to the floor, and Overhaul rises slowly, rubbing his forehead, "You all made the first move."

He groans and tries to wipe some blood off his jacket and clothing, "Argh, that filthy. That's why I hate shit like this…

My ears twitch as I pick up faint sounds from outside and I tap my foot on the floor and instantly, ice spreads out on the walls. Spreading upwards and around, covering the small holes in the ceiling, encasing the whole building except the floor in a layer of blue ice.

Compress leaped through the air, "He's too dangerous. I'll use my compress to seal him away."

I hear banging as someone tries to break through my ice when Compress touch's Overhaul and he shrinks down into a small marble.

Toga leaps forwards to grab the marble, but I beat her to it, and roll it along my fingers, "Don't be too hasty. He will be a valuable tool."

Then, my ice seemingly moves out of the way, and with a loud crash, a large man breaks through the warehouse doors, "Boss!"

There, four people stand. All of them wearing a full plague doctor mask. One was the large bulky man that broke through the door. A smaller man, whose body was the size of a pillow with skinny arms attached. A third was dressed in all black in a classic plague doctor outfit, with a black top hat. The last person was a bulky man with goggles covering his face.

I raise my hand, revealing the marble to them, "Don't move! If I destroy this marble, your boss will die as well. Also, I know there's one more of you! Come out!"

A second passes then, from the rafters, a masked man in a white cloak drops down, "Hello there."

I roll the marble in my fingers and glared at the intruders, "Your boss just killed a very precious comrade of mine. Normally, I would've slaughtered every single one of you here."

A strong killing intent leaks out of me, and everyone in the warehouse shivers, not because of the cold.

"However," I say as I continue on, "It would be inconvenient if your boss died, as that increases the already tense feelings between us, to straight-up hatred. Therefore, I will release your boss-"

Shigaraki cuts me off, "Oy, why do you get to decide this!?"

I direct my killing intent at Shigaraki and he shivers slightly, but stands his ground, "Because right now, I am the strongest in this room. I don't like babysitting you, Shigaraki, I am only sticking around because this seems entertaining. Out of respect for your master, I will not kill you, but I won't hesitate to do so, should the situation ever arise."

Shigaraki looks as if he wants to retort, but steps back, and my focus returns to Shie Hassaikai, "Anyways, I will release your boss if one of you dies right now. A life for a life."

The white robes man, who had assumed the position of leader, silently looks at me, before nodding his head to the big guy. The big guy nods back and raises his hands to kill the medium-sized man.


But instead of a splatter of blood, there was a crashing sound as the giant fists crashed into an ice dome I had erected above the small man.

I recite the words of my former master, "Those who break the rules are sc.u.m that's true, but those who abandon their friends are worse than sc.u.m."

The hooded man stares at me confused for a few seconds before I look back at Compress, "Release him."

Compress nods and snaps his fingers and the Overhaul comes out, splayed across the floor, "You good?"

Overhaul looks up at me and growls, before looking back at his subordinates and quickly gets off the floor and backs away from me.

"Looks like you are good."

In a flash, I disappear and appear next to the white hooded man. In one quick movement, I take my knife and run it through his neck, decapitating him thoroughly.

Overhaul's eyes widen in shock, as he sees one of his higher-ups slaughter in front of his eyes, and I give him a blood-stained smile, "Get out of my sight. We'll be in contact soon."

Overhaul glares at me but acknowledges he would die before he even landed a finger, and starts walking away.

He suddenly stops and turns around, "Rikiya… get Chronostasis."

The big man, Rikiua, leans down to pick up the white-hooded man's body, but I point my knife at him, "No. He stays."

Overhaul clenches his fist but turns away.

AN: Long story short, I had computer issues, and school issues. Anyways, I have plans for Gray but they probably won't be revealed for a while.


Check out my other story

MHA: Bungee Gum


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