The Dragoon In Skyrim
Chapter 16 - Returning Home
The group looks up and sees Behemoth being chased by a red dragon. "Prepare to engage," says Vincent as he changes into his Choral set and takes the Artemis Bows in his hand and aims at the wings of the dragon and releases the string making the arrow pierce through the wing taking the attention of the dragon who now flies towards them.
Vincent changes into his Dragoon armor and his spear and runs towards the approaching dragon once near enough he jumps onto the back of the dragon and pierces into it's back to not be able to shaken off. The dragon tries but was unsuccessful then Vincent takes the spear out of the back and pierces both wings forcing the dragon to fall from the sky. Before the dragon crashed into the mountain Vincent jumped off of it. The shaking made the Greybeards come out of High Hrothgar into the courtyard.
"Avulstein and Mina attack from the flank now that it out of it," says Vincent as he changes into his Warriors Set and Bravura after jumping on it again. He begins to smash his ax against the head while the other two attacked the flank and Behemoth attacked the other flank with the Greybeards shouting at the dragon. Didn't even know how it died to them. Vincent jumps down from it and the dragon began to shine as well as Vincent.
Mina wanted to interfere thinking something dangerous was happening. But Avulstein stopped her while the soul of the dragon began to enter his body. Vincent sat down and began to meditate to make the best out of this opportunity. He focuses on learning the complete Thu'um of Fire Breath and the Third word of Unrelenting Force and still tried to squeeze more only getting the first word of Ice form. After doing that he stood back up and Arngeir asks, "Are you alright?" "Yes, I just needed to meditate right away or I would have learned a random word instead of the one I wanted to learn," says Vincent and Mina walks over with Avulstein and Vincent says, "How about we rest for today after collecting the bones and scales of the dragon."
After collecting the remains of the dragon Mina makes hand signs and Avulstein says, "She wants to know how you change your armor that fast." "All in due time Mina. How about we talk about that when we are in Whiterun," says Vincent as he enters High Hrothgar with them to sleep there for today.
The next morning they wake up and prepare to leave High Hrothgar as they mount Behemoth and Vincent says, "See you soon." "We will await your return Dragonborn," says Arngeir as Behemoth begins to fly in the sky. "Don't fly too high Behemoth. We don't want to fight another dragon today," says Vincent as Behemoth begins to glide through the air until reaching the street they walked on to go towards Ivarstead. "I didn't know Behemoth could fly," says Avulstein and Vincent says, "It's common once they are accustomed to the area they are in. He is now over a month here and the story must be true about what they say about the mountain that a god breathes onto it. Or Behemoth wouldn't be that fast in learning how to fly in Skyrim."
They arrive at the stables and Vincent pets Behemoth for being a good comrade and they enter the city once inside Avulstein says, "I will be in the family house see the old woman and man. I await you at the Bannered Mare tonight to celebrate having climbed the 7000 stairs and even fight a dragon with the Greybeards. This story is worth to be counted to our grandchildren." "See you later then. Mina, you going to go with Avulstein or with me?" asks Vincent and she points at him and says, "Alright then follow me."
They separate and Adrianne sees them and says, "Did you marry in this travel towards High Hrothgar or did is she someone you picked up from the street like Lucia?" "Very funny even if it's true that we picked her up from the streets before some bandits could do their deed. How was everything around here?" asks Vincent and Adrianne says, "She was nervous at first but she still trained while worrying about you. But with Lydia around, she was in good hands. But you should marry at least someone you trust so if the worst happens she doesn't end on the street like last time." "I will think about that. See you later in the Bannered Mare," says Vincent as he continues to walk towards his house with Mina.
He sees Lucia training with her staff and approaches her and says, "How is my princess doing?" "You are back," says Lucia as she drops her staff and runs towards Vincent who picks her up and hugs her and says, "Were you a good girl?" "Yes, I didn't skip one day of training," says Lucia and Vincent pets her and says, "Good that what I wanted to hear." "Who is this behind you? Is she my new Mom?" asks Lucia and Mina gets a little red and Vincent says, "No, she is a friend. I will only stay a night here Lucia. Tomorrow we will leave to continue our adventure." "You are mean coming only to leave again," says Lucia and Vincent says, "That's how the world works. Maybe one day when you are older you can accompany me on my adventure. But for now, you stay here."
"Fine," says Lucia and Vincent says, "Do you know where Braith lives?" "Yes, across the Battle-Borns, why?" "Can you call her father, I have something for him," says Vincent and Lucia says, "Fine." Vincent pets her and she runs off towards Amren's house. Vincent looks at Mina and says, "Let's go and buy some papers so you can communicate with me without a translator." Mina nods and they go to meet Belethor who exchanged some troll fat for a huge amount of papers and ink and they returned to Vincent's house.
When they returned they already see Amren and Lucia waiting in front of it and Vincent says, "You must be Amren, right?" "Yes, and you are the Thane, who adopted the girl. Why did you send her to me?" asks Amren and Vincent takes a sword out of his bag and says, "That must be yours. At least Avulstein said so when we found it in a bandit camp." Amren looks at the sword and says, "Yes, it is my family sword. A damn thief stole it from me. How much do you want for it?" "400 gold coins. It was a hard fight and I need to feed my kids and mount," says Vincent and Amren says, "I will bring it right away." "I will await you in my house," says Vincent as he enters the house after Lucia picked her staff up.
Once inside Vincent says, "Lucia how about you go out and play for a while and we play later a bit." "No," says Lucia and Vincent says, "You can sleep with me tonight how about that?" "Yes, you are the best," says Lucia giving Vincent a hug, who thinks, 'I think I was played by her. But I will allow it since she really has earned it.' Lucia leaves and Vincent says, "Can you leave us too, Lydia?" "Yes, I will return in an hour," says Lydia who also leaves and Vincent says, "Now we can talk privately. But we will play a little game. A question for a question, alright?"
Both leave the house after burning the notes Mina wrote and meet Amren who collected the money and hand it over. Then they walk towards the Temple and enter and Vincent sees a familiar face and says, "Anra, can you help me for a moment." "Of course, what do you need?" asks Anra and Vincent says, "My friend here was cut the tongue out can you heal her?" "I could try but this is a bit over our grade of understanding of Restoration magic," says Anra as she locks at Mina who opens her mouth and Anra asks, "You sure someone cut her tongue out?" "To be honest she cut it herself so she couldn't tell anyone her secrets. I found her when bandits captured her," whispers Vincent to Anra, who says, "I understand. I will try my best but it will hurt since the tongue must regrow." "Don't worry I'm beside you," says Vincent to Mina as he holds her hand and Mina nods and Anra says, "Can I ask for your support in Magicka when I need it. I heard from Farengar that you almost never get tired using your spells." "Count on it," says Vincent and Anra begins her treatment on Mina.
After an hour Anra says, "That should do it. She is really lucky to have you. I alone wouldn't have been able to do that since Magicka reserves aren't that big." "Tha-ank you fo-or help-ing me," says Mina slowly with the voice of an angel and Vincent says, "What is not perfect on you." Mina gets red and Anra says, "You should be able to talk normally in two days after you have accustomed to having a tongue again." "Here you have some coins for your help," says Vincent handing over 200 coins and Anra says, "Thank you with this we can help many people."
They then leave the Temple and Mina wants to say something when Vincent says, "We can talk later. I got a feeling we are being watched by someone." "So you can feel me already," says a female voice that Vincent recognizes and he wants to run when the voice says, "Too late you are mine." It was Aela that grabbed Vincent's arm and says, "So who is the beauty beside you, your wife?" "No, a friend. What do you want Aela?" asks Vincent and Aela says, "You know very well what I want." "Can't do that today. Need to leave tomorrow again and Lucia wants to play with her father," says Vincent and Aela says as she leaves, "Too bad. But don't think I have given up. Next time you return we will have to catch up on each other."
"Who wa-as tha-at?" asks Mina and Vincent says, "A friend of mine. Don't worry, she is a nice person just a little obsessive when it comes to me. How about we return to my home?" She nods her head and they return to Vincent's home were Lydia was already preparing dinner. Vincent began to meditate on the second word of Ice Breath until Lucia entered the house and he began to play with her some of her favorites games that Vincent taught her. Mina watched as they played and joined after finding out how the game worked.
After dinner was ready they ate together and left for the Bannered Mare were they meet up with the group of friends. Avulstein recounted the fight against the dragon with the Greybeards supporting them in the fight. After the little celebration, they returned home and now there was a problem since Vincent only had one bed all three had to share it and Vincent says, "You sure you want to sleep with us in the bed instead of going to the Bannered Mare?" "Ye-es, I ca-an sur-vi-ve o-ne ni-ight li-ke tha-at," says Mina a little red and Lucia says, "So we will sleep like a family." "It seems so," says Vincent as he takes his armor off and Mina does the same and all three begin to lies in the bed in this order Vincent, Lucia, and the Mina.
"It feels like when my ma and dad were alive can we sleep like this often?" asks Lucia and Vincent says, "I don't know it depends on Mina. I can't force her to stay if she wants to leave and Lucia says, "Why not marry her then? We would be a good family won't we?" "Le-et's ta-alk a-bo-ut tha-at a-no-the-er ti-me," says Mina who pets Lucia as all begin to sleep.
Vincent changes into his Dragoon armor and his spear and runs towards the approaching dragon once near enough he jumps onto the back of the dragon and pierces into it's back to not be able to shaken off. The dragon tries but was unsuccessful then Vincent takes the spear out of the back and pierces both wings forcing the dragon to fall from the sky. Before the dragon crashed into the mountain Vincent jumped off of it. The shaking made the Greybeards come out of High Hrothgar into the courtyard.
"Avulstein and Mina attack from the flank now that it out of it," says Vincent as he changes into his Warriors Set and Bravura after jumping on it again. He begins to smash his ax against the head while the other two attacked the flank and Behemoth attacked the other flank with the Greybeards shouting at the dragon. Didn't even know how it died to them. Vincent jumps down from it and the dragon began to shine as well as Vincent.
Mina wanted to interfere thinking something dangerous was happening. But Avulstein stopped her while the soul of the dragon began to enter his body. Vincent sat down and began to meditate to make the best out of this opportunity. He focuses on learning the complete Thu'um of Fire Breath and the Third word of Unrelenting Force and still tried to squeeze more only getting the first word of Ice form. After doing that he stood back up and Arngeir asks, "Are you alright?" "Yes, I just needed to meditate right away or I would have learned a random word instead of the one I wanted to learn," says Vincent and Mina walks over with Avulstein and Vincent says, "How about we rest for today after collecting the bones and scales of the dragon."
After collecting the remains of the dragon Mina makes hand signs and Avulstein says, "She wants to know how you change your armor that fast." "All in due time Mina. How about we talk about that when we are in Whiterun," says Vincent as he enters High Hrothgar with them to sleep there for today.
The next morning they wake up and prepare to leave High Hrothgar as they mount Behemoth and Vincent says, "See you soon." "We will await your return Dragonborn," says Arngeir as Behemoth begins to fly in the sky. "Don't fly too high Behemoth. We don't want to fight another dragon today," says Vincent as Behemoth begins to glide through the air until reaching the street they walked on to go towards Ivarstead. "I didn't know Behemoth could fly," says Avulstein and Vincent says, "It's common once they are accustomed to the area they are in. He is now over a month here and the story must be true about what they say about the mountain that a god breathes onto it. Or Behemoth wouldn't be that fast in learning how to fly in Skyrim."
They arrive at the stables and Vincent pets Behemoth for being a good comrade and they enter the city once inside Avulstein says, "I will be in the family house see the old woman and man. I await you at the Bannered Mare tonight to celebrate having climbed the 7000 stairs and even fight a dragon with the Greybeards. This story is worth to be counted to our grandchildren." "See you later then. Mina, you going to go with Avulstein or with me?" asks Vincent and she points at him and says, "Alright then follow me."
They separate and Adrianne sees them and says, "Did you marry in this travel towards High Hrothgar or did is she someone you picked up from the street like Lucia?" "Very funny even if it's true that we picked her up from the streets before some bandits could do their deed. How was everything around here?" asks Vincent and Adrianne says, "She was nervous at first but she still trained while worrying about you. But with Lydia around, she was in good hands. But you should marry at least someone you trust so if the worst happens she doesn't end on the street like last time." "I will think about that. See you later in the Bannered Mare," says Vincent as he continues to walk towards his house with Mina.
He sees Lucia training with her staff and approaches her and says, "How is my princess doing?" "You are back," says Lucia as she drops her staff and runs towards Vincent who picks her up and hugs her and says, "Were you a good girl?" "Yes, I didn't skip one day of training," says Lucia and Vincent pets her and says, "Good that what I wanted to hear." "Who is this behind you? Is she my new Mom?" asks Lucia and Mina gets a little red and Vincent says, "No, she is a friend. I will only stay a night here Lucia. Tomorrow we will leave to continue our adventure." "You are mean coming only to leave again," says Lucia and Vincent says, "That's how the world works. Maybe one day when you are older you can accompany me on my adventure. But for now, you stay here."
"Fine," says Lucia and Vincent says, "Do you know where Braith lives?" "Yes, across the Battle-Borns, why?" "Can you call her father, I have something for him," says Vincent and Lucia says, "Fine." Vincent pets her and she runs off towards Amren's house. Vincent looks at Mina and says, "Let's go and buy some papers so you can communicate with me without a translator." Mina nods and they go to meet Belethor who exchanged some troll fat for a huge amount of papers and ink and they returned to Vincent's house.
When they returned they already see Amren and Lucia waiting in front of it and Vincent says, "You must be Amren, right?" "Yes, and you are the Thane, who adopted the girl. Why did you send her to me?" asks Amren and Vincent takes a sword out of his bag and says, "That must be yours. At least Avulstein said so when we found it in a bandit camp." Amren looks at the sword and says, "Yes, it is my family sword. A damn thief stole it from me. How much do you want for it?" "400 gold coins. It was a hard fight and I need to feed my kids and mount," says Vincent and Amren says, "I will bring it right away." "I will await you in my house," says Vincent as he enters the house after Lucia picked her staff up.
Once inside Vincent says, "Lucia how about you go out and play for a while and we play later a bit." "No," says Lucia and Vincent says, "You can sleep with me tonight how about that?" "Yes, you are the best," says Lucia giving Vincent a hug, who thinks, 'I think I was played by her. But I will allow it since she really has earned it.' Lucia leaves and Vincent says, "Can you leave us too, Lydia?" "Yes, I will return in an hour," says Lydia who also leaves and Vincent says, "Now we can talk privately. But we will play a little game. A question for a question, alright?"
Both leave the house after burning the notes Mina wrote and meet Amren who collected the money and hand it over. Then they walk towards the Temple and enter and Vincent sees a familiar face and says, "Anra, can you help me for a moment." "Of course, what do you need?" asks Anra and Vincent says, "My friend here was cut the tongue out can you heal her?" "I could try but this is a bit over our grade of understanding of Restoration magic," says Anra as she locks at Mina who opens her mouth and Anra asks, "You sure someone cut her tongue out?" "To be honest she cut it herself so she couldn't tell anyone her secrets. I found her when bandits captured her," whispers Vincent to Anra, who says, "I understand. I will try my best but it will hurt since the tongue must regrow." "Don't worry I'm beside you," says Vincent to Mina as he holds her hand and Mina nods and Anra says, "Can I ask for your support in Magicka when I need it. I heard from Farengar that you almost never get tired using your spells." "Count on it," says Vincent and Anra begins her treatment on Mina.
After an hour Anra says, "That should do it. She is really lucky to have you. I alone wouldn't have been able to do that since Magicka reserves aren't that big." "Tha-ank you fo-or help-ing me," says Mina slowly with the voice of an angel and Vincent says, "What is not perfect on you." Mina gets red and Anra says, "You should be able to talk normally in two days after you have accustomed to having a tongue again." "Here you have some coins for your help," says Vincent handing over 200 coins and Anra says, "Thank you with this we can help many people."
They then leave the Temple and Mina wants to say something when Vincent says, "We can talk later. I got a feeling we are being watched by someone." "So you can feel me already," says a female voice that Vincent recognizes and he wants to run when the voice says, "Too late you are mine." It was Aela that grabbed Vincent's arm and says, "So who is the beauty beside you, your wife?" "No, a friend. What do you want Aela?" asks Vincent and Aela says, "You know very well what I want." "Can't do that today. Need to leave tomorrow again and Lucia wants to play with her father," says Vincent and Aela says as she leaves, "Too bad. But don't think I have given up. Next time you return we will have to catch up on each other."
"Who wa-as tha-at?" asks Mina and Vincent says, "A friend of mine. Don't worry, she is a nice person just a little obsessive when it comes to me. How about we return to my home?" She nods her head and they return to Vincent's home were Lydia was already preparing dinner. Vincent began to meditate on the second word of Ice Breath until Lucia entered the house and he began to play with her some of her favorites games that Vincent taught her. Mina watched as they played and joined after finding out how the game worked.
After dinner was ready they ate together and left for the Bannered Mare were they meet up with the group of friends. Avulstein recounted the fight against the dragon with the Greybeards supporting them in the fight. After the little celebration, they returned home and now there was a problem since Vincent only had one bed all three had to share it and Vincent says, "You sure you want to sleep with us in the bed instead of going to the Bannered Mare?" "Ye-es, I ca-an sur-vi-ve o-ne ni-ight li-ke tha-at," says Mina a little red and Lucia says, "So we will sleep like a family." "It seems so," says Vincent as he takes his armor off and Mina does the same and all three begin to lies in the bed in this order Vincent, Lucia, and the Mina.
"It feels like when my ma and dad were alive can we sleep like this often?" asks Lucia and Vincent says, "I don't know it depends on Mina. I can't force her to stay if she wants to leave and Lucia says, "Why not marry her then? We would be a good family won't we?" "Le-et's ta-alk a-bo-ut tha-at a-no-the-er ti-me," says Mina who pets Lucia as all begin to sleep.
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