The Dream Saga

Chapter 66 - My Wish


"What does he mean by prisoner?" I was confused when he said that he was here to take a prisoner back, instead of watching the tournament.

I looked at Tom, who was standing on the other side of the row. He was also confused as I was, so I knew asking him anything will not help.

Every face I saw was trying to figure out what was going on, and it made me feel a bit relieved because I was not the only one who was not understanding anything. The queen stood up from her seat as well, she was not happy by the request or commitment made by  the leader of angels.

"Do you understand what you are saying, Lord Michael?" The queen, who was light and composed till now, was serious. She stood at her seat in the progress and watching the queen standing, all the audience and higher ups got up from their seats. I just wondered how much of power she had.

"Yes, lady lucifer. I'm fully aware of what I am saying and I know the consequences of this." Michael replied in a calm and resolved tone as he was in a garden or something maybe because of his angel traits, that were keeping him from showing any emotions of anger and frustration.

"I am feeling sorry to tell you but, we do not own any angel war prisoners at the current time" The queen was either hiding something or was revealing the truth in a manipulative way. Whatever politics was going on was on such a bizarre level that I just understood half of it. 

"Please don't lie on my face. I can see it clearly . You can't fool me easily. I can sense an angelic holy aura in this stadium, and it's coming from you!!! Maybe if you show us what's near your feet." He was pissed, but he had superb control over him and maybe that made him the supreme of other, and on the other hand I was curious to know what was at the queen's feet.

"Do you really expect me to show you what I have brought with me, well I am sorry. I don't feel obligated to prove you anything" The queen was stubborn, but it was expected from her.

"I don't want it to end with war, and you know you can't hide it. I have clairvoyance ability. I knew you'd act like this, so I kept a backup plan already." He sighed and pulled a few pieces of papers.

"Do you remember what is this? Your husband signed it before his accident."

"What is it?" the queen seemed tense for the first time to me. We all were watching this entertaining drama of two faction leaders with each new twist.

"It's a treaty signed by late lucifer himself, stating that once the war ends all the war prisoners will be returned to their respective faction. The angels fulfilled their part of the treaty, but now it seems like the devils didn't."

"So, now please hand over the angel here."

A vile smirk appeared on the face of the queen, she seemed like she was about to turn the tables "Huh, did you really think that we kept a prisoner hidden from the world ??  Yes, I have an angel right at my feet with a collar and chained whip."

She flipped the table in front of her and the scene behind it was horrible. At her feet, an angel was sitting with her wing with no feathers. She did not even have any clothes on. Her hands and legs were bleeding severely. She was a kid just of age 12-13 years. The devils around me were good, but the others were a true definition of evil.

"Oh lord, what have you done to the little girl ?? Regarding the treaty, I want her back into safe angelic arms." 

"Hahaha ha, do you think you can get her back with a treaty? You could only if she was a war prisoner, but I am sorry to say, she's not. She is a child of a war prisoner who gave her birth before signing of the treaty. So in simple words. She was born here, the angels have no right to take her back."

"No! you can't do this!! You have to…" Lord Michael had lost his chance to get the angel back. I knew it broke his heart to see his kind suffering, and I felt him.

Azazel interrupted him "There's no point in asking her back like this. Michael, understand. It's hard, but you can't do this, and you can talk about it to her privately you are intruding in the tournament, so please. Take you seat."

"STILL, no… I am sorry for my behavior." He took a sigh of sorrow and sat back , powerless.

"I'm sorry my people for the interruption, let's continue where we last stopped!" The anchor was back on his job and the tournament again continued.

"As we all know, there's a price for the winner. And that makes it more special. I know many of you don't know what the price is, don't worry, your host will not leave any plot holes behind"

"The winning price of the tournament is something that is life changing. It is a 'wish'. Yes, a wish. The winner can ask for whatever he desire and it could be anything. I am curious what desire our participants have, let's find it!"

"Let's start with devil king mammon. My majesty, what is the wish to do you seek??"

Without a hesitation, he said, he wanted to marry the second daughter of the queen. And the queen replied she'd love to if he wins the competition. One by one, everyone told their wishes. Some said 10 percent of revenue from each country, some wanted reign over an entire area etc. and at last it was me and Beelzebub remained.

"My majesty, Beelzebub, what do you wish for?"

The reply of tom was unordinary, he said he hasn't decided yet maybe he'd think of something after the tournament. And at last, it was me.

"Your grace, Leviathan! What do you wish for?"

I knew what I was about to say was something unsettling, yet I heard what my heart had to say. "I, the 'Leviathan' king, ask for just one thing, and I know it's not grand. I want that angel. That's chained at your feet, your grace" 

What I said was astounding for everyone they were looking at me with shocked eyes The queen was triggered. She yelled at me with a question just . "Why?"

"Your grace, I know she can't go back to her home without war, so I want to give her a home so she can live her life better than now, because I know no one deserves to live like this. My apologies if I offended you."

"Huh, only if you win leviathan."

"That's my matter of concern for, your grace."

And as the conversation with her finished, the anchor shouted…

"Now let the tournament begin!!"

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