The truth is, the truth is that the truth is that the truth is that.

Is Sarutobi Hiruzen really suffering from Alzheimer's disease?

Of course not!

But whether it is or not, Tsunade must say so.

Otherwise, it is impossible to say that the Hokage, in order to fight for power and profit, actually colluded with the enemy's ninja village and wanted to attack the ninjas, right?

Especially since he wanted to deal with the next generation of Hokage who was highly anticipated by the people in Konoha Village, this practice of almost opening the door to thieves and digging his own grave, once exposed, may even destroy the foundation of Konoha's rule. So Sarutobi Hiruzen must have Alzheimer's disease, even if he is not sick, he must be sick.

That is why, when Tsunade made this inference, the smart people present immediately began to express their opinions.

"It seems that Lord Hokage is indeed ill!" Nara Shikaku sighed.

"Alzheimer's disease is really terrible!" Yamanaka Inoichi said.

"Poor Lord Hokage, he must be suffering under the torture of the disease!" Akimichi Choza said with pity.

"So, why should we take some measures to prevent Lord Hokage with Alzheimer's disease from continuing to harm the village."

As he spoke, Nara Shikaku suddenly showed his true colors. He first looked at Shokuhou Misaki, then looked at Tsunade and said:

"Important things in the village cannot be controlled by a person with Alzheimer's disease! So I suggest that Lord Tsunade be the acting Hokage and preside over the daily work of the village. At the same time, the next generation of Hokage should be determined within this year. Konoha now needs some young power!"

Nara Shikaku is proposing to directly override Sarutobi Hiruzen and confirm Shokuhou Misaki's position as the next generation of Hokage.

In terms of the proposal, Nara Shikaku is extremely radical. Even Shokuhou Misaki and Tsunade frowned slightly after hearing this. But as the leader of the Ino, Shikaku and Chou clans, Nara Shikaku had to say this. Because he had to express his absolute support for Shokuhou Misaki. This was the price of a person who slid to his knees!

As soon as Nara Shikaku finished speaking, Shokuhou Misaki shook his head and said:

"Not appropriate, not appropriate. Although the Hokage has Alzheimer's disease, he is still the Hokage after all. If we stimulate him too much, it is likely to cause his condition to worsen. If he does something extreme and endangers the village, it will be bad!"

"But we can't let a person with Alzheimer's disease continue to lead the village!" Nara Shikaku frowned.

"Indeed, the current Sarutobi teacher is no longer suitable to continue to be the Hokage!" Tsunade also said.

Seeing that the two most important people present had expressed their opinions, Shokuhou Misaki finally expressed her own opinion:

"You all have a point. The power of the Hokage should be held by rational people, but we cannot over-stimulate the Hokage. So after comprehensive consideration, my idea is that we still obey the Hokage in name. But the actual affairs of the village should be handed over to Teacher Tsunade."

Hearing Shokuhou Misaki's suggestion, everyone looked at each other, not understanding what this rule was. And Shokuhou Misaki continued:

"Have you heard of an idiom called three people make a tiger?"

"Shokuhou-sama, we are stupid, you should explain the matter more clearly!" Akimichi Choza scratched his head.

"It's very simple. Three people make a tiger is a fable." Shokuhou Misaki said:

"In ancient times, there was a daimyo of a country. One day, one of his ministers said that a tiger appeared on the street. His first reaction was naturally to completely disbelieve it. How could there be a tiger on the street? Later, a second minister said that a tiger appeared on the street. At this time, the daimyo was a little skeptical. There couldn't really be a tiger on the street, right?"

"Finally, the third minister also said that there was a tiger on the street. So the daimyo immediately believed it and really thought there was a tiger on the street. He immediately prepared to send his men to fight the tiger. But In fact, where are the tigers on the street? The so-called tigers are just a scam created by the three ministers. "

"Although this is a fable, it actually shows the important logic of the operation of power. That is, as a person in power, if the channel for receiving information is controlled by others, he will lose all power. For example, the daimyo in the story, even if he holds great power, when the three ministers under him deceive him, his power disappears. "

"Because by imitating the case of three people making a tiger, the three ministers can easily make the daimyo believe any absurd result, and then make a decision that is in the interests of the three ministers.

's decision. So in fact, the three ministers who said there was a tiger on the street had unknowingly replaced the original daimyo and became the new daimyo of the country. "

As soon as Shokuhou Misaki finished speaking, the smart people present realized her plan. Kabuto Yakushi and Tsunade both secretly said:

As expected of Shokuhou Misaki, this guy wants to turn Sarutobi Hiruzen into the most ridiculous puppet in the world!

Nara Shikaku also sighed:

"So that's how it is. If we control the people who come into contact with the Hokage on a daily basis, and then control the channels through which the Hokage receives information every day, it is equivalent to undermining the Hokage! As long as the ninjas that the Hokage comes into contact with every day, the newspapers that he reads, and even the servants at home and the villagers on the road say that he is still the Hokage, then the Hokage will feel that he is still the Hokage. "

"But in fact, everyone is just constructing a scam called 'Three people make a tiger'. "

"Everyone is a minister in the three people make a tiger, and everyone is telling the 'lie' that there is a tiger on the street. But as a person deceived by everyone, Lord Hokage has no chance to expose the lies. Because all his channels for receiving information are controlled, he can only act according to the will of the ministers like the daimyo in the fable. "

After Nara Shikaku's explanation, Yamanaka Inoichi and Akimichi Choza also understood Shokuhou Misaki's plan. To be honest, this plan doesn't sound great at first glance, but it's terrifying to think about it. Because who can guarantee that he is not the deceived daimyo in "Three people make a tiger"?

Even if this logic extends, it is the infinite Tsukuyomi world that Uchiha Madara wants to create in the original work. After all, isn't the dream world of infinite Tsukuyomi essentially a world where everything is a deception?

After listening to Shokuhou Misaki's plan, Kabuto Yakushi also exclaimed:

"It's really worthy of Lord Shokuhou! I think as long as we follow Lord Shokuhou's plan, we only need to maintain a scam of three people making a tiger, and we can easily stop Lord Hokage's misdeeds. After all, we only need to let a few smart ninjas pretend to be ninjas from the five major ninja villages and Akatsuki Village, and we can make the Hokage think that he is really in contact with the five major ninja villages. "

"So no matter what the Hokage does while sitting in the Hokage Building, he is essentially just playing house with the ninjas in the village, and can never really harm the village. But we can unite with Kakashi, the leader of the Root, Nara Shikaku, the leader of the Jounin Class, Tsunade, the head of the Anbu, and Shokuhou, the head of the Development Department, to form a special situation committee to directly control almost all the power of Konoha. "

Yakushi Kabuto said this, but he secretly thought it was not good:

Orochimaru's original plan was to let Sarutobi Hiruzen lure the shadows of the other four major ninja villages. Then Konoha and Akatsuki would join forces to hit the four major ninja villages again. In this way, Sarutobi Hiruzen would be the hero of Konoha, and Akatsuki would be able to weaken the power of the four major ninja villages again, preparing for the layout of collecting tailed beasts in the future.

Even if Shokuhou Misaki and Nagato were willing, Akatsuki could completely merge with Konoha again. The strength of the two major ninja villages after the merger is much stronger than the four major ninja villages that have been weakened one after another. The coalition forces of Konoha and Akatsuki can directly Launching a war to unify the ninja world is much more satisfying than collecting tailed beasts.

Orochimaru hoped that Sarutobi Hiruzen could have a decent ending and die brilliantly as a hero of Konoha. But he didn't expect that Shokuhou Misaki would arrange an unprecedented clown ending for Sarutobi Hiruzen. Let everyone in Konoha Village deceive Sarutobi Hiruzen. What's the difference between such Sarutobi Hiruzen and the monkeys being played with in the zoo?

Just when Kabuto Yakushi felt that his plan was difficult to achieve and failed the expectations of Orochimaru, Shokuhou Misaki said:

"No, I think the plan proposed by the Hokage is very useful."

Shokuhou Misaki said this, looking at Kabuto Yakushi with a faint smile. Obviously, she had guessed that the real proposer of these plans was Kabuto Yakushi, an undercover agent of Orochimaru.

"Shokuhou, you don't really want to let Sarutobi teacher contact the ninjas of the four major ninja villages and become a rebel ninja in the village? "Tsunade was surprised.

"Of course, we can't let the Hokage contact the four major ninja villages, because the power that the Hokage can mobilize now is too little! If the Hokage is allowed to act alone, the ninjas from the other four major ninja villages will only regard the Hokage as a puppet. And a puppet is not qualified to become an ally of the four major ninja villages!" Shokuhou Misaki explained:

"So my idea is to implement the 'Three people make a tiger'

', and also use this scam to promote the Hokage's plan. If the Hokage wants to contact the ninjas of Sand Village or other ninja villages, we will send ninjas from the major ninja clans to cooperate with the Hokage. In this way, when the major ninja villages still support the Hokage, the four major ninja villages may take the bait. "

"And once the four major ninja villages agree to hold the Chunin Exam in Akatsuki Village, we will join Akatsuki Village to attack the four major ninja villages. The four major ninja villages will inevitably be hit hard, and our Konoha will be the biggest winner!"

"But in this case, what about Sarutobi teacher?" Tsunade hesitated.

"If everything goes well, the Hokage will probably be killed by the other four major ninja villages together!"

Shokuhou Misaki sighed:

"After all, in the entire Konoha Village, only Hokage really wants to unite with the four major ninja villages. So once Konoha turns around and all the ninjas turn against the four major ninja villages, the Kages of the four major ninja villages will definitely think that Hokage-sama is using himself as bait. If he loses the trust of the four major ninja villages, the end of Hokage-sama will only be beaten to death by the ninjas of the four major ninja villages. "

"So the essence of our plan this time can also be said to be an alternative version of 'Dark Art of War, Young Master Offers His Head'. It's just that this time Konoha is not offering Young Master's head, but Hokage-sama's head! "

Shokuhou Misaki said this, and the meaning of her eyes looking at Kabuto Yakushi became deeper and deeper. Because what she said was exactly the script that Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi arranged for Sarutobi Hiruzen. Shokuhou Misaki thought there was nothing wrong with this script. In this case, Shokuhou Misaki would not stop it, but would try to push it forward.

And compared to Kabuto Yakushi and Orochimaru, Shokuhou Misaki has more cards in her hand, and the possibility of realizing this plan is greater.

Because as the Tsuchikage, Ohnoki is a member of the Dusk Hermit Society, and she also has Scorpion, a chess piece in the Akatsuki organization, which is Uchiha Itachi can also be used by her. Shokuhou Misaki can completely promote the plan openly while secretly uniting with Ohnoki and others. Let Konoha form an alliance with Iwagakure while uniting with Akatsuki Village.

Of course, the reason why Shokuhou Misaki wants to gather so many people together is not to weaken the strength of the major ninja villages. Because from the beginning she understood that the organizational form of the ninja village is extremely restrictive and cannot create a reasonable ninja world order at all. It is destined to be eliminated by the times.

So when the strong men of the five major ninja villages and Akatsuki Village gathered together, That was when Shokuhou Misaki announced the end of the ninja world. Because if this plan was to be completed, it would take three or four years. And after such a long time, Shokuhou Misaki must have been promoted to Sequence 3. With the strength of Sequence 3, why would Shokuhou Misaki play any strategy?

Three people make a tiger, dark military tactics, and the son offering his head are just tricks.

What Shokuhou Misaki really wants to do is, with most of the ninjas present:

With absolute strength, crush the entire ninja world by herself!

She wants to pass the super The strength of the ninja world let all the ninjas know that the times have changed!

The old set is no longer valid, and the organizational form of the ninja village is no longer valid, because the enemies of the new era are stronger than ever!

Thinking of a more amazing plan in my heart, but what Shokuhou Misaki said was already amazing.

Weaken the four major ninja villages at one time, and then unite with the Akatsuki Village to unify the ninja world...

Is such a thing really possible?

You know, unifying the ninja world is something that the first generation of Hokage did not do in the past!

"Shokuhou, is this plan too bold? For the sake of the village, should we be more conservative..."

Facing Tsunade's doubts, Shokuhou Misaki said:

"Teacher Tsunade, in fact, we don't have to worry about the risks at all. Because in this plan, the one who bears the greatest risk is Hokage. Once there is any accident during the planning process, we just need to give up Hokage! Anyway, he is the one who contacted the four major ninja villages, and the Chunin exam is held in Akatsuki Village. Most of the ninjas in our Konoha Village are not at risk at all! "

"Even if the plan proves impossible to achieve, we can still let Lord Hokage continue to dream of being Hokage in the Hokage Building as Kabuto Yakushi said! After all, we have too many ways out and room for maneuver in this plan, and we don't have to worry about the risk of failure. In this case, why don't we implement it?"

Hearing this, Tsunade also nodded and said:

"Okay! But I still feel a little unsure, after all, what we have to calculate this time is the entire ninja world!"

Don't worry

, Teacher Tsunade.

Shokuhou Misaki looked at Kabuto Yakushi below and thought:

This time, it's not just Konoha that is plotting against the ninja world, but also the Twilight Hermits!

And Kabuto, it's time for you to join our Twilight Hermits!

After such a discussion, everyone finally determined the final plan. That is to continue to follow Sarutobi Hiruzen as the Hokage in name, but secretly unite all the Konoha power factions including Kakashi, and directly undermine all the power of Sarutobi Hiruzen. Let Sarutobi Hiruzen become the daimyo in "Three people make a tiger", and lose all his power unknowingly.

When the plan of "Three people make a tiger" is realized to a certain extent, help Sarutobi Hiruzen promote the corresponding plan. On the surface, send people to follow Sarutobi Hiruzen, contact the four major ninja villages, but secretly form an alliance with the Akatsuki Village. Find a way to weaken the strength of the four major ninja villages at one time in the Chunin Exam a few years later.

So everyone dispersed, and Shokuhou Misaki also returned home. But she was destined to be unable to sleep tonight, because she was going to convene the Twilight Hermits Meeting again tonight, and she also wanted to let Kabuto Yakushi join the meeting.

Where is this place?

Because he had experienced too many things today, Kabuto Yakushi fell asleep on the bed not long after returning to his residence. But what he didn't expect was that he suddenly regained consciousness in his dream just after he fell asleep. Then what was waiting for him was a deep dream.

This is a beach shrouded in dusk, and a mysterious celestial body called a black hole is hanging above the sea. Under the dim light, a majestic man appeared in front of Kabuto Yakushi. He has long black hair, and a pair of eyes are the legendary Mangekyō Sharingan.

Seeing this man, Kabuto Yakushi's heart tightened.

This is, Uchiha Madara!

Encountering Uchiha Madara in a dream, Kabuto Yakushi hasn't spoken yet, but "Uchiha Madara" said:

"Do you know that you are under an illusion!"


Looking at the mysterious and beautiful dusk beach around him, Kabuto Yakushi said:

"Are you referring to this illusion space?"

"Of course not!" "Uchiha Madara" shook his head and said:

"You were already under the illusion before entering this illusion space!"

How is this possible!

Kabuto Yakushi remained calm, but thought to himself:

I am still confident in my illusion level. How could I be confused and not notice it at all? Even you, Uchiha Madara, don't have such an illusion level, right?

Just as Kabuto Yakushi was surprised, "Uchiha Madara" said:

"Do you know that you have become someone else's puppet without knowing it? Someone is using you to gather most of the Kage-level strongmen in the entire ninja world through you, and then catch them all in one fell swoop. But you are unaware of it and act like a fool in accordance with the will of others."

How is this possible? Are you talking about some myth?

Controlling me unconsciously, this kind of thing is already bizarre enough.

You actually said that someone wants to wipe out most of the Kage-level masters in the entire ninja world?

How is this possible! Even the first generation Hokage and you, Uchiha Madara, can't challenge the entire ninja world alone, right?

Obviously, it is impossible for Kabuto Yakushi to believe the nonsense of "Uchiha Madara" in a short period of time. Just as he was about to continue to refute, a familiar voice came from the illusion space:

"Oh, really! You, don't you realize the purpose of my saying the fable of 'Three people make a tiger'?"

Hearing this voice, Kabuto Yakushi turned his head suddenly and saw Shokuhou Misaki standing there, saying to himself:

"It's not just Sarutobi Hiruzen who will be deceived by 'Three people make a tiger', we are the same. Maybe that person can't hypnotize us directly through illusion, but it's still easy for her to hypnotize the people around us. Imagine if the people around you are guiding your thoughts, how can you guarantee that what you think belongs to you?"

If it was just Uchiha Madara, Kabuto Yakushi might still think that all this is a lie in the illusion space. But when Shokuhou Misaki appeared and said the fable of "Three people make a tiger", Kabuto Yakushi was shaken.

Is he really being deceived?

Three people make a tiger, three people make a tiger. I thought Sarutobi Hiruzen was a fool who was deceived by three people. It turns out that I am the same when the time comes?

Of course, as the ace spy of the ninja world, Kabuto Yakushi is not so easy to fool.

So when he was still hesitating, Shokuhou Misaki changed the illusion space again. This time, the mysterious dusk and the black hole symbolizing the end of the world disappeared, and what appeared in front of Kabuto Yakushi was his past.

It was an orphanage, and standing in front of the orphanage, He

Of course, it was the person he regarded as his mother.

Yakushi Nono.

"What is this?"

"This is your past experience." Shokuhou Misaki said:

"As one of the best ace spies in the ninja world, Kabuto, you have been watched by Madara-sama for a long time!"

As he said this, Yakushi Kabuto saw himself being adopted by an orphanage, and then being forced by Danzo to join the Root to perform various tasks, and then being abandoned by the Root, and accidentally killing Yakushi Nono, and then meeting Orochimaru...

All these things, many past events were somewhat forgotten by Yakushi Kabuto himself, but they were displayed very clearly in the illusion space. It was as if someone was really watching by his side when these things happened.


Seeing his past being revealed so unconcealed, even Yakushi Kabuto's mind fell into stagnation.

Uchiha Madara on the side continued:

"I have been watching you for a long time! Even the reason why you met Orochimaru was arranged by me. Because Orochimaru is too important, I hope someone is lurking around him. And the facts have proved that you have indeed become Orochimaru's confidant."

"You guys, are you trying to sow discord between me and Lord Orochimaru?" Kabuto Yakushi said dissatisfiedly.

Since everything in the past has been revealed, Kabuto Yakushi will not pretend anymore.

At this moment, he showed his loyalty to Orochimaru.

"Not really, I just hope to pass on some important information to Orochimaru through you. After all, the same information is most likely to gain Orochimaru's trust when you pass it on."

"Important information?"

"Yes, such as the secrets of the Otsutsuki clan!"

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